
Almost all of those specs bring big buffs and utility to raid…well, all except warriors and sub rogues.

You don’t bring every position as pure top dps. There should be a tradeoff. If your class/spec brings big buffs and utility then it’s only balanced when those classes/specs take a dip in dmg. Destro locks for example get funneled gear so that the raid can get more +sp…destro locks take the L on top dmg and pick up the W on needed raid spot and gear prio.

Warriors though, well…Blizz has kinda made it clear they don’t like the class. It’s the only one to be nerfed with “fixes to unintended gameplay” all while occupying the lowest dps performance in the raid and bringing zero utility/buffs that better performing classes already bring.

That’s going to vary quite a bit. At some sectors of the raiding scene I’d agree (certainly speed-running), but in others I wouldn’t. There are plenty of guilds running sub-optimal comps.

What a non-statement, make a real point or just butt out of the conversation.

https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/1017#class=Warrior&spec=Fury seems to me fury is doing pretty decent. You have to scroll quite a ways to see less than 7k dps for the avg

Yet pallys even after buff is right there with it but still little less https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/1017#class=Paladin&spec=Retribution

Unholy is a pvp spec, balance is a pvp spec/ feral is a pvp spec/ all 3 pally specs is a pvp spec/ fury tree has reduced healing/get out of roots/lower cd on intercept/enrage?? Assas is a pvp spec as well seeing rogues play it in 2s at 2400 plus?? Don’t come to the forums to look foolish.


I asked for your guild’s warrior’s name to check his 8k dps per fight, as you claimed.

Are you amending your statement?

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Sub rogues need buffs!! (And fury while you’re at it)

Please continue on. Your desperation is my entertainment this morning


There is zero reason to bring any warrior spec to Classic raids right now. There are better options across the board from multiple classes, and Blizz continues to make it clear they don’t really care that they’ve pressed their thumbs on the scale against warriors.

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you guys completely lost your sh1t when feral got buffed to match other S-tier.


And you made the weakest arguments for keeping it I’ve ever heard.

Go click on statistics in ulduar, warriors is like5th to last.

Look at where fury warrior is when compared to everyone btw. Ty.

Yeah it’s tough for them. Having to see a spec that is never good take their rightful place on the throne?!

How dare blizzard!!

That’s completely beside the point. Right now with ret’s utility and feral’s utility, as well as equal or lopsided dps, there’s no reason to take fury warriors beside CS and even that has a timer on it.

Answer me this: Why would you take a fury warrior over a feral druid?

Nah ferals need to keep their buff, everyone should be strong. This isn’t about just warriors, warriors don’t need to be the top dps. This is about an unbalanced game, they took one step in the right direction buffing ferals. Let’s keep it going.


Guess after ToC and ICC you will still complain about warriors. Bottom line is there are only a few classes that are very sub par in raids but those specs excel in pvp. If anyone is on aserver that denies specs in raids then maybe find a new home. Our sever is very good at taking all clesses to raids, but then again we are very small horde populated and the choices are not as broad as the mega servers.

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After all the buffs are done and settled who in your eyes should be at the bottom of the dps charts


After toc I will still complain about everything becuase there will still be 8 unplayable specs. Prot warrior is dog water, arms warrior is good in pvp, fury warrior is average in pvp, and dog water in pvp. Warriors are in a bad spot, I honestly can’t think of a class that is in a worse spot at all.

I’d say rogues/warlocks/hunters. One of them should be at the top.
The bottom doesn’t matter. Leave warriors at the bottom. Idc who the bottom of the meter is, I just want everyone to be within 2k dps of each other so no one Thinks twice about inviting anyone to guild or raid if they parse well.

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No bottom, no class identity just trophies for all classes and specs. get rid or racials, just have every dps do x amount of dmg regardless of spells and all tanks same dmg mitigation. They want zero varity in fights, everything just plain jane.

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Rets were going to scale up in ICC, ferals were going to scale up in ICC.

Your argument is nonsense and the only thing it does in its ridiculousness is justify fury warrior buffs even more.

Go do you sims with ret bis ICC heroic and fury bis ICC heroic. Here are the current sims for the phase we are in. This is with pally buff. But yeah continue to whine and cry. Bet you play on amega server also to which there is so much to choose from.

