Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread

I’m shuddering in horror. The thought of Naga getting passed up for Harronir in Midnight is terrifying. There’s an entire thread dedicated to mentioning how goofy they look. I’ll quit the game again if this happens.

Qin very possibly was poisoned. And even Qin wasn’t as bad as Azshara.

You are the one I suspect needs more knowledge on this topic.

LMFAO comparing Azshara to Constantine is just outright delusional.

We don’t KNOW if Nero was as bad as the nearest thing to contemporary sources we have would have us believe. My comparison to the common depiction of Nero is definitely closer than Constantine.

Doesn’t matter if some Naga we fight don’t express discontent with Azshara as they die. We do not know that the vast majority of Naga are like that. We only know that many of her loyalists are like that. You are literally changing the topic. Fact is, rulers like Azshara generally FAIL with precious few exceptions, most of whom also tend to die horribly.

I and others have already explained everything working against it…

Every rebel and usurper is a traitor until they win. So yes, I want to play traitors. Because that’s the only way playable Naga that Red and Blue would be willing to work with makes sense.

Wild Gods are more like demi gods compared to entities like Elune or Sargeras. They may be worshipped, but they definitely are more like demi gods.

Says you.

Symbolism is irrelevant. I have actual sources stating she is not seen as a full goddess. You only have speculation and extrapolation.

Priestess Zaldraxia:

  • “Impudent SCUM! Our people will finally have our magic sated. No more thirsts! No more yearning!”
  • “You! You have ruined everything… the frogs were meant to feed our magic for years!”
  • “Why… we were so close… to never thirsting for magic… again…”

Even if we hadn’t seen it demonstrated or stated again to be a problem since wc3, that would be irrelevant. Even without the Naga’s actions on Nazmir, there had not even been the slightest bit of evidence contradicting Vashj’s statement in wc3. You can not dispute canon simply because the canon is old.

It is to be taken as fact until directly retconned or shown to be one of the very few things the Titans did not understand. The titans know more than most.

You are ignoring canon.

Any of the Man’ari not being evil was a retcon, yes. Retconning lore is by definition, bad writing, not something you deem as bad writing just because “That’s not how the world work”. In a world where magic and all sorts of unrealistic mind-corruption exists, that is indeed how the world works, especially when a race is described as being one entirely suffering from addiction, which makes it much harder to be a good person. For all we know the friendly Man’ari are still mostly evil and have selfish ulterior motives.

Some of the void elves are in fact former High Elves. There’s a reason helfers are overwhelmingly made fun of, anyway. Expecting absolutely every little thing to be exactly as you want it to be happy is childish, and unreasonable. High Elves, and anything resembling their depiction is a lame, unoriginal concept for Warcraft anyway. Not the same as Naga.

You don’t actually get to decide who is a true Naga based on who among them they accept as their leader.

The difference, is the amount of terrible stuff the current Najatar empire and particularly its leader has done to red and blue and the world in general that makes it unfeasible for red and blue to ever consider giving them a chance on their side, working directly alongside them. Playable Naga would be less reckless than Azsharan loyalists, and likely more desperate for help. Still evil, but willing to hide it around red and blue for the time being. Willing to slowly but surely earn trust, and make themselves indispensable to their new allies in their rebellion against Azshara.

Based on what we saw, no. Her power did not save them. The deal with N’zoth did. They were going to drown with or without her until N’zoth made a deal with her.

If your creator and your mother sees you as expendable, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with rejecting them. And again… Azshara is not the creator of the Naga. N’zoth was.

Idc about your lore speculation and opinion about the origins of the Highborne.

We don’t know that for certain. We don’t get to decide that one way or the other. What you believe is not fact

Whether or not there was, or is another Highborne as strong willed as Azshara for the situation is something we can only speculate on. We know Illidan, not even a Highborne, had a will as strong as hers. There may have been another. We may never know.

Speculation, and more importantly what she did, she did only for herself. Not her people. Like everything else she does. In addition, many Naga have little to no memory of their former lives. Their minds have been seriously messed with because of N’zoth.

Azshara didn’t do jack sheisse. They were going to end up freed from N’zoth either way because we were going to get Xal’atath and kill N’zoth either way, whether she gave it to us or not.

