They won’t abandon it as a feature if they look at ESO and figure out how ESO makes so much money off housing in the cash shop.
I disagree.
Challenge mode scaled your gear down and dungeons did not have higher difficulties or affixes. The only similarity is a timer of sort, and it did not function the same as m+ timers.
love that “degenerate” here just means anything the poster dislikes
“Degenerate” means speedrunning every content without any regard for the rest of the group. Even in leveling normals/heroics, even with new players.
That is objectively bad.
I don’t dislike M+ per se, I enjoy an occasional speedrun myself, but not when everyone tries to bring that concept to every type of content.
If they can add devs “just like that” then I’d still rather they put them in something other than player housing.
They could make the next expansion by hiring 5 world class fantasy writers to collaborate, release 40 Ulduar raids, 900 dungeons, 6,000 mage towers, 300 new zones, flight on launch, no gated content, 1,000 tenders for logging in each day, LF warlocks with Sha flavored pit lords, and a partridge in a pear tree.
The forums would RAGE! I tell ya.
Player housing just needs to be a slow burn/put in the crock pot and let it cook for several expansions.
that was happening long before m+. i started playing in cata and it was definitely already a thing then.
Do me a huge favor and don’t set yourself up to be a hypocrite, then.
That may be a bit short sighted. Everyone benefits from a more robust catalogue of content options.
Even if player housing is not your cup of tea, the things that are your cup of tea will be healthier and better tended to when the game is retaining more players and making more money in general.
Unpopular opinion: Garrisons were a note-perfect simulation of the daily life of a mid-grade staff officer. All it lacked were mandatory daily meeting instances that could have been e-mails.
Just going to say that while yes it happened before Mythic+, it has rewarded and encouraged that mentality making it more accepted which some players dislike.
I want guild halls!
Dang straight Skippy aka Olanida…that it will cost a raid tier is nothing but a dang lie from Blizzard each and every time they use it…
What do liking speedruns in its correct place has to do with disliking it somewhere else?
Are you ok?
That is chicken feed amount…I had 14 maxed out Garrisons turning out about 10K or more a day …70 to 90K a week…add in intro of new battle pet many didn’t want to spend time to get made me 2.25 Million in one day selling 8 of them…
It is shortsighted, I haven’t shied away from saying I do not want player housing, so by default all that dev time, from my point of view, is completely wasted.
I would much rather they put something that may or may not appeal to me, instead of something I know for sure won’t.
I said the same thing about Battle Pets back in MoP when they were introduced …I said it was silly and wasteful…well what happens…WoD rolls in with Garrisons with herb and mine areas to all players thus killing the market for me as that gathered ores and herbs.
I had to think fast on my feet and I turned too Battle pets…I now sit on 1,559 Rare lvl 25 battle pets in my stable…add in the Millions of gold of made of Battle Pets with ones that are somewhat hard and rare to get…Sun Darter Hatchling that came out in WoD netted me 2.25 Million in gold for sale of 8 of them…cause players had the gold and didn’t want to do the puzzle to get the pet.
The little purple wolf from NPC in your garrison I could sell 2 of those a week and make nice profits…
I am rated number 2 on my realm as pet owner just behind one of my Guild mates whom is number 1 for the realm…
I walked into Dragon Flight with over 66,000 pet charms and could buy all the brand new pets and put many to market early on and made tons of gold.
Good for you, I guess.
People been doing that long before m+ it doesnt matter what game you play people want done fast and easy and eant their rewards as soon as possible
Yes people have always done speed runs, the problem is, Mythic+ encourages and rewards that mentality. If Mythic+ was never created it would still happen, but that mentality probably would never have become the accepted norm.