Personally, I don’t need to be taught to raid. I did my raid time years ago when I had the time to commit to it. Now, I don’t. But I still like seeing the content while it’s current, and LFR lets me do that, easily (usually… some groups ) and quickly. I get that “real raiders” don’t see it as raiding - and it isn’t raiding. It’s seeing the content. Nothing more than that.
Honestly if there was a raid difficulty to remove it would be the current normal. It made sense when it was Flex for SoO cause Normal still had a fixed group size. But now that both Normal and Heroic use the flex mechanics there really isn’t much point to it besides being a buffer after LFR.
I’m not sure you fully understand why people do LFR either. I’m sure there are lots of reasons people do LFR. None of which matter to me, it doesn’t impact me at all if they do it or not. If you want organized raiding, dungeons runs, M+, or anything else. Then LFR and LFD aren’t for you. Quit worrying about what other people are getting or have.
If anything NEEDS to be removed from the game is the crap thats getting LESS use, not the most.
Look at the profiles of EVERY single person crying about LFR.
EVERY one of them Ive checked has a full page of LFR runs.
some of them seem to be hiding their profiles now to keep from being exposed for the hypocrisy.
Really irritating to be told not to have a drink by someone who is an alcholic.
No…I dont think YOU fully understand OUR position.
WE DONT CARE who doesnt like LFR OR their asinine, selfish, egotistical reasons for hating it.
WE just want them to shut up about it.
It also teaches players bad habits and let’s them never try to improve their game play
WE are happy with it…WE dont want to join your guilds OR run raids with you.
YOU do you…and stop concerning yourself with OUR game.
They don’t need to remove it but they should be changing something along the lines to try to encourage people into normal raids
mmmmmm…NO…they shouldnt.
YOU all should just go play your game and quit nosing into OUR game.
I’m queued for LFR right now for the sole purpose of CTA. I want that cash bag =P
And THERE it is folks.
The REAL reason for the crying about LFR…yet again.
Please folks…STOP with the dishonesty here.
This ISNT about getting us into your guilds so we can raid with you
You could do that by posting INVITES to your guilds in here.
But no…time after time we see threads from people who you have REFUSED to allow into your groups over some achievment they dont have…or an ilvl 9 points too low.
This is about the ego of ‘real’ raiders, nothing more, nothing less.
Your crying is about ‘free loot’ that YOU feel is undeserved.
You couldnt care less about LFR itself.
If it there were no gear drops in LFR we’d never hear another crying whimper about in on this forum ever again and we ALL know it.
I believe the devs have stated this multiple times but some people choose to ignore them. It’s much better to beat the same old tired over, and over and over again.
Unpopular opinion, but I think people who want LFR removed should be perma banned from the game so they no longer have to worry what other players are doing. It’s be a win-win for everybody.
Its about how you reduced what was once the best mmos into a hallow and dull system of queues where people won’ t notice character names much less speak to one another. You took a journey from a fresh adventurer into a hero and replaced it with a barely interactive movie where victory is assured. LFR is no longer the big bad it wasn’t even the harbringer but it is the black mark the point of no return.
It turned a mmo into a click a queue and be done with it. Professions, world content, and more. All destroyed for such a hallow and empty experience. We don’t care what you have. We dispise what you have taken.
So why are you doing that content instead of the non-queued versions?
Your quote makes it look like I said that
you would think all the “lfr needs to go because it doesnt teach raiding” people would set up guilds, just to teach raiding, if they felt that this was that important.
lfr has zero negative impact on sub numbers.
now to guilds. guilds can be extremely toxic. if your guild is struggling to keep recruits, even though you progress through content at a good pace, its most likly that you cant see that your guild is either toxic, uninviting, or both.
LFR funds mythic because without the LFR crowd using the assets it’s not time or money effecient to make raids for the small percentage of players who would run them. Counter point to your argument, if harder content would save the game why are subs down to 1.7 million after the addition of mythic and mythic+?
The type of gameplay you want is still available in the game. There are guilds running mythic raids, high level M+ dungeons, Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas. All of those require the type of interaction you want.
This approach can exclude players that don’t have the time, talent or desire to do them. Hence the queues and LFR.
Play the game that you want to play with people who are like minded and leave the “hollow and empty” for those who simply want to play it that way.
I am not doing any content beyond a drinking heroic raid once a week. The notion that peoplr can go out of their way ti gey lesser rewards to skip lfr is a garbage argument though. Don’t get me wrong the game devolved to the point lfr is no longer the big issue it was just the tipping point.
I will never understand why people advocate for the removal of any content let alone content that is entirely optional. Just opt out of it if you have issues with it.
Have a quote from Blizzard
I’d link the sauce but the new forum layout won’t let me. Look up “Challenge-Mode-Gear-Procs-Hotfixes-Dev-Interviews-Appear-Offline-Blue-Posts” on google, it’ll bring up a WoWhead link.
Removing LFR would cause people to quit because it would be depriving 99% of the player base their only form of raid content. Contrary to popular memes, 99% of the player base isn’t going to go “lfr gone? Time to go do normal raids i guess”
LFR is helping retain subs, not lose them.
Wow 3% of the game if that is left for me. Why wouldn’t I be overjoyed that is all that is left? The rest burned to fuel the forges of people who I am conviced want a single player twitch game more then a mmo.
There are dozens of reasons subs are down. LFR keeps people subbed.