Yes. Seems very in character for a literal den of snakes like the Naga to betray the one who saved and enabled their creation, whether they understand or not that she only saved them because she used them as a bargaining chip for her deal with N’zoth. Spitting in the face of your blatantly selfish, narcissistic mother sounds very much like something a bunch of incredibly proud, egocentric, power-hungry snakes in the seagrass would do.

How Naga culture came to be is irrelevant. The only question is whether it could be the same if Azshara were usurped. Which it certainly could.

Which all wild gods basically are.

No, I am not saying that. If you can not argue without making crap up then you are not capable of arguing in good faith and I will not bother with you.

Lmfao “the only one” I have provided more than just one piece of evidence. The evidence is not bs. You just don’t like the evidence because it conflicts with your obsession and your very narrow view of what the Naga need to be. You are not capable of arguing this coherently, let alone objectively.

The fact the Twilight’s Hammer was meeting with Skar’this’ emissary in Zoram Strand is because it was a coastal region where the cult was most active. It made the most sense for Naga, including ones not loyal to Azshara, to meet the Twilight’s Hammer there. Any other reason is purely your speculation, which is irrelevant. No, it is not playing devil’s advocate to say Skar’this does not work for the Old Gods. It is all but stated canon. Skar’this sees NEPTULON as the one true god. His own words. Not the Old Gods, Neptulon.

Whether you find it makes sense is, again, irrelevant. For all we know they had a way to portal Ahune directly from Zangarmarsh to somewhere on Azeroth. And even if not… so what if he was going to travel from Zangarmarsh to the Dark Portal? What tf does that even matter?

That in no way changes that Skar’this is in fact a leader of one of two factions, (three if you count the two tribes that joined the Legion as two) of Naga we have encountered that are not loyal to Azshara, and that we have Blizz itself saying there are likely more.

Right. I put all this effort into an elaborate thread because I secretly hate or don’t care about the Naga. Lmfao. The absolute delusion…

Complicated situations make for great writing opportunities. Chances to embellish and expand on the lore. If some Highborne had enough of a problem with Azshara to leave before being turned into Naga, some others may have had serious reservations too but were not quite ready to outright leave or rebel until it was too late to escape the Sundering. Others may have actually been plotting to overthrow her from within her own court for a long time, possibly even before her pact with Sargeras, but the conspiracy simply never got far enough before the Sundering because of how hard it was to pull off such a thing from within her palace and its immediate surroundings for a number of reasons.

You could still have former Kaldorei Highborne amongst the rebels.

In your clearly incredibly delusional and biased opinion. She was willing to sacrifice everyone but those in her immediate court. People she knew adored her. Even Highborne that were living away from Zin-Azshari were not safe.

Being Queen is about power for Azshara. Especially in the sense Azshara wanted to be Queen. To her, they clearly have always been one and the same. Power, and self-obsession. She didn’t have to outright say “Powerrrr!!! Gimme moar!” for that to be obvious.

If she felt that she could find new subjects, which she most definitely could, and saw the chance to even better improve her station, control, and yes, POWER, at the cost of all her current subjects, then it is pretty damn clear she’d sacrifice every single one of her current subjects, and move on to find/create new ones, perhaps ones that she decided would be better than her current ones. And like I said, it does not MATTER if she isn’t willing to sacrifice ALL of her people. She could be willing to sacrifice the vast majority of the Naga and that still is completely unacceptable. That still is not a true leader.

Again, Sylvanas only proves my point. She’s gone. Blizz got rid of her from a position leading us after she did anything as bad as Azshara. She’s certainly is not going to be the same leader she once was even if she does come back. The Horde will never let her back in after what she’s done. No matter how bad you want it because of how hard you simp for that corpse.

She is an entirely different person now. And as trashy of writing as it was to have her horrible actions be copped out with “I was missing half my soul and thus deserve the chance at redemption for my absolutely unforgivable actions now that I got it back.” That at least gives her some excuse. Azshara has no such excuse.

Lilian Voss is freaking awesome.

Azshara did not create the Highborne. She did not “allow” them to tap into the well. They had been doing that already. She helped ensure the Highborne culture continued, but that likely was going to happen with or without her. She was a product of said culture, not the other way around.

The second time she helped almost destroy the world was when she allied with Deathwing. The third was when N’zoth almost won because of her. Doesn’t matter if she intended to double cross N’zoth, we do not know if she would have succeeded, and by helping N’zoth she did in fact help almost destroy the world. Again.

