Unpair Red Eyes from Undead Skin Tone

Would be more fun to let us use the red eyes on the non undead skin tones for BEs/NEs/VEs

ie: a blood elf using the undead skin tone but w player agency to have blue eyes like the new Sylvanas model

ie: Void skin tone w red eyes

Also let DKs have more eye color options, they should be able to use the red eyes too but additional colors would also be fun.


And add red eyes to DKs, for that WCII vibe.


Co-signed :+1:
My dk needs those red eyes.


Eh, sure. Why not?

I mean, we’re Blood Elves so it’s only right that Blizzard caters to the most popular race.

Please, dear god yes.

I want the grey skin but I don’t want red eyes.

My ultimate wish as a void elf is grey skin with pink hair. :pleading_face:


I’ve never used this look before. Wanted to do something vastly different for once. Prob will get rid of it soon lol.

Same! I want the undead skin tone w blue eyes

I know a lot of ppl opposite though who just want red eyes but not the skin tone

I would like more of a range of the undead skin tones too but for now I figured I’d keep my request simple in unpairing the eyes from the skin tone


All of this!

My main blood elf Kyuu would be using the red eyes to represent his work with the Dark Animus.

I don’t get why they went through all the trouble to decouple eyes and faces only to bind one to a skin tone.

its maddening!


I want the red eyes on my Warrior to show my rage, and want it without the pale skin.


@ blizz; Uncouple human faces from skin tones while you’re at it.


I would love it if they just unlocked ALL the hair, jewellery, eye and other embelishments for all the races. I’d love a redhaired Draenei - Oh boy WOULD I - or a Night Elf with red eyes. Also a proper jet black hair colour guys.


They still have jewelry on Blood Elves and Night Elves locked to only the female model as if guys can’t use jewelry too


Well lets unlock that too dang it

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THAT face only goes with THAT skin color!

Blizzard subtlety being racist, hee hee hee

It was surprising when I was creating my human-half of my Worgen, and I saw that.

Unlock void elf faces and skin tones. I want to use one of the blood elf faces with blueberry skin tones. I have to use blood elf skin tones if I want to use a blood elf face. Normal skin tones on my void elf are unacceptable. Blueberry skin tones on void elves ftw.

They’re the same faces? They just have different numbers

Blizz copy/pasted blood elf faces and skin tones to void elves but didn’t finish the job. Every face for void elves is locked to a set of specific skin tones.

If I want blueberry skin tones then I’m locked to the original void elf faces from when they were introduced in Legion. I can’t use any of the copy/pasted blood elf faces.

If I were to hypothetically use the copy/pasted blood elf skin tones then I’m locked to the copy/pasted blood elf faces only and can’t use any of the original void elf faces.

But the original faces on VEs were already the same faces BEs had. They’re just tied to the VE skin tones for what ever reason w blizzards system.

VEs didn’t get exclusive or new faces, the same model, same faces, just blue w different hair styles

Like I use the same face on a VE w the blue skin tones as without I just have to look at them and see which one is the same that I like (??)

But for Elves the red eyes only occurs in undead Elves.

Why should non-undead elves have them when they’re not undead?

Are we just going to remove anything that makes anything unique by giving it to everyone?


Blood elves specifically have worked w blood anima shown in MOP and BFA

Red can fit the void elf thematic for an eye color

Why can’t NEs have red eyes?

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