Unpopular opinion (probably) Sylvannas cinematic *spoiler*

You are confusing poor story writing with your hatred of Sylvanas. If not then Anduin needs to die also.

Unless you are hypocrite.

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Sry but for me it’s 2 year and 8 months
Blizz’ve been doing this since BfA.


Hey, if they do go this direction then I want to see all the characters she hurt harass her. Such as Garithos, Desolate council, and Saurfang.

He literally doesnt, if youre just gonna insert your headcanon as whats happening then fine have fun but stop trying to be a weasel and make stuff up as fact.

The Jailer: Too long have I endured the makers flawed design. I will forge a new reality where all serve me.

“Leaving through portal”

The jailer to anduin: Come, witness realities end

This is a transcript of what he actually said. No where at any point did he even mention “His creator”. We dont know exactly who the makers are or his relationship to them. We dont know where he went. We dont know what hes doing.


It was better than I expected to be honest.

The Makers could very easily refer to the Titans as well. They have OCD at imposing order on things. It’s feasible they did the same to the Shadowlands perhaps and helped the Pantheon of Death at some point?

I dunno. I just remember someone saying somewhere that if the “star” goes missing, that’s a problem. I wonder if anyone can confirm if the red star is above Azeroth after the Raid? :thinking:


Yes, that cinematic where we bring back the primas was pretty cool. But the end cinematic for the raid wasn’t. Just my opinion.


“I will NEVER serve!” says murderer that’s done nothing but serve for her entire existence.


I’m reserving my judgement until I see what happens next.

I wanna see WHY she decided to serve him and what the effects of the soul split are. If the answer to those two are flops then… well I’ll still play the game because the story isn’t whats keeping me playing but dang dude.

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If she’s riddled with guilt, remorse and regret for what she’s done now that her soul is whole, that’ll be a good start.

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Maker creator potato potato


Additionally, it’s my opinion which I knew would be unpopular. No need to get butt hurt about it lol.

I hope Zovaal wins. I want some FF6 World of Ruin level “the heroes lose” going on.

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I mean no disrespect when I say this, but

I wish I was that easily entertained and ignorant of horrible writing + narrative choices


It was cool, but I think it’s kind of dumb that Sylvanas just now figured out the jailer = bad

Like girl, the 100k souls you sent to him that he’s been torturing weren’t a clue?

Come on…


I’ve just learned to appreciate things for what they are. Like I told someone else, if you want to go all Neil de grasse Tyson on everything and criticize every detail, you’ll never enjoy anything. If you’re looking for some great literary work, you’re in the wrong place.


I want him to call me little one and toss me off a cliff with tears comi— wait, is this all an avengers copy cat. Dang it not again!

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That can’t be it. Thanos never dared show so much nip.


I bet if you search the Internet hard enough, you can find Thanos nipples.

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Well I just looked it up. Don’t recommend, unless you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Its never been the benchmark sure, but it used to have much better literary execution.

It also has had ample opportunity financial backing to produce something that could have been great.

Instead we get Thanos 2.0 complete with cosmic mcguffins, and a terrible redemption turn for a character well past it’s expiry date, in quite possibly the most cheesey style in the games history.

Bad guy explains he’s the bad guy, and a big dumb trope of a bad guy at that.
