Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

absolutely brainlet take

Most people are going to be doing all that stuff because there is nothing else to do for 2 weeks anyways.

Forcing people to engage with content they don’t care about is also bad gameplay.


Getting lvl 80 is not endgame anyway, what is the point you’re trying to make?

You can still explore every single SQM of the new expansion if you wish to do so + ALL the side quests the game has to offer being lvl 80, what is stoping you?

I like that terminology.

“Brainlet” 2024 Also have to ask, how do we know Goku smoked?

I don’t hate leveling but when the entirety of the game is built around the endgame features I fail to see why we even have it. Don’t get me wrong, I find leveling relaxing. However I think we all should be aware that its just filling an experience bar. It serves no other purpose. I don’t think it serves any purpose in any MMORPG other than filling an experience bar.

If you want to enjoy all the expansion features you have to be at max level. At best leveling will show you how some WQ works when you reach max level. Its entirely pointless in WoW and every other MMO I’ve played. Its more like a delay to those features you bought the expansion for which is why so many speed level through. To the point many don’t even know what the story is about. How could it ever be good enough to them since they raced through it because once again… all the features of the expansion are at endgame.

Once again, I don’t hate leveling. I have over 30 alts. I do every quest of an expansion. But Blizzard has never given me more than that which is fine but I’m not going to pretend the vast majority bought the expansion for that. Clearly they never have. Its weird to expect the playbase to find that the most appealing just because that’s how I play.

You want people to care more about leveling. Make it more than just filling an experience bar and so small story about a lost husband/wife of a character you most likely will never see again. And if you do its just so they can die to. Leveling doesn’t matter. So why not speed through or skip or boost or whatever. The cutscenes don’t care.

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If you like doing what you claim to that doesn’t mean leveling needs to be slower do like I have been doing and stick to one character and then regardless of when you make 80 do everything on just that character before moving onto something else it’s not a hard concept and it doesn’t punish everyone else by making them go slower.


There’s the problem right there. Sure, I get it, but the game has been out, for some, less than two days. I am with the OP on this, BUT…I’m an old (73) man and started playing WoW in 2004…uphill both ways and in the snow.

Times have changed, radically, and its more pervasive than just this game, by a long shot. Humans are being effectively programmed to live closer and closer to machine speed. That might, after all, be the only way we survive the coming machine apocalypse.

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Unfortunately this type of gameplay style is dead. The new generation doesn’t like to wait. They want it now. The days of “it’s about the journey” are long gone. As Garrosh is so fond of stating, “Times change.”

I’m an old coot from ‘04; started in late November of that glorious year. Back then, it definitely was all about the journey. Now, it’s just rush to the endgame as fast as possible.

Not bitter, but it does bum me out a bit. At 57 it reminds me that I’m DEFINITELY older than when I started!


They need to dump leveling already and just go to a gear up system no more scaling to exploit.

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:rofl: Thanks for that laugh.

You know the average person is going to hear what everyone is doing and assume that’s the way to play the game. Despite it primarily just being players who would use CheatEngine on a singleplayer game… Many players follow that “Oh hey, they all jumped off the bridge! My turn!” in the last 8 or so years… It’s only gotten worse.

The POINT I’m making is that they made this entire continent or two of content and instead of actually doing allot of it and learning anything or enjoying the entirety of what is created and given… You/Others of this mindset are rushing to 80 as fast as humanly possible is funny enough the minority of humanity. Tiktok brain of everything going instantly is kinda just “Holy bleep dude… it’s week 1… Calm down.”

there’s follower dungeons if you want to take like 15-20 minutes to do a dungeon though


don’t mind me i’ll just go die in a dungeon at 78 because i get hit by something unavoidable for 40% of my health yep no problem at all. scaling issues for 75 and above? nah. just nerf 70-75 we’ll do 15 minute dungeons


no one was forcing you to do dungeons that way - why are you trying to force us to play the way you like.


It’s not, though. It has a massive endgame. The endgame actually forms from the rest of it… I’ll read the rest but this already I felt needed to be focused on.

This is also super super incorrect and you know it lol

I think at this point you’re just baiting me and I took it… The adventure is all there. All of it. You’re choosing to not see it in favor of rushing all your alts up to the same point. :confused:

I hear you, I just want to do group things with my buddies this weekend when we all have time together. and I only have a few hours each morning after work to play. so 2 days in a row of no playtime and I’m gonna lvl slower afterwards? just personally feels bad

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This isn’t even big talk about dungeons…? Nobody reads the first post i swear.

I disagree.

Leveling quick so I can do what I actually want to do on my alts is awesome. Needing to do the same questing that takes a long time on each character would just make me quit the game or stick to a single character.

This is coming from someone who has done most of the side quests in the game, read just about every quest & extra dialog from talking with characters and took my time on my main. I have a ton of books saved up too that I collected, just have not had the time to sit down and read them.

I love what Blizzard did with leveling and side quests in TWW. The rep gains for finishing quests even make it rewarding to do the side quests at lvl 80. There is so much more flavor, detail, and story content this time around for the players interested in it that everyone not interested can easily skip without issue.

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Its called choice, I like playing the game as I’ve been doing so and I dont care/mind if people like to read every quest msg of all the NPC’s out there and explore at their own pace.

I don’t come here and create a post saying the game should be the way I like to play it.


Oh yeah, there’s plenty for someone like me to do. As I said, I’m not bitter about the new generation of gaming. It is what it is. Neither my son or I raid so our endgame is more about the storyline and completing all the quests, leveling professions and raising our alt army.

I guess it’s because we don’t raid that we don’t feel we need to rush to cap. My son is still in high school so we only have a couple night a week to play together. There is no FOMO regarding catch up because none of his other friends play; this is just our thing together.

I understand what people say about missing out with their friends.

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So then why are you mad that the choice is to have you take longer to level?