Unofficial Night Elf Worgen Discussion Thread

I wanted to say that I do like the idea of Night Elf Worgen. In particular because it fits the Alliance in battling the Horde over Dire Maul in Feralas, especially if Ogres (my most wanted race) became playable at some point.

Feralas, in particular has some relation in general to Night Elf Worgen. Keeper of Lore mentions this in the following video, supporting Ogres for the Horde, and inspired me to work on this scenario some:

At 5:34 starts the Feralas part.

At 6:58 for the Night Elf Worgen mention.

That said, I feel like involving them in Feralas would be great in continuing the storyline there and opening a warfront there for Dire Maul!

This sounds way cooler than High Elves. You have my support OP! +1

Goodluck on getting your Night Elf werewolves!

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Or, and hear me out, OR…we DON’T bring in your gross Tree Worgen friends to Azeroth so us Gilnean Worgen have to take care of them because we really don’t want to. You kind of owe us anyway, because you did curse us with Worgen curses and then our stuff burned up in your tree. Which we didn’t want to be in anyway because you guys don’t have a decent theater scene. So let’s put a pin in that Night Elf Worgen idea and put that pin in the garbage.

Ok? Ok. Cool. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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The way you put it, it’s not cool, and completely ignores those who actually want them as an allied race. I have to say, your comment is trash, like you for posting this because you just don’t want them. At this point, any race is fair game if the fans want them.

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We already have Night Elves and we already have Worgen. This is such a sh*t concept. This is as stupid as Helfs. Just Belfs with blue eyes. Like 10 people make up 40% of the entire Helf thread itself. Most Alliance have no interest in Helfs.

We can give such a better race like Nelf Saber-worgen or something. It doesn’t have to be so lame as Nelf Worgen…

This is a Night Elf thread, not a Nelf Worgen thread. You Nelf lovers want this. Not the rest of the Alliance.

*Horde laughing on the sideline.

Damn. No wonder the Alliance is lame.

To be fair, Kaldorei Worgen exist in lore.
Nelf cat worgen is something you just made up.


Yes. I know that Nelf Worgen were the first worgen.

The Nelf Worgen are sleeping in the Emerald Dream and we could wake them up. It would take more writing to expand the lore into making Sabre-Worgen.

If they do make Nelf Worgen I don’t want them to be reskinned worgen.

I just want something different. Obviously they will use the same model. No doubt. It should really be unique like Mag’har Orcs and the normal Orcs we can play.

For instance, see how the Highmountain Tauren can’t use bull-rings? Technically they’re more like mooses so they didn’t use the rings. So there is no option for them to have them.

Highmountain Tauren once had horns like the other Tauren but they got transformed into antlers. They’re still full tauren, just a sub-species.

I just want something really cool. Not just simple color options for Nelf Worgen. Straight up physical options that Gilnean Worgen don’t get as an option.

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I would not roll a NE Worgen but I know atleast 5 people who would! I support this :snake:

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This is honestly my most desired allied race, I would make one in a heartbeat



But nah, yeah, I get what you’re saying. In theory, there’s not a lot different between a Kaldorei worgen and a Human worgen, in appearance. Especially when you look at the Kaldorei Worgen actually present in the game (Duskwood, Felwood, etc) they look pretty much the same.

However… most the allied races we have so far are simple reskins of classic races. Make the orcs tan, make the belfs grey, make the trolls stand up straight, and bam; allied “races”. They’re simple differences that could just as well have been done as an additional Barber Shop customization option. But since this variation of the race has lore behind it, it deserves to have its own Allied Race.

A good point. There’d have to be something more to it, rather than simply other fur options.

Tattoos could easily be included, be it the tribal tattoos or scarring of the Bloodfang, or the Kaldorei-cultured tattoos like Alpha Prime had. Regular playable “Gilnean Worgen” have no such options, because they were simply bitten Gilneans.

Longer Ears miiiight work. I’d be against making them any taller than the regular worgen, since none of the worgen amidst the worgen packs in-game vary in height, and they’re depicted as the same height in the comics (besides Alpha Prime). Longer ears, however, is present in the game for Kaldorei Worgen, tanks to Alton Redding, an NPC in Felwood with ears longer than is available to Gilnean Worgen.

Kaldorei Form could be an option, as in their “Two Forms” ability turning them into their night elf form, just as a Gilnean Worgen has a human form. That in itself is a huge difference, and that’s not even considering the different druid forms they might have.

There’s other possibilities, but just between those three, that’s more than enough to qualify as an allied race, if we use any other allied race available as an example. But, all in all, I seriously doubt they’ll make the Kaldorei-worgen as an allied race in the game. And some part of me actually hopes they don’t, because I know they wouldn’t do it as well as I would like, and completely butcher that part of the lore in the process.

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I don’t disagree with anything you said. I don’t think the Dark Iron for instance are just simple recoloring of the normal Dwarves. They have a lot of features that are unique to the Dark Iron.

Same with Lightforged to normal Draenei. Same with Highmountain to normal Tauren. Same with Mag’har to normal orc.

Logic would follow that Nelf Worgen will have some cool unique features that Gilnean Worgen won’t get.

I don’t know why I wrote that as if Blizzard WOULDN’T do it that way, because they will.

Whether the options be more ear options, different beard options, eyes, and body hair is different looking maybe they will for sure be unique from Gilnean Worgen. Purple hair etc.

The game itself isn’t canon. Obviously the lore-version of Azeroth is not the same thing as what we see in game, at all. Things have changed cosmetically that altered the lore before. So if there is an example of a Nelf Worgen, they could change it to where the Nelf worgen do look different significantly.

No matter what we won’t literally get just Worgen but you get a small plethora of options. It will always be distinguishable which is a nelf or gilnean.

