Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread

I have a tentative idea of running a Naga through BC. It would be like my Naga had bonded with the Blood Elves during TFT, joined the Scryers when they defected, and then joined other Blood Elves who united with their people as they ventured into Outland.


Oh I like that story!!


Iā€™m glad to hear that.

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Maybe naga wouldnt be horde or alliance. Maybe they would be a 3rd faction with ogres and gnolls.

A lot of system breaking code to make that work im sure but it would shake things up big time and i think it would be fun!

I donā€™t quite agree with the concept of creating a third faction, but adding something more than pandaren to the allied races pool would be pretty good.


I donā€™t see a third playable faction coming to WoW, but a Naga - Ogre - Gnoll alliance would be interesting to see. Though Iā€™m not sure how the Gnolls would get involved with the others, who have worked together before.


Leotheras please stop abandoning the thread. You are making us look bad in comparison to the dedication of the ogre general.


Naga are still a great choice for a future AR. Especially since theyā€™ve been considered before.


Our dedication to playable Ogres in unmatched.

Though Naga would be neat to play as well.


I have had a long stance that playable Ogres and naga should be released before any new races.

I play both sides I just like my scale boys more.


So Iā€™ve been thinking of what mounts new playable races could get and the snap dragon is honestly the only thing I can picture for the Naga.

Iā€™m curious if anyone has any different ideas though.


I remember hearing over the years that there are certain things Metzen always wanted to make playable and places I know he wanted to go with the story.

Earthen are one. A big underground zone with Nerubians is another. We got both this expansion. My hope is that Naga- another thing Metzen is rumored to have always wanted are coming as well.

It might be hopium but I am huffing.


I figured since the Kelfin are likely to have those snap dragons the Naga might have something else. Perhaps the rays? Not sure exactly. Then again blizzard could just have them both use the same mount. Thats happened before. :smiley:


I am currently only one step away from playable Earthen (just need the max level War Within Campaign), and while the campaign has allowed me to see how the Earthen are different from Dwarves, to separate them from the idea of Horde Dwarves due to their culture, and being moved by elements of the story (ex: the side quest with Korgran), they still just lack the spark of excitement that most races give me when they become playable.

Until the Earthen, every playable Horde race had given that spark. Just the stories and characters established for each of them (from the RTS games and the questing in Highmountain, Suramar, all of Zandalar, and outright saving the AU Magā€™har) just made me excited when each was revealed or unlocked as a playable race.

Now with how the Earthen unlock just feels like something to do over something Iā€™m looking forward tooā€¦ it honestly feels weird and increases my desire for the races that I want playable, like Naga, because I know that the excitement will be there.


Iā€™d love to see Naga become playable.
Iā€™d even quite like dthe Nazā€™dorei concept that was over on MMO champ. It solved the whole mounting issue and had a cool backstory.

Iā€™ve thought a instance of Nazjatar where it was an actual usable city would be really neat, but for a smaller group, just have a cool village built in the shallows somewhere. If they returned to worship Elune thatā€™d be a good location as moon light could reach down to the village, could have shafts of silver light lighting up the village.
(plus if we were ever to get Elune themed paladins, night elves, worgen, and naga would all make great options :P)

Weā€™ve seen people talk about how armor wouldnā€™t work on them, but it works fine. Thereā€™s naga in the Legion raid that wear everything but boots, and Iā€™m fine with that.
You could just give them a tail ring or something that could represent the boot slot, or just not bother at all. Everything else is doable.


If the NERUBIANS can be redeemed, so can the Naga.



So with each allied race unlock, the allied races got a presence in the capital(s). Case in point when the Magā€™har were first unlocked, they took over the Hall of the Brave, the Zandalariā€™s unlock added to Zandalari Warlocks with the Darkspear ones, and the Nightborne unlock gave us Nightborne throughout both Orgrimmar and Silvermoon.

Now with the Earthen unlock this week and the knowledge that they will be in both Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff, I got to wondering where other potential allied races, like Naga, would go. Like would they have a set spot, be sprinkled in the city, would they just be added to Orgrimmar, or two two Horde capitals. I have to admit that I can easily see the Naga being sprinkled in the various water pools of Orgrimmar, while also being added to Silvermoon.


If they were to end up Alliance Iā€™d love to see the Naga in the Stormwind Harbor. Could also see them hanging out in Belā€™Ameth at the tower with the Demon Hunters, Death Knights and Dark Rangers. >.>


the boat for a naga race has sailed after BFA, would been the only time it wouldā€™ve made sense coming out with a naga race in my opinion unless thereā€™s a naga expansion in the works

They could add the Naga in WOW Midnight. The Naga were once elves and WOW Midnight seems to be at least partially about elves because we will be going back to Quelā€™Thalas and reuniting the elven tribes.