Unpopular opinion, the game would be just fine without M+

Blizzard hit a homerun with the Mythic+ idea.

But then they redesigned the game so that the only way to score any points is to hit a homerun. Instead of it being a fun novel addition to the game, they’ve lost most of the mechanical identity of the game in favour of championing that single ideal circumstance.

I agree. 20m Mythic should’ve been never brought back and is the main reason I stopped with mythic raiding, along with other friends i know. Its time to bring back 10m mythic raiding, along with 10m only raids.

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There’s nothing wrong with the TIMERS. The timer is very FORGIVING. The main reason why M+ fails is becoz of DEATHS. DEATH cause timer penalties. WIPES cause HUGE TIMER PENALTIES. And that is the main cause of your failures in M+. Not the speed.

Ask Blizz to slap people of the DEATH COUNT at the end of every filed M+, becoz it’s the DEATH AND WIPES causing it fail not the speed.

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Timers is almost everything that is wrong with M+. If a group needs 10 more min to figure out how to kill a difficult boss by talking strategy, etc. or a difficult mob pack, they should not be punished for this.
Would you bring back limited attempts on bosses in raids? Of course not, it destroys the whole purpose and is bad design in all ways.

If at all, the timer should only be counting while you are infight, not while standing around and discussing things. Would atleast fix that problem, but you still have tons of classes that will be rejected because they simply su** performance wise. And thats a nogo in an MMORPG like WoW. Blizzard can never balance perfectly and therefore timer based content makes 0 sense, as it always moves towards max performance.

Currently you just dont pick the bad spec/non meta classes. Higher keys you ONLY take meta classes.
If the keys have no timer anymore, id rather pick a guy I know i can finish the dungeon with since theres no timer, than waiting 20 min to pick a fotm reroller.

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You dont learn strategies at higher keys. You learn it on Normal, Heroic, Mythic 0 with no timers… or even on low keys with very forgiving timers. You dont learn strategies at higher M+ key. That’s the problem of many noobs. They want to do straight to high key not learning the basic strategy from the lower difficulty dungeons. Practice is not on high keys fyi. Practice is on dungeons with no timers or dungeons with very forgiving timers.

That’s why we screen out no experience people on high keys. We will not teach you of the strat. There is youtube there… practice it on M+0.

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You learn nothing in those modes. Maybe oh this boss does X.

Mythic 0 is where you really start to learn because the bosses have their full features unlocked.

This always seemed silly to me that the content at M0 isn’t that much harder than normal/heroic. They should just dump those and then have M0 be the start.

M+ would be fine if it did never messed with other forms of progression.

Learning in Normal, Heroic, right. You slash through them brainlessly. Mythic more or less the same.
Besides what about affixes? Tyrannical alone changes the playstyle on so many bosses, especially if you think about the different class setups you can go through.

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M+15 is beatable by any spec/ any class. Those who do above M+20 are the only ones who need the META CLASSES.

I wouldn’t be subbed right now without M+

Doesnt change the fact that nobody takes non meta classes for 15 keys. Get back to reality. You also don’t need AoTC to beat a boss in HC, yet its often required by groups. Its far worse for M+ though

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Take note, we do Normal while leveling starting at level 50. And when we reach max level, we could do on the first day a Heroic dungeon. We would be destroyed in Mythic 0 if we go straight to it without Normal and Heroic first.

It’s like the noob who hasnt done any dungeons and went straight to +3 or +4. They got destroyed and now come to forums to whine.

You are not sure with that. The main reason a 15 player got denied becoz there are people who has better experience than them. Compare a guy who just did 1x or 3x +15s and there are more than 10 people who has 20x +15s who also wants to be invited. Who would you choose if you are the keyholder?

For what its worth (not much) I agree with the OP. In fact Id say WoW was and would be better without M+. But it will never happen as Ion Hazzikostas is obsessed with timed content. Just go find his youtube guides on how to speed run Zul’Aman for the bear mount. Hell, we are lucky Torghast isn’t timed.

I love them. It’s called FLAVORS. It spice up the run. We repeat the dungeons over and over. This was the thing since Vanilla. And it gets old if they would be the same week after week. Now put a flavor, and viola… a delicious menu. I love it. Sometimes affix makes it harder for me as range, easy for melee. Sometimes affix makes it harder for melee, a cake for me. Like last weak, a headache for healers… Grievous. If you are smart, you would have food buff that gives 1000 health per 5 second when you are not in combat to help the healer. Flavors. Gotta love them. We love challenges. Bring it on.

Who hates challenges? I am sorry. I understand the game is becoming harder and harder. It’s becoming more fun to me. There is always Normal, Heroic and M+0.

The main thing I don’t like about M+ is that the “work” is mostly in the trash. The boss fights are such that once you get the mechanics down the only way to beat higher bosses is to get higher gear with more health and stats. At that point it’s just a snake eating its own tail.

Sigh lol, the entire foundation of the game is based off the DnD formula. When you are in those raids, there are dice rolls going on for every button you push. MMOs just scaled up the amount of people in a dungeon too, you could have a 20 person DnD session if you wanted too.

Collecting cosmetics items though? Weird point to try to support your thesis.

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Classic WoW and soon to be TBC Classic will continue to prove you wrong lol.

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You can’t balance 36 specs around content like M+ without having a ton of overlap in the classes. This is why M+ is a terrible system for a MMO.

The gameplay is entirely different. This is literally the only thing thing I’m saying, and the only thing that matters.