Unprunning was a bad idea

I actually like Hunter’s Mark becoming baseline because it allows me to have Streamline (updated) and Hunter’s Mark at the same time! Woot! Now, if they could just make Barrage and Camouflage baseline too, I’d be over the moon.

Please don’t try to make MM as boring as BM. Yes, there are more buttons, but they all matter and it can be fun to use them to their fullest extent.

30 keybinds when typical rotation involves 5 buttons…

Its just an illusion of depth. I’d much rather see fewer abilities with more depth to them than so many buttons that never get touched.


This “unpruning” was a PR stunt.


Hunters mark was the worst of them to come back

Most others were rare buttons you didn’t exactly need to bind or really good tools worth a bind

Hunters mark is a dud though because it’s the most boring ability in the game, you have to cast it and it make it annoying to swap targets

So you want classes to lose their identity so you can have an easier time turning this RPG into a competition? No. Go play Fortnite.


My great gran pappy “Ol Reliable” Used to tell me “Just cause they are there, that don’t mean ya need to push it.”

One one hand, I really love the return to classes having “class” abilities, that exist regardless of your specialization. It makes the game feel more like an RPG.

On the Other hand: There’s a lot of things that didn’t really need to come back.
Like Macro-ing Intervene and Charge together when they used to just be one ability, or Putting Slam back on fury warrior.

Arcane shot on survival hunter. Primal Strike on Shaman. Things that really serve no purpose that only came back to “unprune”

I think the change is positive but has a lot of unnecessary outliers.

The OP is a very competitive player so I’m always surprised he hangs around at WoW when there are much better high skill competitive games to play with no barrier to entry.


This. :100: :point_up_2:

Maybe you should, like, keep playing DH then since you enjoy it and let other people enjoy what they like. Weird concept, I know, but maybe give it a try? :slight_smile:


Speak for yourself.

I like having options.

Now if I have to use 30+ keybinds all the time to be competitive that’s annoying.

Utility, however, is not.

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Except just like those who said the old talent builds had the, “illusion” of choice - it’s wrong. Having a large spellbook is amazing. I love it in Classic.

I played the PTR. On several classes. I like having all of those abilities back. So, like, you’re wrong.

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The beauty in curse of tongues is adding that extra bit of cast time to their spells or making them blow a GCD to rectify it, it’s nice for comps that aren’t stacked with kicks. I’m not high rated on any character by any means, but I run on teams with a low amount of kicks a lot of the time lol.

Hunters mark could probably be baked into a shot but I think it being used to increase damage and funnel into one target could be neat as well depending on the interactions it gets.

Also, when I’m running in fear on my warlock as destro, I’m more than happy to toss a quick corruption for the extra damage while moving.

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idk, my warrior could really use mass spell reflect back :wink: or stormbolt without taking away double charge. stuff like that.

ill find a way to get them a keybind no worries !

if you cant find enough keybinds on a keyboard with 3 easy modifiers… maybe youre a console gamer at heart :wink:

im sorry if you couldnt play wow on your NES controller anymore


Next expansion gonna be interesting if that’s what BFA “top players” think, lol.

If you don’t put it up that’s an automatic 5% dps loss. Blizzard will balance your power budget around it being up, not around it being off.

Unpruning is great, stop trying to make this game as brain dead as your class is.

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That’s cool.

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