Unpopular Opinion: I loved Shadowlands

The story sucked

the system suck

the dungeons were good

the raids aside from CN which was great were pretty meh.

getting to each zone was annoying

world quest 2.0 were terrible…

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There has not been a single expansion that I have not enjoyed. I loved every single one.

I am not blind to the faults and issues in each one but each one has it is merits and I have bought and played every single one. And I probably will till wow dies.


Statistically, someone would’ve had to like/love it. And that’s okay. We’re all different and prefer different things. Personally, I couldn’t stand what little of the expansion I play (I was on hiatus from WOW and didn’t come back until 9.2.5). The parts I actually enjoyed were Torghast and Revendreth.


I liked Maldraxxus and The Maw for their aesthetics. But… Then going to the other places from there gave me tonal whiplash.



Splitting the maps like that made it the game flow very jarring.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I glad some one esles Love it, I Do love Maldraxxus and maw for aestehic, as well Revendtreth I quite love the zone and there themeing it was quite enjoyable and it was nice shake up what we suffering in DF

Pretty zone #3061 I miss Gothic area, wartorn area and Barron wasteland it why I enjoy fallout so much Case less pretty lands more wasteland fun

Maw was fearful I love/hate how it so hoistle youc an’t stay long hor maw have it way of telling you get out

I love that now… It just forest, forest and more forest… Lest in TWW we get Neburion bits and hopefully we focus on that city more then Orweynas ewww Nasty Less I remind of avatar na’vis better More spider and horror less “Pretty land with pretty Na’vis” folks


I mainly hated the story, I couldn’t care about the denizens of the shadowlands, I hated the lore about how death works (the afterlife sucks, Sylvanas was right, we need to change that snet. No way I want to die and go to any of the places we saw there.) And the content cadence was awful. But the landscapes were good.

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Legion prior to 7.1.5 was a horrendous expansion and it was only decent prior to 7.3.5. People just selectively forget things.

That legendary system was game-killingly bad, truly. An expansion that prided itself on “class fantasy” made acquiring items that actually made many classes functional the most unbelievably tedious thing ever.


Yeah legion had major issues that carried into BFA and systemlands.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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with the exception of bastion and the fairy land…
i did too.

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I didn’t selectively forget things. I just didn’t really care about the legendaries. It literally didn’t matter for 99% of the playerbase.

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Bastion was very sterile and the zone that was least commonly linked to any WoW design. Very Asian MMORPG style of a map.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Believe it or not I kinda liked the mission table. It was cool that you had to think about what you were doing (well, unless you got the add-on - I never used it). That said, I’m also very happy that DF had no mission table of any kind. After 5 expansions of it, I was ready to put it aside.

The single biggest thing I miss is the Night Fae flicker ability, and the Vault of Heavens legendary effect (oops, that’s two things). It was so nice to have a bit of mobility as a Priest.


Shadowlands had some interesting ideas but I really can’t say I thought it was particularly good.

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Shadowlands sucked overall.

Maw - sucked.
Story - sucked.
Toghast - had potential, implementation as choregast sucked.
Covenants - had potential, locking class power with no ability to move sucked.
Anima - sucked until ZM, then was just an annoyance.
A bazillion cosmetics - had potential, implementation sucked.


I only quoted you on this summarized statement, but just about everything you stated in your post about SL is exactly how I felt about DF.

See, I can’t say the Maw sucked because it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be; a place of misery that makes you carefully consider every decision you make since anything you do would get the jailer’s attention and thereby give you stacking debuffs. Beyond that, death came with a souls like mechanic wherein you would wind up losing stygia which you wanted to purchase things from Broker lady with.

Thus we wound up with a really unique zone that had interesting mechanics and really made you think about your decision making.

The catch of course is that while it’s clever and nuanced and such… it’s not exactly the kind of thing you did for fun. And it was mandatory content throughout the expansion which made it more miserable… which was kind of the point?

It’s complicated.


Also, I alluded to it earlier but overall I actually like the ideas expressed by the various zones and/or the covenant storylines.

  • Revendreth is what I described as “lesser hell” in that it was full of the sinful but Venthyr weren’t malicious typically in their behavior so much as determined to castigate their charges in order to get them to atone.
  • Maldraxxus was probably the most straight forward in terms of it’s themes and ideas, but it managed to balance this out by having an interesting story arc exploring the various houses and what had caused them to be pitted against each other.
  • Ardenwyld with it’s fay were somewhat clever in their exploration of both cyclical rebirth and also how faeries can be indescribably dangerous while seeming benign. Also the zone had a really good piece of background music.
  • Bastion was a zone which pulled a fast one on us I think; the kyrians and the Zone itself had a lot of affectations of christianity and heaven… but the actual philosophies of the Kyrians seem more in line with Budhism which I actually appreciate as bait-and-switch affairs go. I do wish the landscape didn’t feel like I was staring directly at the sun all the god damn time.

The problem was a zone that played like literal hell wasn’t fun.

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Like I said: It was designed to not be fun and anyone in 9.0 who implied it was should have been under psychiatric supervision.

Which is an interesting task and one that I can appreciate to the point where I can’t say that it “sucked”.