Unofficial Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Megathread

I don’t think there’s a source, but it was a logical request people had been making since classic. Dark Iron were the bad guys, Wildhammer were allied with us, but not playable.

There wasn’t a hint of demand for Dark Iron until they allied up, too, with that Moira business.

I almost race changed to DI when I unlocked mine.

What clinched it was emotional attachment to the voice acting in most of the classic dwarf emotes. Also Stoneform is pretty dang cool.

I have wanted Wildhammer dwarves since Cata though…

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Wildhammer dwarves actually had a much stronger reason to become an AR than DI did. Not that I dislike the addition of DI or anything.


Yep. I’m much more a fan of existing alliances being revisited to give us Allied Races that should have been playable for years than I am of the newly created additions, whether that be through new lore or entirely new races.


No more dwarves before highelves!

I’ll take “Ironic Guild Names” for $400, Alex.

Wildhammer became playable in cata with shaman dwarves

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Better than high elves.


Nope. Those are still Bronzebeards.

Might as well say Pandaren are playable by the transitive property just because you saw an Orc Monk.


If we had gotten Wildhammer Dwarves, in place of Dark Irons, it would’ve been the greatest way to introduce a fourth Alliance race to be a Druid AND Shaman! They would not have anything to do with Rogues nor Warlocks! (No Wildhammer Dwarf wants Black Magic!)


They should fix up and cleanse Grim Batol, making it their official hub.

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Nope, those are Ironforge Dwarves, not Wildhammer Dwarves.

Kindly reminder from a blue:

Playable Humans are always from the nation of Stormwind. Playable Blood Elves are always from Silvermoon. While it’s possible for there to be “break aways” in the story and for members of those races to join “opposing factions” and learn new skills, that’s not something that’s on offer to player characters.

See, they should have given the dwarves the mag’har treatment. Skin color changes clan. Could have had the dark irons and wild hammer in one. Nope, can’t do that even though we have 3 clans ruling ironforge. Big duh moment for blizzard.


Heck yeah, bring on the tattooed, thinner, gryphon riding, lightning hammer wielding, Wildhammer Clan!

I’m not. Dark Iron Dwarves were far more requested than Wildhammer were and had been for a very long time. Not saying there was no desire for Wildhammer, just saying there was a bigger, vocal, desire for Dark Iron skins for years before Allied Races ever even became a concept.



Don’t let the Wildhammer dream die lads!!


No more Dwarves
No more Elves
No more Humans
No More Trolls
No more Tauren
No more Dranei
No more Gnomes
No more Orcs

You have multiples of them already!

How about something new?


You got wildhammer tattoos as dwarves. That’s the best you’re getting.

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Going over your past history on the forums, so it’s ok for you to ask for things but not myself??..ahh ok I see :+1:t4: