Unpopular opinion, the game would be just fine without M+

it is not optional to a ton of players when it is part of the fastest method of gearing

agree that it would die off pretty quickly if huge carrots weren’t on it

participation had already dropped off massively in the current tier, thus the new super grindy valor system to bring it back up again

I think it would be fine if the resources that went into M+ went into more content. Like more dungeons, more cosmetic armor sets, more customization options COUGHCOUGH.

I do like to run M+ from time to time and overall I think it’s a good addition but I do feel like Blizz has a tendency to lean on M+ and other e-sports kinda stuff wayyyy too much.


While I understand your sentiment I would much prefer a parallel dungeon system that can be done that isn’t timed and still offers meaningful upgrades. I’d rather both that camp and m+camp to be happy. No reason to remove something people love but rather add something for those who don’t love mythic+.

Why must the game cater to this group of players though? The M+ scene is probably one of the most toxic forms of content I’ve ever played in gaming and I play CSGO and League, even their communities aren’t as bad as the M+ scene in WoW.

I think WoW hit it’s sweet spot in TBC for dungeon difficulty.

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M+ is a good activity but it is absolutely not necessary to play the game. Some people like it and it is an activity that is easier to schedule than raids because it requires fewer people. But you don’t “need” M+ gear to do raids or anything else, it’s just nice to have.

No offense, but the only people I meet that think the whole m+ community is toxic are those that have done very little m+. Most people are not toxic. The competitive nature of it brings it out of people more regularly but it’s also way more fun for those that value a competitive environment. Can’t control people, only how you react to them. So, apologies for bad experiences you’ve had but it’s not representative of the whole community. Also, LoL community (I played in early 2010s until 2014 give or take a couple years) is way more toxic. Or at least it was then.

I totally get where you’re coming from though. I wish there was a form of content that was harder than heroics dungeons but not based on timers like m+ that was actually rewarding. Idk what that would be though in the current game.


ROFL MMORPGs are literally video game versions of DnD. From EQ to WoW they literally are just a way for people to play DnD online.

MMORPGs are NOT just a fantasy version of CoD or Donkey Kong. This idea is what Brough on the E-Sport culture and what has ruined the genre. It turned them into just any other video game instead of their own special category.

It’s also why I prefer things like EQ TLP servers or Classic.


I only play WoW for Mythic + content honestly.

First sensible thing I’ve yet to hear about it! Yeah, no way can I handle timers let alone that i.o. thing. It’s optional content. That’s all with gear you guys seem not to get which seems terribly unfair.

I chose a different path and live with the consequences. Seems like everyone is getting a bit screwed regardless. Though I do believe this expac was geared to appease PVPER’S & Raiders…but enuf on that one.

Have a great day and goodclucknon your runs!

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Personally, I love running the same content over and over and over with it getting incrementally more difficult depending on how dumb people are playing on any given day.
Just like I loved Proving Grounds.
Or Torghast.

Or like the fact that we don’t even really get new tier sets anymore.
Blizz is getting lazy.


This is why I hate M+ and think it is a cancer to the game…


Not at all. Their gameplay is much different. I’ve played a couple MMO’s, but I’ve never once played DnD.

Solo dungeons with an NPC party, similar to Rainbow Six style of play… I would love this.

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Almost every single thing you are doing in an MORPG is based on DnD. When video games came out they were like Pong and nothing more advanced. Pure twitch mechanics.

When Chainmail launched (which became DnD) it was the first time games really quantified life in a game. You still use the same terms from DnD from:

Stat points
Skill points
Armor types
Armor Class
Resistance systems

I mean I could go on and on and on. Simply going into a “dungeon” harkens back to DnD where you went into a “dungeon” and hated harder monsters for better loot.

Sure WOW is more of a “hack and Slash” Lind of DnD session vs a more serious RP one, but at it’s core every single bit of WoW can trace it’s design back to Gary Gygax. And this from a guy who hasn’t played DnD in over 40 years.


The speed of the run is not really the main cause of failures on M+. It’s the DEATH COUNT causing it to fail becoz a death gives timer penalty. And a WIPE gives bigger timer penalties. Blizz really has to change our screen to slap people on their screen of the DEATH COUNTS when they fail M+. Becoz it’s really not the speed.

I dont encounter much leavers at +7/+8 keys where I am at. Most groups are after for the completion not the timing as Completion is the requirement of the Weekly Vault. But if the group gets multiple wipes on an easy trash before the first Boss, I can understand somebody would leave. People at +7/+8 should know the drill and they would expect pressure. They wont leave.

But a first timer who hasnt seen the fight before and he saw it the first time and if he got pressured, he’s the one who usually leaves. That’s why we dont want first timers on higher keys. We know he wouldnt handle the pressure. And if he’s offended that he’s not invited on higher key, it’s his fault for not providing us proof that he could handle higher key dungeons. We’re not toxic. We just want fluid peaceful run.


Of course it would. There was no Mythic+ for the majority of the game’s life span. It would arguably be better off without it. I do understand it has a strong following and many players enjoy it … which is too bad because it sucks, lol.


You are trying to argue with someone that doesn’t really appreciate the full potential that MMOs could provide. Having so much of the game revolve around e-sport style content is a slap in the face to the original vision people had for MMOs. What we have now isn’t an evolution of the genre, but rather a devolution.


Excuse me? If you read my post history, you will see that I myself have often spoken against the game being focused on Esports. I have argued for things like player housing. I’ve said multiple times that this game isn’t being treated like an RPG. I simply disagreed that MMO’s were online versions of DnD.

They are though lol.

I didn’t know you could do 20 man raids in DnD, and collect mounts and transmog.