Both Garrosh and Sylvanas were rejected by the Horde because of their actions and will almost certainly never be accepted into the Horde, let alone in a position of power and authority because of that.

What even is this argument you are trying to make here?!

Thank you vm for sharing this. Need as much of this sort of thing as we can get on this thread.

:ocean: :ocean: :ocean:
:trident: :dragon: :coral:

Harani should come in TWW not Midnight. Naga, Forest Trolls, Ethereal and High Elves(?) are the races having the most chance to be a playable race with Forest Trolls on the top for Midnight.

Haranir hot. Me like them :dracthyr_love_animated:

They are named Harranir now, they name got changed some week ago.

How? I mean, whats goofy about them?

Its an hypothesis, there is literally no proof, the difference between a theory and hypotesis is, that you cant prouve anything regarding hypothesis, not to forget that, being poisoned is literally the cause anyone gives to any emperor’s death, like Augustus was also said to be poisoned.

Thats a recuring theme, if an emperor was liked, when he dies, they say he most likely was poisonned…and if its by his wife its even bettter!

As for “he was not as bad as Azshara” thats totally debatable lol.

Sorry, but when you say Nero watched Rome burn it means you have no idea whats you talking about.

Sure we do know, and what we clearly know, (and its the same for Caligula btw) is that the senate were mainly a bunch of giggling arrogants fools who just wanted to be pleased and if they were not pleased they conspired agaisnt the Emperor and wrote how bad he was, because mainly the ones who wrote stuff back then were them. It was also like this with Domitian who was good but got a damnatio memorae because the senate did not like him.

Not its, not because Nero did not want to actually rule, while Azshara does want to, which is a big difference, Nero wanted to be an artist and not an emperor, he did not show much authority, Azshara is not like this at all.

And i tell you that you are wrong.

Majority of the ones you met in game are like this, and its a fact.

Yeah, so you just make you tiny little head canon.

Thats totally just your opinion, but ok.

I feel like you have no idea what a God is, and yes a God is an entity that is worshipped, it have nothing to do with powers, for instance in real mythologies you have very very minors gods that are nothing compared to Zeus, and they are still called Gods.

A demi-god is something like Hercules, you know, something that is half god and half something else!

In Warcraft, the term demi-god is just here to say, its a god but bit less stronger than something like Elune, yeah well its still a god lol. Cenarius is called both a demi and a god, so still calling Azshara a goddess is not wrong.

You just hate her and thats all, you just want to deny her the godhood, but being a demi-god in your logic, is same as being a god.

Well, i just explained you above, that being a demi-god is just a synonim of being a god, Cenarius prouves it, Malorn and all the wild gods prouves it, they called both gods and demi gods.

Yeah so its one side quest, and then?

I can dispute it because the devs and writers dont care about it, prouve is that they dont bring it up since 20y now, which shows they dont care anymore.

Plus i dont know what it would bring, we saw it with belf and nb already, so yeah, tired of seeing the same story 5 times.

How could they know this thought since they were dead at that moment, but also, as i said before, nothing says she is the most loyal in BFA contexte since chronnicles is not going over bfa.

Yet in that same world we saw counter example everytime, like the man’ari were said to be all evils, the mogu same, black dragons same, etc etc…

So yes, by how the story work, you will have friendly not evil nagas.

There is Alleria and? Who else? Because the ones you play are specifically said to be blood elves who stuied the void.

You do exactly the same by trying vitriol on Azshara just because you dont like her.

To me not accepting your creator as your leader is just not being a true naga, thats just how it is.

Lets put it a simpler way : forget red and blue, no one care about faction nowadays.

From the book you can find in the Shaman Order Hall, :

"From a fragmented text called The Song of Scales, author unknown:

"They drifted into the abyss, but Azshara and her Highborne remained unbroken.

"The darkness around them was absolute, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to bring them light. It did.

"Azshara’s and the Highborne’s blood ran cold, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to warm them. It did.

“Their lungs burned for air, and so the queen willed Sharas’dal to let them breathe the water… but it did not. The scepter could not save them. Oblivion spread its arms and beckoned the desperate Highborne.”

So yes, if they lasted long enough to even be transeformed by N’zoth, it was thanks to her powers, the scepter was made by her. Also, thinking that any other person than her could have been a candidate is so delusional.

She was the frist Naga and its her who made the deal, the deal was made on her terms.

