Unreasonable chat suspension for advertising in general chat

THen edit and move this to general because your yelling at a brick wall the dev wont see it here.


There isn’t a flaw, just you not liking the answer. You’re not going to get folks agreeing with you when there’s a blue post explained why and what they see in the report.


Bolding it, doesn’t make it a flaw. Again, you’re demonstrating why these threads are violation of the forum rules.

If you feel that account actions, explanations of the rules etc. should be done differently, then post a constructive thread in the General forums (leaving out the account action you received).

CS isn’t a feedback forum and, as Vrak mentioned, CS is not the creator of the rules.


It is.

EULA, yes it is and it’s in the support articles.

Again, it is when reported.

In your opinion, perhaps. I would personally like to see them go back to suspensions…but that’s me.


I supose they could just close the accounts completly even states in the EULA that they can at there discretion.


Because we don’t have any power in regards to the account actions. If you want to basically folks to fight you on the matter, general is the place. CS is a help desk.


Responding doesnt mean we agree with u or agree that the action was wrong.


You’ve been silenced. Not banned, not even suspended. Using proper terminology is important.

It’s a rule, trivial or not. Blizzard decided it should exist, therefore it does.

The warning is when you click “I agree” each time it pops up.

You don’t get to decide your punishment. You could have been fully suspended for a week, rather than just silenced in-game. Either way, you’ve learned what you shouldn’t do going forward. That is what the sanctions exist for. Trying to drive in what is and isn’t allowed.

I will never understand why this is a thing that people like to tout. You’re no martyr. You’re not speaking for anyone else but yourself. YOUR case isn’t going to be identical to anyone elses, anymore that THEIR cases are specifically like yours. That’s not even to point out that fact that no one reads anything - as evident by the fact that you were sanctioned and are now going off the rails.

Because Blizzard said so. That’s all the reason you need. If you don’t like that, there are other games out there.


To be frank, you’re not the first to try to ‘shed light’ on this. I don’t get folks who do this think this is some magical new thing that just was put in yesterday. This been in game for a good long while. Nothing posting about being some kind of martyr will magically turn it into a hot topic here.

The irony here is: the players was the ones who wanted the change - getting tried of folks flooding every channels with ads. Folks wanted X for X thing and Y for Y thing.

That doesn’t work that way; much like a troll/bait threat, just because folks interact with it, doesn’t mean its relevant. Reaction posts are a thing and getting a rise out of folks are some folks goals.


It proves the opposite, really. It shows folks don’t want to see a spam of ads in different channels as it that person is the only one allowed to get the jobs on the server. Like I’ve said, this rule was put in place by player request as they was getting tried of seeing such.

Folks tend to stroll to bottom, hit agree. Then find that the rules they didn’t read yet agreed to are enforced.

Because Blizzard doesn’t talk about other people account actions and folks don’t yell from the rooftops about theirs. You’re not part of either part when Blizzard action someone. If you think someone is breaking the rules, report them. This isn’t pre-k and pointing at someone else doesn’t make your own actions disappear.


The rules were clearly stated when they created the anniversary servers. You either didn’t read them or claim you didn’t read them and didn’t know, and then you violated these rules. Your ignorance of the rules is not a valid excuse for you to break them. You’re now paying the price for this. This isn’t unfair, and you’re not a victim, and no the suspension is not unreasonable…

You are not going to get people on your side complaining on this board, especially since there is a large number of people that are tired of people incorrectly using channels like what you have been doing. Your probably best to walk away at this point, you will achieve nothing be creating problems on the forum.


Rules do not need to be stated for anniversary realms, or any other specific realm type; unless the rule is unique to that realm. If you assumed that just because a general rule wasn’t specifically stated it didn’t apply to anniversary realms; that’s on you.

You’re moving the goalposts to try and have a leg to stand on.

First it was a recent change, then it wasn’t in the rules, now it’s not your fault because it wasn’t spelled out as a rule for anniversary realms.

It’s a rule, has been for years. It’s on you if you didn’t know.


This is what we call rule lawyering. Just take responsibility. Stop trying to blame anyone else for your action.


Those are all arguments you used in your comments; hence saying you were shifting the goalposts.

General chat rules aren’t spelled out for anniversary realms or hardcore realms or the other classic realms. They all still apply.

Take some accountability already; this is getting sad.


Whining here will do NOTHING.

If you want to appeal, appeal.

If you want to provide feedback and suggest change, do so via the right channels (in-game, or general). Nobody here can pass than on for you.


Nnnnno, no it does not. You are under some highly misinformed understandings about how the processes work.

You will not get a chance to respond to or discuss anything during the appeals process. All it does is put your situation in front of a different pair of eyes to review the data and see if there was a mistake made.

As it has been pointed out numerous times, you are clear-cut in violation of the policies and it will not be overturned.

It’s remarkably convenient that you keep pushing the in-game angle while avoiding answering what was posed to you several posts back. You are not going to wiggle your way out no matter how much you dodge and deflect.

Good luck to you.


It was thoroughly discussed and communicated at the time the rules changed and there is still a Pinned notice on the top of the General Discussion forums right this second. It is the role of the player to read and understand the rules via the game policy resources. The EULA and the pointed note to go read the policies, is your warning. So is the Social Contract we agree to noting chat infractions have penalties.

They announced the rule changes through several channels/methods before the rule change, and after the rule change. The changes are still posted and reflected in the policies. There is a Social Contract that does pop up reminding you that violating the chat rules does have consequences. Spamming (advertising in the wrong channels) has a consequence.

You currently have the most minimal penalty which is a 1 week Silence that limits social interactions. That is what anyone gets for a first social infraction on the license.

You don’t see what happens to others because we players don’t have the right to their personal account data. Blizzard is reactive though - they depend on people reporting violations for the GMs to check. They don’t have AI scanning chat in real time looking for violations.

Further infractions will be actual game Suspensions. Continuing on the forums can result in a forum suspension too.

You can think that is you want. Vrakthris already told you how to suggest changes to the Devs if you wish to make such a suggestion.

They were, and they are. Your failure to look at the rules is not the fault of Blizzard.

Prior to that they also banned organized cross realm boosting communities.

P.S. You were not suspended. You were chat Silenced. Suspension is the second offense and you won’t be able to play the game at all.


Marv you’re rules lawyering. This will end up closed if it continues.

Don’t advertise where you are not supposed to.

Do appeal.

Good luck.

  1. Because the appeals process is designed for the player to request Blizzard to check the logs incase of a mistake on Blizzard’s end.
  2. Because we are not you. Each action is completely different, even if the reason of the action is the same.
  3. Because it is not our responsibility for you to choose in not to follow the policies in place.

Before spamming the channels, and advertising in the wrong channels, sometimes, it is best to do the research yourself, including coming to Customer Support to get some information if needed. But we are not responsible for your actions, and we don’t have to convince you on anything when it is Blizzard who makes the rules.


Well, simply put - ignorance is no excuse.

Why should you be exempt from penalty/account actio because you didn’t know?

That would become a very convenient excuse for others to use.

This thread really needs to be locked. OP is trying very hard to rule lawyer, even if they claim they aren’t.