Part of the recruitment scenario to wake them could involve a blessing from Cenarius, Goldrinn, or something in the same manner as the Tauren got to make the Highmountain different.

I really don’t know how different I’d want them, some options would be great though. I’m a bit more interested in definite wolf based druid forms.

Visual additions to the worgen form would be a good way to go for the balance form, something like the way Malfurion has extras even though he’s a night elf.

I really would like to see visuals be separate between worgen and humanoid form for both Elven and gilnean versions.

Well I could see me race changing the Worgen I have as most of my characters are mostly RP characters and he is the odd man out I could easily see him being related to the others if he was from Elvish origins and not from Human origins. That being said I fully support this.

I’d race change in a heartbeat!
And that’s saying something as I am druid Night Elf through and through!

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Something I was thinking about after reading the Curse of the Worgen comic…

I’ve seen people say Malfurion might have an issue with waking the night elven worgen. Actually, he should have no issue at all.
His ban on the form was due to experiencing and losing himself to the rage from the form first hand.
He is now fully aware that we have Worgen serving within the Alliance.

To not wake the night elven worgen and give them the same or equivalent treatment the Gilneans received would actually be a pretty crappy thing to do.

With all that has happened to the Kal’dorei lately, it makes a lot of sense to strengthen their numbers in this manner.
I also liked how it could be a bit analogous to freeing Illidan when things got bad during Wc3.

It’d be kinda neat to see Elune, Goldrinn, and perhaps even Cenarius play a role in the questline. I also like the idea of calling them The Children of Goldrinn or Gol’dorei.


Another fair point. Female worgen eyes for example, are a simple non-canon feature.

I like the creativity, but I still do not like the idea of changing their race, just to make it more special.

Changing the race name or having Cenarius give them something cool looking could be neat. But both have no basis in lore, and would just be making stuff up to add to the existing lore subrace. Which is exactly how they’d mess it up. I’d really rather we stay within the bounds of what’s alreary in the game’s lore.

What do you mean? Lightforged Draenei didn’t always exist. They came into existence.

The Scourge once didn’t exist and it came into existence.

Same with the Highmountain Tauren as we know them.

Why can’t we be apart of a living lore rather than just keep things as they are and nothing changes? That goes against how life works and how Azeroth is.

Factions come and go, empires rise and fall, new races and beings were created and still should be created. New events have always shaped the fabric of life on Azeroth.

The fact Nelf Worgen can receive a boon or blessing from a great wild god or being of the Emerald Dream is not something anyone should complain about. Its like Velfs. Its such a misunderstanding of Warcraft, both the game and story. Every single thing in this lore of Warcraft is invented by Blizzard for the game.

Sadly, Warcraft is not real and the only reason 2 factions exist is for the game. The reason there are boss lairs is not because the story said so and we made the game to cater. No. Lairs exist because players like to delve into them. The reason the Belfs joined the Horde was not because the writers planned this. No. It was because the Dev Team decided to give 2 new races to the Horde and the Alliance.

Not saying anyone is using the term forced here but I’m refuting anyone who says Velfs were forced. I say they were forced and that is very much ok. Everything is forced.

Everything in the lore is forced for gameplay at the end of the day. The story doesn’t come first. The gameplay does and the story has to conform to the game, not the other way around.

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Considering novels, comics, and short stories do not conform to mechanics, I disagree. Blizzard puts quite a bit of money into the story itself, paying several authors and Story Developers, and hiring Dark Horse and even DC Comics.

I agree with you here, that the story progresses and continues. New things happen. Characters die. New elf races branch off. A new threat is introduced.

My point is Kaldorei Worgen have already happened. They are present in the game. They are present in the comics. They are present in the quests. The Kaldorei worgen already exist, in a perfectly playable way. There is absolutely no reason to make them sparkle in the sunlight or give them moose antlers.

If we’re discussing Night Elf Worgen in this thread, then that’s what I want. The Night Elf Worgen we know. Not something new.

That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. :grimacing:

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Nothing is being changed and it all fits with lore.
Nothing about that changes their race, it’s just a name to refer to them already being a separate “race” in the same manner as the Stormwind humans and Gilneans.
They’re no longer normal Night Elves.
They are tied to Goldrinn and we’re gonna need a name for them.
Calling them Druids of the Scythe is inaccurate as only part of them are druids. We’d need some sort of name. Night Elven Worgen is a bit of a mouth full, do we just call them Worgen? We kind of need something to refer to them separate the Gilneans. Gol’dorei follows the other elven names. Could go with something like Dreamers as they’ve been asleep in the Dream for so long but meh, that seems out of place.
Shal’dorei transformed into a monstrous subset are called Fal’dorei.
Why would there not be something similar for Kal’dorei changed into a monstrous subset? Even the Naga thread had the Sea Elves being called Naz’dorei which works for me. Makes sense.

I’m open to suggestions.

I don’t understand this comment. There is precedence. That gives it basis.
There will be lore added to help introduce them.

If they’re going to have druid as a class, then there’s going to need to be a balance form. Instead of a moonkin, I’d much rather have something wolf based.
Something like what’s on the left here, would be great.

It doesn’t need to be something all classes have, but Cenarius playing a role in a balance form appearance like that makes sense. Antlers make sense for the druids.

I agree with the other bit though.
I’m not really interested in having antlers or wild colors but others might be.
I just want to have a regular looking worgen form, and the ability to turn into wolf based forms for my druid.

I do like the idea of the Elven form having some additional body hair as was shown in the comic. The forearms and chest being a tad hairy would be a nice option to choose from. It’d even be a neat option for the Gilneans. Also works well with the upcoming transmog options to hide most of your clothes, it’d be a visual body difference to look a little different.