Unpopular opinion, the game would be just fine without M+

It’s not though. The core foundation of WoW is built off of DnD principles. You are just cherry picking systems that are unique to MMOs and trying to say it totally changes how the core game plays.

I don’t agree. I’ve been working my way up to +15s and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Getting better each day with my buddies :). It’s actually been a lot more chill than I thought it would be as well.

While I am hardly the biggest fan of Mythic+ stuff (and think it needs some work) dropping it entirely would cost Blizzard a ton of subscribers who love that and play just to get to that point.

M+ Solves the content drought problem pretty effectively, there’s no way it’s ever going to go away now.

If they dropped it I certainly wouldn’t play, or buy the next xpac.

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For me, dungeons were the original “killer app” of WoW and still are. I’m glad mythic plus keeps them relevant for longer (instead of just pre-raid and maybe a daily heroic) and provides an engaging content type for a smaller group of friends.

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Why does it almost always seem like the players that say this, have never actually tried a difficult key?

I’m not talking about principles, just how the game functions. This argument really doesn’t matter, though. We’re on the same side. I think Mythic+ is terrible and the timer is toxic.


well we do have data about the pre-M+ era… it start at classic all the way until WoD.

and that data tell us all the PvE’er just raid logged ; WoW became a ghost town after the first few week of a new tier.

M+ changed all of that , in a good way, and this is why it’s one of the most popular feature ever added by blizzard.

Angry and insulting, as always. Why would anyone who does not currently do these dungeons want to do them if everybody who does them is like you?

It’s an insult to point out relevant experience? Yikes.

I do not think SL would have enough content without M+.

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The game would easily die without mythic plus. Let’s look at content outside of mythic plus. World quests, boring chores, the classic gerbil on the wheel. PvP, I do enjoy it, a majority of the player base does not. Raids, you can clear it full outside of mythic in a single day. The reason why classic does so we’ll is there is no flying, content is difficult, professions matter, you can run old raids because alot of players are missing gear. Like mythic plus is the only saving grace to retail, everything besides PvP is a joke.

I think you underestimate the amount of players that dislike M+.


You could still have a timer for that, but just for informational purposes. So the leaderboard would be highest key completed in the quickest time, but the time isn’t important if your goal is just to clear as high as you can go.

With key depletion and so much tied to the timer, it incentivizes early bailing rather than communication and strategizing.


Its super easy to not bother with Mythic+ if you don’t like it, that’s a pointless aspect to go over.

What I’d like to see are tweaks to it to make it more attractive and less corrosive to player behavior.

The content is barren enough as is. What game are you playing?

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They never had mythic before and everyone can now attest to how popular classic WOW is. Definitely do not need it in retail WOW. You are not allowed to comment/disagree with this if you never played before M+ because your view is tainted by only having experienced the game with it as part of the game.

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So running the same content over and over again solves Blizzard being one of the worst companies at producing content at a steady pace? This is exactly why M+ sucks, it gives cover for Blizzard not creating new content. I personally think the novelty with M+ is starting to wane.

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You can’t be serious? This is just an opinion that doesn’t have any kind of data to back up the claim lol. M+ is popular because it was a loot pinata and the lack of loot in SL is showing that M+ was never popular due to it being fun content.

The game would be more than fine without it. The issue at hand is removing it now without adding something “better” is going to be a challenge. I mean the game worked fine for years and years without m+. Personally I couldn’t care less if m+ is removed. I don’t think it’s good for the game/community. Then again we’re in 2021 so being toxic is just a part of being a person.