From what know, the highborn started to exist thanks to Azshara, actually, the warbringer says, that she was around for a thousand years when war of the ancients struck, and what we know is that Eldre’thalas was made for her 12.000y ago :thinking:

“Built twelve thousand years ago by a covert sect of night elf sorcerers, the ancient city of Eldre’Thalas was used to protect Queen Azshara’s most prized arcane secrets.”

With this then, we know she was around 12.000y ago at least! And we know that the highborn started apearing between 15k and 13ky ago, so knowing all this, we can assume Azshara was already around.

That other person would not know how to use the scepter.

You mean another person with golden eyes then? Because both people you mention Illidan and Azshara were that, they were special peoples.

Its not Speculation, she says it herself, she says she will be a Queen not a slave, and her people are more dedicated to her than to N’zoth except a few that studied the Void and she pout aside.

Thats true only for the males.

She is one who freed N’zoth, made him vulnerable, and she had planed to kill him, thats the lore mate, and if she did not manage to kill him herself was because of the heroes lol!

Ok, now i get where you going, now i get it! You only see the nagas as “snake people” (which they not they more fishes than snakes especially if you count the special nagas such as the “centaurs” ones) so because you see them as snakes, then they evil, they betray etc etc, so tell me, why arent the sehtrak bad and betraying? i mean they snakes too!!

I just see you just dont understand what the nagas are…its sad.

I love how, everytime i just destroy your arguement with a fact that literally says you wrong, you say “its irrelevant” thing is, it is relevant, because the matriarchal ways are a BIG part of their culture. And you? You even bring up the fact maybe they could be a male leader, LUL.

There is no word “demi” in wild gods, but there is the word god, which mean they are gods.

But you do exactly the same all you acuse me of you are guilty of.

Ok so, if your evidences are that solide, can you explain me why did these nagas joined the Legion? Ho right, you have no idea, because no one bothered giving a dam in the dev team as to why they joined another team. Thats where your “he as a good idea” go…

And who does Neptulon served at that moment? Ha yes, the Old Gods…

I think you just dont know jack sh how the devs work mate…

Ok, you know what? I will use your own thing agaisnt you, since saying how you defend bs is just annoying : this is irrevelent.

These heretics were not heard from since tbc so its just irrelevant! just deal wiht it!

Like how dare you even defend the bs the ahune thing is…

And then when i talk about Sylvanas you go like “ho but its bad lore” but its the canon, like it or not!

I did not say you dont care or hate, i say you are missguided. Just like heretics, like yeah, exactly that, you like it, but you do it wrong lol. So you fake, because you put effort in missguided way, and the worst part is; you convinced yourself that it is HOW it should be!

Ok so they plot for 10k years, yeah right, surely she would not have seen it…

See, you try again to do your head canon and i love how, you can just use Azshara in this narrative too.

Yes, which still means she would have kept the ones closer to her, which means she would not sacrifice everyone, whichis my point. And you keep denying it, not to forget, only her cloest people became the nagas.

Thats your opinion actually, you just dont like her, and you dont want to serve her : then dont be a nagas.

Simple as that.

What? You call me a Sylvanas simp now? I dont even like that character, in fact i hate her lol.

Ho so you dont like how the lore was written here then? But its the canon!

Ok now i get what type of person you are, let me tell you one thing then : Voss became a forsaken, in end of bfa…yes, in cata she reject the forsaken, in legion she reject it too, she is part of the uncrowned, in bfa she is a mercenary, then at end of bfa she is like “Ho i am forsaken now” like what? Opportunistic b… thats what she is!!!

How can you even find that char awesome lol, she is not even interesting.

Oh yes she did, why you think her palace was near the Well? And i said already above in term of datation why its highly possible she was the first highborn.

Deathwing could have destroyed the world at any moment in Cata, like really; he could, he did need her help to do that, he just did not do it because its an MMO.

In fact, DW in his boss fight destroys the world if you cant dps him hard enough which mean he could have done this at any point.

As for N’zoth, then again, without Azshara, you could not kill N’zoth, its just how it is, without the dagger you could not kill N’zoth.

Thats how the canon lore happenned, we needed the dagger the pierce a hole in N’zoth Carapace, the dagger was given by Azshara, therefore, the canon is, without her you could not kill n’zoth, its the canon lore, now deal with it, or you irrelevent.

