Unofficial Playable Vrykul Discussion Thread

I really hope we get playable Vrykul sometime during the Worldsoul Saga. They would be a perfect neutral allied race. Or even A/H specific. I don’t care, as long as we get them.

Like you guys said already:

  1. With the return of Tyr, it would make sense for the Vrykul to flock to his side. (Maybe even sparking a conflict with Odyn? We already know they’re not going to be happy with each other when they eventually meet again. Odyn was never keen of dragons, other than his own Thorignir. He was also against the creation of the Dragon Aspects. Meanwhile Tyr was the one who came up with the idea. Now, one of the Aspects is a particular frost dragon that just turned Odyn into an icecube, and “stole” his loyal Thorignir from him.) One of the first things he asks after being reforged is something like “Where are the Vrykul?” I get it, the Tyr’s Guard are explaining to him that much has happened since his death, such as the Vrykul succumbing to the Curse of Flesh and “devolving” into Humans. But still, I can totally see Tyr rounding up the Vrykul, who then potentially decide to join the player factions.

  2. We will return to Northrend in The Last Titan. The continent where we first met the Vrykul. It would make perfect sense to introduce them as a playable race here. Seeing how the Dwarves will be getting their ancestors in The War Within, where we go to a place they originate from (underground), the Humans should also be reconnecting with their ancestors, resulting in the Vrykul becoming a playable race.

I understand that human is not the most fantastical race. And that we already have 3 variations of them. Well, 4 if you count the Forsaken… But at least they’re all different, not just literal reskins. The Gilnean Humans are fricking werewolves even!
A lot of people argue that Kul Tirans have already given us the Vrykul race in a sense. Don’t get me wrong, I love my chonky boys. But Kul Tiran should never have been a playable RACE. They’re literally just Humans. Clearly they only came to be because of the need for an Alliance allied race to go with the Horde’s Zandalari Trolls. At best they should have been a body type for regular Humans.

Honestly, Vrykul should have been a playable race since Legion (or BFA pre-patch), since we worked with them in Stormheim. But alas. However, the Worldsoul Saga is the perfect opportunity to finally make them playable. Here’s hoping that we get our vikings soon. :slight_smile:

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Interessing fact: We got two Vrykul in BfA, one in Boralus (Enges) and two other ones in Dazar’alor (Lenne and Arngrin).

Lenne and Arngrin are in Dazar’alor, they are friendly with Alliance and Horde.

Enges is in Boralus, she is friendly with the Alliance players and hostile with you if you are in the Horde.

It’s interessing to see a Vrykul aligned with the Alliance only (or at least with Kul Tiras) when we got friendly Vrykul with the both sides. We could suppose this Enges could be a member of the Tideskorn clan now lead by God-Queen Sigryn. Lenne and Arngrin are from Valargar and it could explain their “neutrality”. So Enges and the Tideskorn clan could be the perfect candidate for Alliance Vrykul because they seem “to like” Humans in Kul Tiras and even make trades with them.

Of course it doesn’t mean Vrykul couldn’t be Horde too so the Vrykul of Dragonflayer clan could be the perfect candidate for this.


I kinda feel like the Vrykul would lean more Alliance but I could see them on Horde side too.

I often wonder if the side races we see in some player hubs aren’t just alliance or horde or neutral due to inconsistent dev time spent on them though.

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Now the Thorignir storm drakes are gone from Stormheim, it could be interessing to see the Tideskorn clan with the Drekirjar go to the Northrend with the Thorignir storm drakes lefts to meet the Dragonflayer clan. So they could learn how to tame Northrend Proto-dragons for themself to replace the Thorignir storm drakes.

They could also begin to make business between them.

Tideskorn Vrykul for the Alliance and Dragonflayer Vrykul for the Horde please. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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That would be an interesting thing to see happen with the fallout of the Thorignir.

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Some pictures about a Vrykul in the Alliance and Orgrimmar as neutral race :dracthyr_yay_animated:

(Tideskorn Vrykul coming to see in Stormwind)

(Tideskorn Vrykul visiting Stormwind)

(Tideskorn Vrykul asking his way in Stormwind)

(Tideskorn Vrykul flying with his proto drake in Stormwind)

(Dragonflayer Vrykul coming to see in Orgrimmar)

(Dragonflayer Vrykul visiting Orgrimmar)

(Dragonflayer Vrykul asking his way in Orgrimmar)

(Dragonflayer Vrykul flying with his proto drake in Orgrimmar)

(Vrykul with the same size as a Zandalari Troll and a Highmountain Tauren

I hope to see this one day. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: