Unpopular opinion, the game would be just fine without M+

Thats kind of the point though. WoW has pumped so much time and effort into becoming an Esports game to keep up with the latest trends that the core game has suffered.


Pulls up a chair

M+, easy gear? Easy to assemble a competent group?

What? What?

there was someone that said they didn’t “have time” to raid. who then complained they played for 40+ hours in one week and that the gear they got from mythic+ was unacceptable. 40+ hours and 3874593475 dungeons and you couldn’t do a raid in that time instead?

the truth is it’s that’s mythic+ is more convenient and easier so you get more chances at gear more quickly. that’s the main difference vs raiding.

yes some people can fit in a dungeon or two a week. but those people could also PUG a raid and do a few bosses and get more chances in that same time frame.


tl;dr: mdps mad about getting declined from M+

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I haven’t touched M+ in SL lol. You guys need to come up with better rebuttals. By the way, snarky responses like this just proves my point even further.

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Clearly you don’t tank cause tanking is a snoozefest without it

Kiting mobs is fun?

The face tank thing only happens in high keys. Plus im a G-druid so I still can face tank anyway lol

then why do you care about content you don’t even play? :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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Because it has an effect on the entire game, duh!


A simple fix is to remove the time constraints but still provide the side of M+ that caters to those that love the speed run aspect. I think people would be a lot more relaxed if we weren’t expected to play this game like cogs in a machine.

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You would rather be stuck in a long raid for half of the day trying to down the boss over and over again? In my opinion M+ are a lot more time efficient and there is often a high chance of success within the same run.

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I’d rather dungeons be dungeons again, instead of hallways of trash mobs.


I dont like M+. This is one of the reason I quit Diablo 3. Its just even more repetitive content.

Raiding is better. Loot tables from bosses are guaranteed the same. Droprates is another matter.


How is it different from raid dungeons that have just as many trash mobs before each boss?

You’ll have to elaborate that excuse further; everything has an effect on the entire game.

apples and oranges

Why? You are are going to just reply with some snarky 1 sentence response like “git gud noob”

WoW has been with us for 15 years. We destroyed Normal Dungeon difficulty of Classic. We destroyed heroic difficulty … is it introduced in BC or WoTLK? Anyway, we graduated from those lowbie difficulties and we need harder content. Mythic+ was invented on Legion. It has unlimited difficulty. And many loved it.

We dont want to go back to easier difficulties of the past. We want challenging. 15 years of WoW and still cant beat Heroic 5-man? Man, step up your game.

Btw, M+ is not about speed run if you are smart. It should be about avoiding death or wipes so you wont get timer penalties. If you dont know this, play more M+. Blizz should slam people on their screen of their number of deaths if they fail the timer. Becoz it’s not speed that failed the group, it’s their number of deaths/wipes.

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