Unpair Red Eyes from Undead Skin Tone

Yeah, that is the idea. If Blizz had any brains they would just start selling fortnite style avatar skins at this point. You could do a dungeon with Lucio and Kerrigan and Spiderman. It’ll be awesome.

I would quite appreciate red eyes for Ashfall…

And while I don’t use the skin tone/eyecolor on any of my current elves, I’d love the option to. And to see what other people come up with. As always, more customizations are welcome!

On a slight side note, I would defnietly unshelf my BfA DK if we could have also green/red eyes.

Since death knight NPCs have some variation in eye color, it’d be nice if players could get the same treatment.

Not only unhappy with stealing an iconic Forsaken look for not just belves, but two Alliance elf races, but even more GIMME GIMME GIMME.

Elf players, folks. Never happy with anything. :man_facepalming:

Eh, more options the better in my opinion.

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Forget red eyes let’s all get googly eyes

They bounces you move

They spin as you cast a spell

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There are 8 original void elf faces and 10 blood elf/copy paste faces, leaving fewer options for blueberry skin tone void elves. I would at the very least like the same number of options as the blood elf copy/paste void elves.

The void elf faces have similar expressions to many of the blood elf ones, but they are not identical. The lines are sharper on the void elf faces and they look older. The neck is different on the void elf ones compared to the blood elf ones - the blood elf necks are smoother than the void elf ones. On the examples below, notice the neck differences and the additional wrinkles on the forehead on the void elf face #2 (original void elf face) compared to void elf face #10 (blood elf copy/paste). I want the younger looking version of the face from the blood elf copy/paste.

This is void elf face #2:

This is void elf face #10:

The Blood Elf and Void Elf faces are all the same.

Void elves have a second set of the exact same thing for their natural tones as they do for their void ones.

However, The numbers are off between them. Nico had a nice guide for which one matched to which but I don’t remember what the order was to unscramble them.

There is not difference between void elf void skin tone faces or void elf natural skin tone faces. Just the order is out of place.

These faces are the same exact faces blood elves have as well.

(I think Blood Elves have two special faces or somesuch for their DK tones though.)

See my comparison directly above your post. The differences are subtle, but they are there. At the very least, the devs created more definition when they painted the skin tones for blueberry void elves and it made them look older.

If 2 additional blood elf faces were for DKs, then why can my void elf warlock use them if he uses the blood elf skin tones? They don’t have blueberry void elf equivalents. I have access to 8 void elf faces and 10 blood elf copy/paste ones.

I don’t think so(?) I think void elves are the only AR that utilizes the undead options for their DKs

They didn’t do anything but put a different color texture over the face. They’re the same thing. You’re just being tricked by the different colors.

Cause the dk faces weren’t transferred over to the void elves cause they’re DK stuff and none of the ARs originally had any DK stuff… but they are now available for blood elves and the high elf tones…

They use the Skin tones, but I believe the faces that were originally attached to the Death Knights was never transferred over for the void elf tones. The natural tones I think transferred them over for the natural tones only.

DH too

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OK! But you lose 2 raid tiers, and have to deal with 7 more currencies, 11 different ways to upgrade items, and a 1000% increase in resources required to upgrade items.

Some of you won’t like the answer / reply from me if you think losing a raid tier = less cosmetics / casual content I’m not pressed lmao bye raid tier.

Ppl who do care should hope they have multiple teams working on things (they do) but seems to be always these types of ppl hoping or acting like they don’t.


OK, but you will lose 2 dungeons when the devs have to use time to read this comment. I don’t make the rules.

I see it now. The void elf skin tones remind me of the night elf character model updated in WoD. The night elf faces got more definition and as a result look older, just like the void elf faces got more definition than the blood elf ones and now look older.

It’s a confusing way of dealing with void elf vs. blood elf faces and skin tones. They could’ve used the same faces and enabled blood elf skin tones for void elves instead of creating duplicates and having multiple versions of each face available to use.

Negative. There are Belves that use blood magic.

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Yeah I really hate that they did it that way… Not sure why they needed to but I assume its some technical issue.

Thankfully you don’t make anything.

I would like this to happen as well as it seems illogical to pair the eye color to the skin color like that and not have it separate when a lot of other races can have red eyes.