Mate, majority of Horde followed them, Garrosh used the own capital into his base, Same for Sylvanas until she said “horde is nothing” something Garrosh wa not dumb enough to do because Garrosh was a pro Horde and even nowadays a lot of players love Garrosh because he brought the Horde to pick level.

So you can argue how much you like that “ho but he was rejected” dude, majority followed orders, Lor’themar even says it TWICE for Garrosh and Sylvanas that “ho i should not have just followed orders” yet you did…like the Bell was not obviously following orders? Its the excuses Nazgrim pulled off “Ho but i was just following orders it was my duty” you know, if you use this as a defnese in a trial, you still guilty.

Now another point i have to say about was this :

I never have read, so much BS about the orcs than in this claim, like what? More important aspect in the orc culture than their clans? L M A O…everyone asked why the clans were not evolved more in the lore, in vanilla the clans were forgotten it was a big mistake and they corrtected it with the orc heritage armor which explain that EVERYONE had a clan.

Give at least 5 examples of orcs that have no clans? Like go on, and i ask for orcs that are accepted in the socity of the orcs, not outcasts like Garona or Gul’dan.

AND i ask when it is specifically said that the orc you give have no clans!!!

So yeah, just lol, “non-clan orc being more the norm” its just the most bs thing i heard!!

Even in WoD they pout enormous emphasis on the clans.

I have nothing to add to the current conversation, but that naga minipet this month is cute.

If you were to add customization options for Naga, what would you seek?
Personally I want some anemone dreadlocks for my gorls.


I wished for aquatic playable race for a long time. In BFA? there was that kind of aquatic goblin race, i thought that was it! Anyway, let us play naga or even murloc plz!


Its a question i asked myself too, i think what would be good is to play around the mutations theme for customizations like for example :

Extra eyes, snake hairs, “nemone dreadlocks” as you say, maybe the choice of adding extra pairs of arms like having 4 or 6 arms.


I would like to be able to customize my tail. Like fins, spikes, or just having it be straight and narrow.


Come on, lads. We have a lot of posting to do to catch up to the stonemaul ogre thread.

What would you choose as their starting location?

Would your naga be pro-Azshara or a filthy heretic?

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Anti Azshara, with my Naga belonging to a rebellious group that steals something from the Queen and uses it as a bargaining chip to gain entry into the Horde.


For the Empress!!!

As for starting zone, i would have imagined Nazjatar, BUT a part of Nazjatar that we did not see, which is the part that is underwater during BFA.

Here is my dream :

My dream is, that Nazjatar was not wasted, that what we saw in 8.2 was just a mere slave place and abandonned part of what was Zin’azshari and its surrondings.

What i mean by that is, i think it would make sense that the Nagas abandonned Zin’Azshari in ruins as it was a past that they think is unworthy just like the night elves for them, for the nagas and Azshara, they became more when they became nagas, for them the night elves are inferiors.

And as such, they abandonned Zin’Azshari, maybe even used the stones from it to build the Eternal Palace (it was an actual thing in History that a capital be left in ruin and its stones be used to build a new one like for example Ctesiphon which was the Parthian and Sasanid’s empire capital but was abandonned after and its stones were used to build Baghdad)

And so, if you look closely, the actual habited part of Nazjatar is not visible in the zone but you can see it behind the waterwalls especially behind the big statue of Azshara the “Queen’s Gate” which is likely the gate of the actual city.

So, my dream is that one day we have another Nazjatar zone, this time fully underwater and where we will see the real city.

Having the same zone twice happenned before like in wod when we had a second Nagrand or Dalaran in both woltk and Legion.


OP Lacks the dedication of the ogre’s and instead of just doing a basic bump post I would simply like to post the thread that is ranting about azshara now:

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Well, i have read the frist post of his thread and seeing how he thinks that Azshara died 2 times it shows how much he knows nothing and just want to make theories.

Actually, i can now confirme things that we talked about previously on this thread because chronnicles v4 did clarify certains things :

1 - Azshara was not killed in the raid, she just fell unconcious.

2 - Without the Xal’tatath blade given by Azshara, the champions would not have been able to pierce the carapace of N’zoth, and the origination beam would not have been enugh to kill him.


In going over how I want certain races to go the core or allied route, I realized that I want playable Naga to be an allied race. I want that rebel faction storyline, I want to earn their reputation, and then unlock playable Naga because frankly I think something like that that would be very much needed to explain why the Naga, generally portrayed as loyal to Azshara, are turning away from her to join the Horde and/or the Alliance.

