Unpopular Opinion: I think LFR should be Changed

That is pretty dumb. May as well lock bosses on any difficulty for each first kill of the week.

Why are you even doing LFR in the first place? It’s completely meaningless to any actual raider since you can just do normal or heroic on the first day.

LFR was designed for the player who either a. doesn’t have time to actually raid in a group but still wants to see the storyline/content or b. can’t actually play their class well enough to complete normal anyways.

Any player who steps foot into LFR wanting it to be challenging or even remotely similar to the real thing is a fool.

LFR is also used for another thing…trolling.

I don’t think you fully understand why people hate LFR

If you’ve got people who don’t like raiding so they do LFR then all they’re doing really is getting free loot, it’s pretty much like getting something for logging in which seems to undermine the whole point of even normal raiding to an extent

I don’t exactly see the point in having a system of content for people that don’t want to do that content

It also teaches players bad habits and let’s them never try to improve their game play, which is pretty much the biggest point people try to push and is the reason why people don’t like LFR because in the long run it effects everyone game play experience. This is why things like raiderIO exist

They don’t need to remove it but they should be changing something along the lines to try to encourage people into normal raids

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It’s not dumb, it’s stopping raiders from just carrying LFR raiders to the point where you can just afk on bosses if you’ve got a few people that know how to do the fights and pull enough numbers to smash the fight down

LFR was literally designed for players who don’t have time to raid to see the content.

The only thing in LFR that should change is it shouldn’t ever be able to titan forge the gear. That is it.

It’s not designed to show you the fights correctly because PTR does that for the playerbase.

Of course it is… It would definitely slow down progression if you can only loot one boss a week at any difficulty level.

Doesn’t bother me, I think it was like that for the majority of wows lifespan

its really hard to find raid groups now. It could do with a mechanism to slow it down

i predict there will be a raid+ feature in wow someday soon

they will keep lfr like it is, but replace normal-mythic with raid+. this could give expansions longer lifespans too.

i should be on the payroll

You have just explained why LFR exists. The bean counters agree with you. So, in order to preserve hard core raiding for the relatively small % of players who do it (including the current Game Director) LFR was created.

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Still quite a bit of time till classic bfa is your expansion its clear we are not changing it just making observations.

I stopped trying to change things for the better long ago.

Unpopular opinion: I have a semi-popular opinion.

ooo a new topic :wink:


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Okay, good, I get to say it here on the new forums like I did on the old:

LFR does not exist to train or teach raiders. It does not exist simply to be a tourist mode for the casuals. It exists because it justifies the cost of raid development. Without it, Blizzard did not get a return on their investment worth spending that much on it, and without it, raid development would likely get gutted.

Blizzard didn’t help this during the Great 2014 We Want To Make LFR Useless Again Tour by saying that it was tourist mode, but simple fact is, without LFR, there would be a lot less money being spent on raiding.

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Disagree. I know I use this argument way too often, however, it bears repeating: The bosses do not drop dead just by looking at them in LFR.

it does require some sort of tanking, button mashing, and healing to down the bosses. There is still some work involved.

Also this is just the new “Normal raider vs Hardcore Raider” argument. This whole argument has been around since forever.

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Nah, I get it. And it’s fine. I’m not here to tell you what you like. However, it’s undeniable that Normal+ modes offer a lot more (good and bad) when compared to LFR.

If you have fun in LFR, I find that cool. It’s not the content I enjoy, but I’m genuinely happy you enjoy a game I enjoy too.

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They might as well, they’re just target dummies to most people

I’m with some of the others who said that LFR isn’t meant to teach people in the first place. As a raid leader myself, I’ve taken people who have never seen the encounters before (this week, even), and taught them in heroic, on the fly, what they had to do, how to do it, and why they had to do it. Sometimes they do it right the first time, and it’s wonderful. Some other people take longer than that.

The thing to remember is that LFR is a casual tool used for the casual purpose of getting casual catch-up gear and letting people casually see the story at the pace of the lore itself. Blizz uses the LFR release schedule to actually plan major updates in the world. Which is interesting. For people who remember when Antorus LFR released its final wing, such was the same day that the sword officially showed up in Silithus for all players of appropriate level.

It’s just what it is, unfortunately. I don’t like LFR. I think the people who rely solely on the pug world and LFR should find guilds so they can enjoy more organized content on a casual level. I enjoy the idea of people pushing themselves to be better in all things, myself included. Certainly not perfect. But it is what it is.


I always get the feeling that these “remove LFR because it’s faceroll blah blah” types never actually do LFR. Sure the damage output by missing mechanics is more forgiving, and sure overall it is just easier in every aspect, but the mechanics of the fights are there, and if some of them aren’t done right you will wipe, constantly, until people do it right. The bosses aren’t just tank and spank loot pinatas.


It shouldn’t be removed at all, it just needs some adjustments that blizzard has been too lazy to implement. The main problem is that the bosses don’t have a high health pool so dps (80% of the raid) just sit around doing nothing and like 2 players deal all the damage. If bosses took longer to kill in LFR it would either persuade people to deal more damage or leave LFR and do Normals.
Also since they don’t do too much damage to the raid healers don’t get much experience. I’m not sure how to fix that. Tanks can learn a lot from LFR and I’ve found its the funnest role to do LFR in.

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So is doing a heroic dungeon “free loot”? The loot in LFR is very low IL and I (as a non-raider) had equal or better gear in most slots by the time wing 1 opened.

Again that is 100% incorrect. It teaches them how to kill content that they are interested in.

How are people who aren’t doing the same content as you impacting the content you do or your experience?

This 100% proves that you do not understand why LFR or even normal raids exist.