Unranked Gear

Unranked gear should start at 207 instead of 200. Amazing that it’s currently just 3 item levels above honor gear. Must be just another way of keeping casuals, casual.


What would be the difference? Then you would have to make 1400, 1600, 1800, and 2100 higher–or just give no reward for hitting 1400.

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Yes the base at 200 is low for conquest. 207 is more than reasonable while not making PVE players feel forced to PVP.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Rating should only effect the speed at which you get gear, not the power of the gear itself. Otherwise you get the impenetrable monopoly on high item level and high rating we have now…


FTFY /10char

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Personally I kind of agree with this. I Think 1800 should 226 and 2.1k should be 232 and glad should be 238. Match mythic raiding with glad. Leave heroic and m+ where it is

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