It’s not a ban, it’s not even a suspension. It’s a silence. That IS your warning. Repeat the behavior, the next will be a suspension - that means you can’t play for X amount of time. Repeat further, the suspensions get longer till eventually it IS a ban - which means you can’t play on that license at all.
You’ve repeated that a lot. There are no trivial rules. Being dismissive isn’t going to help your case.
There is that word, again. If reported, it will be actioned accordingly. Given your obstinance and combativeness in accepting the very good advice you’ve been given here by your fellow players - I wonder why your realm mates might take the opportunity to report rule breaking. Truly a puzzlement.
Now, I’ve tidied up this thread because all your posts are going over the exact same territory.
You were Silenced - not suspended, not banned.
That is your warning.
As has also been pointed out, reposting a closed thread - especially one that has had a Blue answer about account actions is a very, very bad idea. Looks like you still have an appeal open.
I know you aren’t happy, but those are the rules. I’d suggest you take the recommendations you’ve been given to heart and be just a tad more accepting and grateful to your fellow players trying to help you.