Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Lol wellI am a furry at heart but I do love the Sethrak too. I plan on playing both :joy::fox_face::snake::facepunch:

*also, I don’t even want to read the names of those other races either.


Oh yeah I remember those sentient raptors! Idk how that would ever work, but those do exist. I would prefer sethrak or saurok though. Idk I am just not a dinosaur guy. I wonder what lizard saurok were evolved from anyways since there doesn’t appear to be any lizards on pandaria, just dinos. Says on the wiki they were created from reptiles native to the vale of eternal blossoms, what?!

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Yea but i meant more to say it gives both factions a option now for a Reptillian Race and given Sauroks limited desire outside instinct seems feasible, unless Mogu join a faction then they can bring Saurok through forced control.

They so have crocolisks in the swamp. I had wanted to play a Saurok before, but the Sethrak are much cooler.

I’m still hyped for the possibility, and as long as we keep this place up and going, even just discussing ideas and being creative, it’s show the devs that there are still people really wanting these guys ^^

People have been talking and wanting them since they were first shown off before the expansion release, we can’t let it die down now! We need to continue pushing this thread and our thoughts on the matter so others will see and our voices heard :smiley:


I’m pretty sure Mogu wouldn’t become a playable race unless Blizz incorporates a Third faction into the mix that would most likely be hostile to both Horde and Alliance.

The Mogu see themselves as the supreme race and would not assimilate into a group. They wouldn’t be welcome in The Horde as long as Trolls are around, that’s for sure. The Alliance would not welcome anyone who is power-hungry or control-seeking. Both Mogu and Saurok are enemies to The Horde and Alliance and are just not a good fit. The same goes for other ideas like San’layn and Vrykul, for example. It would be far-fetched to try to work them into it. Blizz is capable of doing anything they want but it would be more feesible to add a third hostile faction. That faction would be more of an “axis of evil” (if you will) though, as the different races would have their respective leaders and they would be united under a fragile truce.

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As long as they are horde then im down with that.

Sauroks? Sauroks could be an option for the future!
There are several of them working in Free Hold ( ? ) as members of pirate crews!

There is even a saurok, doing bodybuilder poses for a bunch of girls, and earning applause!

That is, they are rational enough to work with members of other races, something that did not happen in Pandaria!
It would only take a racial leader to unite a large enough group, model improvements, and a female version of sauroks, like this ( ) so they could be used!

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San’layn, if given enough time, could actually be plausible though. I mean…we see them during the first part of the war campaign, which I don’t understand why, then, the horde never see of them at all. Just make a few changes and turns and you can involve them actively, just as the Void Elves were brought into the alliance and into existence as well.

I do, however, agree with you on the Mogu and probably the saurok, I don’t recall ever seeing even one green (allied) saurok OR Mogu. Granted I haven’t really paid that much attention but none really stand out.

In that regards, we HAVE had some of the Saberon that escaped from the portal into Azeroth. I mean there HAS to be some reason that they and the other race escaped along into the world, right? It’d be cool to see if anything developed from that~

In terms of reptilian though, I’ve fallen in love with the Sethrak :smiley: I WANT MORE INVOLVEMENT WITH THEM! shakes fist into the air


Did some of the Saberons escape to Azeroth?
Interesting! :lion:

Yeah! :snake:


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Yea, during the Mag Orc unlock campaign, in the distance, you see saberon and Botani escaping through the portal and into Azeroth herself. So it really makes you wonder!


Yeah, that threw me off when I got my Ally chars up to 120. I am seeing that Sylvanas was trying to offer them a spot in The Horde. I don’t know who came up with that garbage but they serve The Lich King as members of The Scourge. They are enemies to both The Horde and The Alliance, like I was saying, and I don’t think they would go over too well with the others. Sylvanas is becoming tyrannical and, already, members of The Horde are starting to oppose her will. I’m not sure where Blizz is going with all of it.

Like you, though, I really want to see more out of the Sethrak and, as much as I dislike the Alliance right now, I’d like to see them go there. The Alliance needs a cool factor badly, and the Sethrak bring that. I know that The Horde has worked more closely with them up until now, but we need to keep in mind that Vulpera still have a disdain for them and I feel like that temporary partnership would fall apart quickly and their inherent rivalry would continue, making them more suitable for Alliance.


We have an undead banshee warlord burning trees and turning people into literal zombies.

We also have a teenager ruling the Alliance under the guidance of two vengeful characters who have historically made bad decisions.

The last thing we need right now is walking talking danger noodles.

I would say the last thing they need is a bunch of purple Blood Elf refugees.


And I’m already of the opinion that Alliance does not need blood elves dyed purple, but here it is, a “crack squad”, like beggars on my doorstep, with the support of the teenager, guided by the two vindictive advisors!


Let’s be civil now!

However I disagree with the not needing danger noodles. This expansion is partially about the allies each faction recruits and needs. It just may be that the sethrak are just one of those allies we need to be seeking!


It was just a joke.

I don’t have a strong opinion on it one way or another.

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I know :stuck_out_tongue: and it actually made me laugh XD I do applaud you for that :green_heart:

Let’s face the facts: no true hater of the sethrak would call them danger noodles :stuck_out_tongue:


So, seeing as how we haven’t seen anything new with the Sethrak yet. What can you foresee them being brought back into the story in the near future? Alliance OR Horde ideas~ be creative but realistic to the plot/storyline we know of thus far~! :smiley:

I love to hear all of your ideas and thoughts on the subject of our loving sneks ^. .^

Technically speaking the Zandalari Trolls and Dark Iron Dwarves seem themselves as the surpreme race and were immensely hostile in the past yet are now playable my friend, with current Mogu i view enslavement being the route required mostly to obtain them as playable or to find some that see a different view or something about it, after all there was even a Mogu Emperor that allowed the other races to learn and teach once in the past.

The only type of races that wont ever be playable are those that do not fit armours/mounts and those that are literal embodiment of reality ie Faceless are that of the Void while Naaru are that of the Light and that alone makes them rather unplayable before model problems come into play.