Unspent Profession Points - After Cap

There is a message that tells you “you have unspent profession points” which is fine, but once you have capped a profession (skinning in this case), this message should be turned off. Otherwise every time you start the game, or portal, or refresh the UI, the message returns.

Also, is there any way to let us “spend” points once we are post-cap on something useful, rare mats maybe or artisan’s mettle, something like that. just to give us a reason to keep collecting, or ever just as a benefit to the long slog it is to max any of the professions.

The only uses for keeping on aggregating points are :-1:
i) artisan mettle (provided you are not a double gatherer where mettle has little use once you have your profession accessories) - you still get artisan mettle from each skill point; and
ii) for later use if more wheels to fill are added in patch 10.2 (not likely is my guess).

Yes the constant message is annoying. I posted about it on the bug forum - maybe you could post something there - it certainly seems like a bug if you get a message about unspent points if you can’t spend them.

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its kind werid they wouldnt have a fix for when you cap a profession.

like we should be getting no more points but double mettle or something.

i do not see them adding future profession paths at all, or i think we would have seen something in 9.1. if they did i dont see them letting people have just extra points to instantly throw into something.

You may find the solution in the linked thread helpful

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