Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

What is the appeal that sethraks and vulperas have?
They are new races, with unique visuals and a story being told in the current xpac, and that can be made available to the players, if Aunt Blizz so judges! they are not some belf, draenei or orc with recolor and history already tired!

And then, there were problems like the non-existence of the Allied races system, nor lore created along MOP that justified these races by adhering to any of the game’s factions.

Mogus were raised as villains and sauroks as mobs!

Mogus are cruel, imperialist and see all the peoples of Azeroth as inferior!
There is no way they can join the Horde or Alliance!

Sauroks were then, very wild! And without any lore about his people! It was just a mogu experiment to create soldiers that failed and run to outcontrol!

I do not think Mogus by its nature will change but sauroks are seen in Freehold, and at least they seem civilized enough to act alongside other species to engage in piracy, and the Mogus we see continue with their old schemes !

And even the races you mentioned may be a future addition to the player’s range of options if they receive the same treatment in lore and development!
just be popular enough and show real appeal and be at stake!

This is not only desirable for races with nagas (which are malignant by choice), centaurs and their fellows, until Blizzard solves problems with slots for trousers and mounts!

I also can not imagine someone wanting an ethereal, with its ‘astral mummy’ look, shrouded inside an armor!

All right, this is a valid opinion! You consider that they are unoriginal!
You can also suggest some other, and see if it has the same appeal!

But I’m already saying that High Elves and Vrykuls are out of the choices!

I do not know if arakkoas or saberons can be considered!
So? What other races could not be a waste? Draconics?
Would Blizzard accept to do something so overpowering for the players?

It would be kind of appealing, I think!
But then, it just needs the same as the other races to occur!
A plausible story and good development to be included!

In the end, if there are those who like vulperas and sethraks it will not be a waste of time.

I do not like most of the races in the Horde and Alliance, but that does not make them meaningless or worthless to those who like them.

So? What are your suggestions? Ogres?
There is a megatreand promoting ogres joining the game as a new option for the horde!

There are those who consider ogres ugly and a bad choice but for me, if there are those who like and there is a story well made, then come the ogres!

Now about me, I appreciated myself with vulperas and sethraks!
I wish both could be put as new races in the game!

And based on my personal taste, I do not see any at the moment, that I like and have a chance to see being used by players, if Blizzard solve to take advantage of its popularity! :wolf:

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Well during the Zandalari Forever questline the Faithless help Assault Draz’zalor but thats with Mythrax.

No need we have enough stupid races

And now that Korthek is vanquished, they are being reunited by Vorrik, to rebuild their homes and return to worship Sethraliss!

All forgiven and forgotten! Or so it seems!

Says the gnome with pink hair! punts:rofl:


Then let me play my stupid race in peace, cus tbf I think its stupid that we have another flavor of mayonnaise human race and Original™ Trolls but here we are getting them.


You posted this on a gnome. This had to of been on purpose.

Sethrak are hella cool and I hope they became playable.


They are the most original race added into this game since Draenei and it would be far better than another elf race or a lazy reskin of our current roster.


Agreed…could you imagine the hype if Horde got Vulpera and Alliance got Sethrak in the same patch? I REALLY hope garbage gnomes don’t take that spot.

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I already got names saved for both my Horde side and Alliance side in case they go either or I just hope they can be warlocks and rogues.

I prefer to call them trash gnomes, but garbage gets the job done! Stupid amputee gnomes. Can’t even look at them as mecha gnomes because that implies they are machine. Its literally just amputee gnomes with robo(trash) limbs and I hate it. Most likely will be our allied race and if it is I am for sure quitting if sethrak don’t get some more spotlight to keep hope alive.

You’re talking about a common thing with every expansion. I stand by what I said, that their previous race creations were far more original; I could actually take the races seriously. Pandaren, a race many people thought was too ‘cute’ or ‘silly’ for WoW-- still not as silly or contrived as Vulpera or Sethrak. Again, I stand by that opinion. I’d much rather have Arokkoa, Naga, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Saurok–or any other race ever seen in WoW–than have Vulpera or Sethrak.

