Unplayable Lag on Oceanic Servers

I have been having this issue since Friday evening, halfway through my raid on Zulgurrab.

My ping is now making the game unplayable on Oceanic Server Yojamba as my ping spikes to 1000+. I downloaded a VPN and connected to sydney which brings it down to 300-600. However, the game is still not playable.

I never had this issue before. Could someone please guide me as to how to fix this? I am not experiencing this lag on any other game such as DOTA or Apex Legends etc. It is clearly an issue on WOW servers from what I read so far. Posting a MTR doesnt seem to solve anything as well.

Oceanic player here too and it started to get worst the past half an hour.

Frostmourne - on Singtel, lagging badly as well.
ms jumps from 300 - 1000 randomly.

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Singtel ISP too. It has been what 2 days and there is still no answer from Blizzard. What are they even doing??

Having the same problems. Blizzard can you please respond?

Hey all! Thank you for your reports! It looks like everyones on Singtel or M1. We’ve received a few tests pointing to the issue with the telstra peering. I go into more detail on this thread here:

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