Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread

I think a lot of people have high hopes for naga in midnight.

If they drop dracthyr And then immediately followed that up with ascended as an allied race, you are going to see a lot of the immediate demand for naga.

Personally with this story line I wish they would make nerubians completely playable.

Validate that body type option by giving us scarab lord, vizier, drone, and ascended YOU COWARDS.

Let me park my scarablord in the door of goldshire.


Iā€™ve unlocked the Earthen, which did not have a recruitment quest chain or scenario like the other allied races. We just do the three side quests required, complete the max level campaign, and instant Earthen.

It was very lack luster because we frankly donā€™t get context to the Earthen joining the Horde or Alliance. The best explanation we get is that the Earthen were invited off screen per the newly created playable Earthen quests.

Now while I personally like doing the race recruitments, I can see how this do achievement unlock race thing with the Earthen could work, as long as it depends on the race and context we have.

When it comes to the Naga, the only way I can see this do achievement, unlock race system properly connecting is if the zone makes it very clear that the Naga are seeking their own path, want allies as they do so, and itā€™s clear that the Horde/Alliance are receptive.


I just met my first Earthen player in-game. They were Horde too, which honestly made me feel weird seeing it. A feeling I know I wonā€™t have when seeing Naga players.


Its interesting seeing the Earthen on the Horde. Works with the story they gave but dwarves across factions is a new thing and Iā€™m not used to it yet. (I had a similar issue with the Nightborne.)

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I can understand that, though I never had an issue with the Nightborne going Horde. I was just excited by it.

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Rinh the bells chime and summon the true inheritor of the tides already.

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The thread is not allowed to die so long as Azshara lives.


So if we kill Azshara, will you no longer care for playable Naga?

Naga and Tinkers are the only thing missing to make WoW complete in my eyes.

Maybe a throwing dagger spec for Rogues, and Earth Shaman tanksā€¦ but, we could talk about those in a dif thread.

Itā€™s so annoying when the devs make up some random playable race out of thin air, like Vulpera, instead of working on the established ones.


I assure you I will scream for them louder.


I would make my naga into Azshara loyalist that would go throught all the zones that would benefit nagas, mainly fightning the Legion i suppose.

I think its a cool story, lets hope that they are either neutral or Horde when they eventually be added, because if they get to be Allianceā€¦welpā€¦

Imo its not possible to have a 3rd faction, the only way i see a ā€œ3rd factionā€ be possible is by making them be neutral and in the lore push the fact that they originally fight for their own ā€œfactionā€ even if they join Horde or Alliance.

It depends if AR (allied race) is any races that would be considered in lore to be not directly in the factions, or if ar is only, a re-usage of an rig that is already used by a core race, sure Kul tirans do have their own rigs, but yeah.

You make me think of people who said like ā€œOh i thought Azshara would have her own expansion!ā€ But the thing is, now that Nā€™zoth is out of the picture, she can have her own expansion, the thing is, she could never really have her own thing if Nā€™zoth was always behind.

And it is exactly what a lot of people prior to bfa had in mind for her like ā€œOh she would come and she would be beaten and then nā€™zoth would come and yay!ā€ completly reducing her to a servent of Nā€™zoth, which is a bit silly and not accurate with her character since war of the ancients.

There is always a chance for a naga or Azshara expansion, more since end of bfa than ever.


I just think midnight is the last chance we will ever have to get playable Naga and blizzard has a career defining trend of fumbling the bag at the last minute and giving us half of what we want.

We could say it for Forest Trolls too. But Naga can come in any expansion for sure.

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As shown with the AU Magā€™har, any race can come in any expansion. Though some do give better odds.

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Well, if they kill off Azshara, to be honest, it would be such a mess, because they would kill the only important naga, because there is no other important nagas, you had Vashj in war3 killed in tbc then you have Azshara and lets be honest its the last very cool char a bit evil that is here since 20y

And these hopes hold on? Nothingā€¦because lets be honest, nothing says there is any naga in Midnight. People spam that there will be Azshara but literally there is nothing about it.

And as i said, i have no idea why you would think such a thing, like why when you think Midnight, you think naga? Because elves? Well there was many expacs about the elves and there will always be more.

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naga and ogres would be great however nothing would beat the best race in the game that is ā€œmurlocsā€ā€¦ murlocs would flip slap a naga silly

Funny one when you know who built the naga buildings in war3ā€¦huhu

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Midnight has been openly expressed to be the elven focused expansion, with a core focus on grand unity between all the elven races.

As you can see thereā€™s a big fat high elven hole in this that is oddly naga shaped.

There are a lot of reasons to speculate about naga in midnight. The two races are so entertwined itā€™s insane.

For anyone who doesnā€™t know, instead of a Blizzcon this year we are getting a Warcraft Direct steam. I donā€™t know when it will be, but some people are saying late October/early November.

I donā€™t expect Naga news in it, but if there are any Iā€™ll share.


Thing is, nagas are no longer elves, so the hole is not really here anymore, if we follow your logic, then it is a troll expac too, because, nagas are as much elves as trolls are lol

There is many many elves, too many, but constantly putting nagas into the elve ā€œsquareā€ is not really it. To me its not enough to say ā€œho there will be Azshara!ā€

Also, i dont get the ā€œITS LAST CHANCE!!!ā€ part its like if you said ā€œomg there is azshara in legion! LAST CHANCE!!! Oh there is azshara in bfa!!! LAST CHANCE!!!ā€