Unpopular Opinion

Well said!

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The core of the cultural divide is exactly this. One side wants nothing more than to follow it it, the other wants "Rules For Thee, But Not For Me.

Add to this, that everyone feels that they’re always right about everything. Noone will actually listen or have a good faith discussion. They just want their personal opinions validated and supported. There isn’t time for anything else. Critical thinking has been replaced by gifs and memes. News has been replaced by punditry and propaganda. The Marketplace of Ideas is basically overstocked with Intellectual Bloodsports, Clickbait, and Cheap Infotainment.


… started with Adam and Eve.

The internet was around long before 1991.

Who stole the Apple???

It was her👉

…soon after the first crime was committed came the first lie…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No see, people have never thought someone elses opinion was more important than their own. They always know best…despite no training, education, or experience in the matter


Maybe I should have said “the web” then.

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Honestly you shouldn’t have had to.

It was a factual statement that needed no further clarification and was just funny.

The ‘counter responses’ potentially proved the OPs point but certainly proved mine that there isn’t much of anything that can’t be ‘bickered’ about.


Well unfortunately some folks think respect is something one has to earn instead of having a general standard that can either degrade or rise.

Doesn’t help that people are impatient and can’t be bothered to chill for 5min.

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Empathy is a dying trait in our society, it is seen as weakness.


Ask people to have a modicum of respect, they snap and throw a fit about “woke” and “progressives”


Lol what?

10 char.

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Like the above poster said, being nice is a weakness and narcissism and abrasive approaches are approved.


I play several other games…wow is unique in its own way…since I’ve played (2007)
Wow is always in the verge of dying, or the game is too easy now ( yep heard that in tbc) just constantly fighting on the forums and in game…yes other forums for other games have some of that but not to the extreme like wow. If you’re looking for the the perfect community…there isn’t one, but I would say it doesn’t take much to find a better one than this one.
People in RL seem to be a lot more negative now as well… social media is partially to blame.

Hell it started when the humans were starting to walk up right

google said January 1, 1983

what happened during those 8 years?

Being developed.

I said, “when it came online,” not when it was invented.


No hugs, you might give covid :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Parents didn’t use to coddler their children. In the summer you went out and played with your friends instead of sitting in a room staring at a monitor. You broke a few bones doing stupid stuff but you were stronger for it! When the sun went down you came in for dinner and then watched whatever you could find on the three tv networks that broadcast in your area. Darwin was still in full effect. We need to bring back survival of the fittest I tell ya! Builds real character!

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I feel kinda bad for laughing at this but i did get a good chuckle.