They are new races, with unique visuals and a story being told in the current xpac <

I couldn’t get out of Vol’dun faster, I literally hearthed out as soon as I reached Friendly rep. In my opinion, that zone, and the entire Zandalar continent, are among some of Blizzard’s most poorly conceived and executed ideas - I can’t think of any more contrived or boring content that’s appeared in this game.

You call Sethrak a ‘silly race’, then turn around and request Tuskarr? A throwaway race with literally no story or important NPCs?


I thought the continent of Northrend was interesting, and the Tuskkar added some nice flavor to it. While I understand it’s my opinion, most of Zandalar is dull already, and I could care less about some throwaway race in a small desert. I’m not about to jump on the forum and demand it be playable…

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alright then, why are ‘bird-people,’ ‘eel-people,’ ‘walrus-people,’ ‘viking-people,’ and ‘frilled-lizard-people’ so far ahead of ‘cobra-people’ for you?

don’t get me wrong, i can understand the appeal of all of these (except tuskarr, but that’s just my opinion), but all the others have a decent amount of lore and somewhat interesting characters-- as do the sethrak. What is it about Sethrak specifically that you find so boring and uninspired?

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If they ever do I highly doubt they will say anything about sethrak, they’re most likely a one-time use npc race who are (would become) allies of the horde.

Similar to those walrusses in wotlk

Very well! Just do not take the chance that vulperas and sethraks will exclude other races that are more interesting to come into play in the future! As I said before, there are other races that I do not feel any affinity for, and they are in the game does not affect me negatively!

Vulperas and sethraks are the races present now that we can see and that are participating in the current narrative.

Those elves vampires also appeared quickly, and could be another race of candidates. Ogres are also being asked and I do not see attractive in more elves or ogres.

But do not consider that should not appear in the game, if there is a possibility and public for them!

And I think it’s okay to find them silly!
At least his motives are clearer and not rude, unlike those used by some people who just joined the topic to say ‘eww! Furrys!’

I do hope we at hear something or at least have them stop stringing us along.


For one, it’s not a snake humanoid, because a snake with arms and legs just becomes a lizard. For something playable, one or the other should be chosen and if it’s a reptilian race, any and all reptilian humanoids ever seen in WoW, should also be playable. I like the concept of the Iksar from EverQuest and I like the Dragonkin in WoW; if I were given a choice to play a reptilian race, I’d choose the Dragonkin or the Saurok, and I’d never play a Sethrak-- as it’s too bizare and silly to ever be considered anything remotely compelling I’d want to get behind; both Sethrak and Vulpera, from the illustrations to the models, how they look, sound and move, are silly contrivances, and I don’t think they should ever be playable.

With Mists of Pandaria, you had a continent where the many races that inhabited it, including Pandaren, took center stage. Clearly, enough effort was put into it for it to seem compelling. While some of it was said to have been too ‘light-hearted’, ‘cute’ or ‘cuddly’ for WoW’s darker, more mature tones and themes, it still worked and it didn’t necessarily hurt WoW.

I’m not saying the addition of Sethrak as a playable race is going to hurt WoW, I’m just annoyed that there are so many people hammering for something like this, when there are so many original races that exist in WoW already, that would be more fundamental and logical choices as playable races.

People should see Sethrak and Vulpera about as important to WoW as any other small race that pops up in a small zone of a bigger continent; expendable fluff, that have minimal to almost no ties to anything else in the history of Warcraft-- and the player’s notion that they should be playable is already bizarre in itself, but then to create this much noise, to essentially create petitions and get community signatures (which don’t mean a thing), and expect Blizzard to adhere to the requests, is absurd.

I just wanted the one thousandth post.

Team Blue Sethrak, please
Team Red Vulpera, please