Unofficial Playable Gnolls Thread

You mean Orks?

I’d be quite stoked to play a gnoll. Always love those guys. I was recently running through Redridge and aggroed a bunch of em and heard that giggle they make. My automatic reaction was to say, “Oh, I’m dead”, and promptly died. lol I think Gnolls would be a fun race to play. When I played D&D I always liked it when I could be something like a gnoll, hobgoblin, bugbear, etc…


Well, I would say Warrior, Rogue, Shaman, Druid and Death Knight. I say Druid, because they are animalistic already and there are models for Hyenas and such that can be used as their wildshapes. Death Knight, because they are really into dead bodies in Tirisfal Glades. IDK about mages though…

The Eberron setting has playable Gnolls. Not “officially” though, but through a book made by Keith Baker. However in terms of Eberron, I’d say if Keith Baker wrote it, thats way more official than some dude at WOTC.

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I was very disappointed that much hyped “Races of the Multiverse” book did NOT have Gnolls. Who dropped the ball on that?

I would like to have one gnoll please.

I played in the Eberron setting and really liked it. Especially the Warforged. Was sad when my old DM moved out of the country and the subsequent groups I joined never lasted for one reason or another. I still have a number of old supplemental books and that’s how I played my gnoll. Even played a centaur, but that was Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd edition.

I feel like Warlock would be a given too

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Garfang unified all the gnoll tribes and became an extremely serious threat to Stormwind to the point King Barathen Wrynn had to make a pretty big risk to take Garfang down. Seriously go read about the gnoll wars.

Back to your point extremely smart ones do exist but overall the race is kinda dumb. That shouldn’t disqualify something becoming an allied race though.



i’d totally make a Gnoll and name her Shenzi. :heart:

Playable Gnolls thread must overtake all other race threads!

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my gnoll in D&D is called Meatball! But I actually have a thoughtful story about it. Its either he was raised by humans and his favorite food was meatballs so that became his name, or he was a mercenary and his real name was hard to pronouce, so they called him Meatball as it was one of his favorite foods and he was a real “foodie” and was trying to learn to become a cook on the side and actually learn all these recipies and such.

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Sad how gnolls got more updates then some of the actual core races lol though I do think they look amazing.

also add hunter the only reason it wasnt listed for 10.0 is because everything already has hunter

If it has unique armor I just consider them never to be playable sadly

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No offense to OP and I hope you get what you want.

Gnolls are my least favorite fantasy race tho. Deep gnoll lore doesn’t exist in my mind. They’re just the boogeygnolls of every low level adventure.

Now if a gnoll had accidentally become the Lich King or got supersised in a Titan machine. Maybe. Just maybe. I could appreciate them a little more.

with the model update i want gnolls so bad

dont care which faction either


That’s not true about no deep gnoll lore. Someone mentioned a Gnoll named Garfang rose up and lead the other Gnolls to seriously threaten Stormwind. It was called the Gnoll Wars.

Pretty possible, those gnolls use the worgen rig