Unpopular Opinion: I loved Shadowlands

Legion was good throughout. Most of the whining was “I didn’t get my best legendary right away so I have to reroll” and I don’t care what people who play the meta had to say. Every patch of Legion had something amazing to offer.

Honestly, the biggest dislike of the story was that the leaders of each covenant were just… robots.

That was such an M. Night Shyamalon let-down. The tire completely deflated.

I hated, HATED that. I wish they’d go back and change it because it’s so lame. But besides that, there were very minor things which bugged me about the story.

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There was a lot of good things and some things I didn’t enjoy. I thought the story started out ok but then just got more and more convoluted like they were figuring it out as they went. The zones and covenants were interesting but made things disjointed. At first I thought it would be a fun way to run 4 toons through and have different experiences but there was so much rep and other things needed to advance characters.

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even though I try to like shadowlands, the moment I enter bastion my eyes hurt, I have to choose between my usual glasses and sunglasses, first expansion that made me quit wow for real, not to mention that they killed warcraft and trolled every veteran player

People have pointed it out many times, you just either ignore it or say “nuh uh”.

Things like “People have told you” or “You have been told” are not rational arguments. People say things all the time. I have pointed out the errors every time people have made this claim.

For example, one big one is that people keep saying that Frostmourne and the Helm being forged in Torghast and provided by the Dreadlords is a “retcon” but it is not. No one has given us a source that can be verified that ESTABLISHES some other source for those items.

And the list goes on. But if you have something, by all means let us know.

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It’s ok to enjoy something even if others dont like it. Like warfronts. I liked those even if they were a bit linear and anti-climatic.


That’s a very narrow view, and completely ignores the fact that those were vessels for a very real soul. Not robots at all.



SL M+ > DF M+

Generally speaking SL had a lot good going for it. Once the devs got out of their own way in 9.1.5 it was significantly better aside from the unsalvageable story.


Consideringn all I do is endgame, SL all the way. DF has been my least favorite expansion for endgame


Only thing memorable in shadowlands was Sire Denathrius, otherwise everything else was a bit meh.

Borrowed from the Ghostbusters universe. :ghost:

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I mostly just do solo activities and play around in LFR. Overall, I enjoyed Shadowlands though I do get why others didn’t like it. I enjoyed the challenge in the Maw and that we couldn’t just fly over everything. I wouldn’t want every zone to be like that but I like having some areas be more challenging. And Torghast was a fun solo activity for me to do on and off.

I didn’t like the disjointed zones though, and the main story sometimes annoyed me. And the covenants were annoying at times. Especially with my alts and trying to work through it all. But I also had fun just playing around like I do in most expansions.

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Well, if you think about it, according to most religions humans are biological robots with a soul.


I made a post at the end of shadowlands on another character that I changed the name of so I guess it’s gone idk.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun in Shadowlands. PvP was really fun in S1 and S2 and I had a lot of fun in m+.

I also think the zones were better than dragonflight. I wasn’t a fan of Oribos or the flights between the zones and I really wasn’t a fan of the maw and Korthia just because they were blah and really not pretty at all and not being able to mount in the maw was stupid. I’m fine with having a zone you can’t fly in if it’s designed right, but having to walk around everywhere is lame.

I was excited for Dragonflight because dragons are pretty cool but it just kind of fell flat for me. Dungeons were mostly less fun and annoying, starting with the thundering affix that everyone hated and they insisted on keeping for s1.

I really couldn’t care less about any of the story in DF, none of it makes any sense to me. I think there were some ok storylines in SL, but it wasn’t that amazing to me either. I did like some of the factions more though.


Pretty much the only thing I liked about SL were the venthyr. I have characters from every covenant and they’re the only ones I could stand.

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Part of it is people having legitimate disagreements with its execution, and a lot of it is bandwagon hating. Kind of like when people dislike certain bands ot TV shows because their peers tell them they should.

I personally loved Shadowlands, and part of the reason why is that its flaws added to my enjoyment. I’m not a normal person so this wasn’t going to be something shared by everyone. I like to create stories, mostly about side characters, and one huge flaw in Shadowlands was a lack of side content that filled out the story. I found Bastion and Korthia particularly compelling. A few areas and characters I found particularly interesting:

  • Korthians and their culture and history. So much potential that was only hinted at.
  • Stewards. My favourite denizens of the Shadowlands. I dearly loved my little Kyrian owls, just as much as I hated their darker Forsworn counterparts. I had much fun creating a culture and society about the stewards. They suffered horribly in Bastion’s civil war.
  • Uther. A character I’d revered for decades that I grew to hate as the story unfolded. Writing about encounters with him, and revealing his true personality beyond the “Noble Uther” of legend.

Had Blizzard fleshed out these stories better, I may not enjoyed the expansion as much as I did. But then again, I’m an artsy nerd. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Someone has to love it.

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Hm. Thank you. I appreciate this. Truly… it does make it better.

That… is actually really interesting. I suppose for some reason I drew the line between metal vessels as opposed to earthen vessels. LOL I honestly am not sure why that made such a huge difference…

Thank you!


One of my best moments in wow was shadowlands s4. I had so much fun and yes, i prefer over DF too


I like the areas and the musics from SL. There are some great characters too. But I really hate the lore and the story of SL. So that’s why it’s the worst expansion for me.