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There was a Naga flying unit i remember in WC3 that could be the racial flying mount. I cant remember what it was called, something that started with a C or K.

Your post was a great read btw, thanks for writing!

Edit: its called a Coutal

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Their name was the “Couatl” they were kinda like flying serpents it was never seen in wow, wonder if it would be too similar to the flying serpents trolls use.

I think both can be interesting, the problem i have with your allied race idea is that it reminds me too much of :
Klaxxie, Suramar, Revendreth, and soon Nerubians. This plot was used and abused too many times.


That’s understandable. However it’s main way I can see playable Naga working, as the Naga’s long well known willing service to Azshara makes it difficult for me to see the factions just accepting Naga without them being well known rebels, which would be established from a rebellion storyline.

The only other way I can see playable Naga is from Azshara capturing elves and forcefully turning them into Naga, who then break out and rejoin their people.

Can you think of any other to make playable Naga work from the view point of the Horde and/or Alliance being willing to work with them?

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Naga is the only race that’s not in the game that I’d like to play. So yes.


And i also understand your pov on that, but it reminds me also of dk and dracthyr.

When you think about it, dk, dh and dracthyr are similar in one point : They are all of them creations/related to one of the “big bad” of wow, LK for the dk, Illidan for dh and DW for dracthyr.

When you look at the dk and dracthyr, for dk i understand the idea of rejecting the LK, but for dracthyr i thought it was not really well done the way they came to reject DW (thats mainly because df poorly treated dw by making him be a villain all along while he was supposed to be evil because of corruption)

For dh it was lot more interesting in my view because they did not reject Illidan, they see him as their mentor and guide.

But yeah, for the idea of rebels nagas, i think it would be too much like dracthyr, and not really well done in the sense that, well Azshara is so important for nagas that i dont really like the idea of having playable nagas without having her (its my pov on it, to me its like if you had your house without the fundation below it if you remove Azshara from the nagas.)

I think it is possible, but for that, the nagas will need to be an allied race and much more close to how the game view the dh or dracthyr : by that i mean, the nagas will be parts of the factions, but will still be their own thing, as the dh have Illidan as their guide/mentor without having Illidan being their direct leader, he is their leader but you dont see him too much because he have other things to do.

I think its how nagas should be made playable, you will have Azshara as their guide/mentor but the head of the playable faction will be another character (i thought of either nar’jira or s’thenno)

What is possible is to have the Illidari nagas, which are exactly that, Illidari nagas dont see Azshara as their ennemy, they dont reject her, quite the opposite, but they are more independant and their help during Legion could be the reason why the Alliance and Horde take them, as well as the dh characters making a push in their favor.

Another idea could be to have Azshara be an ally in the future, and you might ask how, well the way i see it is in a “the ends justify the means” reason, factions would need Azshara and her nagas to beat a bigger threat and thus allow them to be part of them, and when you think about it, its exactly what happenned with dk and dh, (and dracthyr for Alliance) all of these were not trusted by the factions even more so, when you look at the dk nothing was certain about them like they could have turned at any moments to serve the LK or something, dh were part demons, and some even joined the Legion afterward (in azuna) so trust was not great either but still factions allowed them in.

What i feel like, when i see peoples pushing the rebels nagas idea, is that they dont look back on how previous things were made, we do have lot of examples of evil or not trusted individuals joining the factions.

When the factions will see that Azshara as a 3rd player in the Azeroth echo system is needed and maintain a certain balance, then they will understand she must be kept around.

That will rejoin my idea of the "avengers of azeroth, an idea i have since some times now when in my pov, we will have an avatar of each forces at some points, Azshara being the Void one, these avatars will be crucial for a big showdown to save the cosmos.

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I’ve just been thinking about future playable races and how I would go about it and realized that I don’t currently don’t have Naga plans. Like I plan on taking my future Forest Troll through BFA for the troll unity aspect of it, but am just drawing a blank on where to take a possible Naga. Default to whatever standard path Blizzard has yet or pick a different campaign via Chromie Time…


I actually have several naga stories for my own thankfully that has persisted through vanilla onwards so I can put my Naga in any timeline. But yeah its hard to figure where a new race should go for “lore accurate” playing. lol

Even if we are cheating with Bronze Dragons and timey wimey nonsense.