Unpopular Opinion: I loved Shadowlands

I hated “robot heaven”. Nothing screamed “You’re in a video game, get it??” than that. I hated the robotic Kyrian, even the non-mechanical ones. I hated undead in the afterlife. I found Ardenweald annoying. The NPCs were insufferable. And “soul seeds” or whatever… ugh. Revendreth was acceptable, only because I enjoy silly vampire themes. Still could have been done way better.

When I spend most of my time playing thinking of many ways it could have been done better/different instead of actually enjoying anything, it’s a complete mess.


Snoreghast being mandatory content for legendaries as well as the abomination that was Sharts of Dumbination singlehandedly ruined SL for me. Also the maw sucked beyond belief as a post-cap daily zone. It made nazjatar look reasonable by comparison and I absolutely hated that zone.


I skipped SL and only played through it a month before DF launched. Playing through it without all of the catch up mechanics was probably a grindy chore. I will say that playing through the covenants and unlocking the cool tmogs was more fun than anything DF had to offer me.

i liked the maw more than any other zone.
i did not like the hub-based feel of the xpac.

This right here! I LOVED Shadowlands because I just explore the zones and level. I loved having a covenant I could devote myself to and dive deep in their lore and everything. DF just didn’t hit with me in these regards :confused:

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I never feel like people think critically about the zones.

Bastion: had a great color scheme, very beautiful. But it was filled with repetitive sub area’s. Probably should’ve just been smaller.

Revendreth: Has great variety and a well delivered, classic vampire theme. But the verticality and density of mobs makes the zone annoying to navigate.

Maldraxxus: You could argue this was the best zone if it wasn’t so ugly. It probably could’ve used more color/texture variety so things didn’t look so washed out.

Ardenweald: Like Revendreth it’s trying to deliver on a classic theme. Fae. And I don’t think it delivers as well as Revendreath. Probably not enough landmarks in the zone.

And the Oribos is the worst capital city of all time.

Add the fact that all the shadowland zones are seperated by a (hidden) loading screen and I’d say the zones in shadowlands are a big step down from BFA.

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Maybe someday I’ll be interested enough and have the time to finally check out SL. I’ve only seen the Maw intro and part of Bastion so far. But everything leading up to release told me to skip buying/playing it when it was current.

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It was better WoW expansion than WoD. But then again so was Hello Kitty: Adventure Island. 9.3 (ZM) was great. Some of the zones were cool. The thematic idea for covenants was cool. Implementation sucked donkey hindquarters. I only did the first patch for a month because I quit and played FFXIV during the Pathfinder spitegate. The Maw was awful and never got better. Boreghast was awful. The gear ceiling was awful until 9.3. Korthis was awful due to no flying. The only redeeming feature of 8.2 was the sanctum tables which I used until last month when the phone app died. Overall second worst expansion for me. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

I liked SL myself. The only thing I did not like was The Jailor and the story ending.

I don’t think WoW has had a “Bad” expansion.

The closest thing to bad for me is DF. It has been my least favorite. But it has had plenty of good come out of it too.