Unpopular opinion, the game would be just fine without M+

Indoor plumbing FTW.

I personally disagree.
I know many people who would pick Mythic+ over raiding any day usually because of personal time constraints… not everyone has the ability to raid weekly for a set time/duration… nor does everyone have the ability to find a raiding guild they like and fit well into.

It also seems a bit ironic to say “I think the game would be fine without xyz” when a huge point of contention on the forums recently has been asking the devs to add in MORE progressive content for solo/casual players.

If the devs removed 1 of the 3 current ways to get high level gear especially with the previous state of raid drops… it would most definitely negatively impact the game and the community as a whole.

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Yeah, no, it actually wouldn’t. They’d probably lose about half their subscribers instantly. Nothing would replace mythic+ content. There would just be less to do.

What would people come back for when they remove mythic+? What would exist in the game that doesn’t all ready because of mythic+? Nothing.


I think they should remove raiding, honestly. M+ is more modern than the old raid model.


M+ is very toxic and it is a player problem.


Removing M+ would just turn the game into raid logging simulator. While that’s certainly possible to do now, removing raiding in favor of M+ would probably have the same effect of a lot of raiders not bothering to log in but for a dungeon a week, or just flat out quitting. So either way, nobody wins.

M+ is my favorite end game content.

Raid is too time consuming. DPSing a boss for 30min is not fun to me.

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Existed fine? M+ was added specifically to address the millions of players that quit WoD over lack of content.

Next you will tell us that rated pvp has ruined wow.


Make. Your. Own. Groups.

With the number of people who complain about M+, you can certainly find at least 4 other people here, no?

By your own claims, M+ is easy so it’s even BETTER for you!


Man, it really hurts to think about, imagining a version of WoD that had M+. A WoD with Shatt raid, Farahlon, and M+ would have been amazing. Possibly one of the best ever.

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Welcome to WoW. WoW could be great. But instead we stay in a circular cycle of development where everything has to be a compromise between players who have completely opposite opinions. No one is ultimately happy.

I’m still disappointed about both of these. :frowning:

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I like to increase ilvl by doing dungeons with increasing difficulty, but I don’t consider a speedrun system to be the best.

What there should be, is that the speedrun is completely optional and get items that are 1 ilvl less or not much noticeable difference in that they do, and that the difficulty of the dungeon increases in each encounter until you can no longer.

Just imagine defeating a boss depleted +2 sec, it’s not satisfying at all. Instead of a raid, I feel that satisfaction. I did some dungueons in classic, and it feels satisfying when you get something, because the enemies are very strong. Maybe this is one of the reasons why some people think Classic is better than Retail.

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read disclaimer, my opinion is anecdotal at best.

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It doesn’t sound like you hate Mythic+ or challenging 5 man content - you just hate the timed aspect of it.

Thanks for the kind words.


Doesn’t the popularity of Classic kind of disprove this hypothesis?

I think the introduction of M+ has a large factor in them being lazy about making actual new content after the expansion is released.

I haven’t touched M+ in SL


It was fine without m+, there is no reason to say it wouldn’t be . It would just revert back to the old model where dungeons are pre raid pve stuff.

it ain’t that popular lol. oh ya lets just keep the same old thing forever to gear raiding no thanks, this game needs new stuff so bad yet everyone whines wants the same old thing, then boredom, then lots quitting again.

Yes and no. Classic is popular but it’s not popular because it lacks Mythic+, there is more to it than that. My comment was mostly centered around the fact the game without Mythic+ is incredibly shallow.

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