Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread

No they dont, i can give you a lot of such absolute rulers who did not fail at all.

Like really ever heard of Emperor Qin? (The guy who inspired Lei Shen) for example? He clearly did not fail and how about 99% of emperors that succeded?

And i dont want to play some break away faction i want to play THE Naga not “A group” of Naga, i want to play as part of the Nazjatar Empire, not some group of nobodies.

Yeah, she was said to be a demigod in sources that either too old to care or not even available anymore.

Now look in the game and tell me in what way she is not a God to them? Like you just have to look around see all the statues, see all the empathisis around her and also how she tried and did overshadow Elune when she and her followers became nagas, no nagas worship Elune anymore and one of the titile of Azshara is the “Light beneth the Tides” Elune was also about Light you know?

So yeah, you just cant tell me she is not seen as a God de facto.

Ho someone who talk about the naga’s addiction to magic, something that was NEVER a thing since WoW…the addiction to magic nagas are supposed to have is never brought up since Vanilla, like its never a problematic around the nagas, never even mentioned.

To me this is just so badly written and also i will need the actual quotes because i dont remember anything such as this.

Not really, they just show that you want to play a minor group of a race…and its lame.

Ok so you want to play evil nagas but you want them to be evil but not too evil because they could join the factions…i still dont get it.

Because without Azshara you would not have Nagas, its just how it is.

In the Eternal Palalce raid you have these sihgn that says :

Guide to Azsharan Court Etiquette, Vol. 1 :sweat_smile:

Our queen demands that subjects obey her commands without question. To demonstrate your obedience, kneel while in her divine presence or be cut down."

You have 6 of these in the raid. If you tell me thats not a “code” its a code of laws.

Again, outdated source.

Their titiles in game is exactly the fnanatical and the devouted, i am not making them up, its literally their titiles…

And i can reverse the arguement, i dont see how they dont top Vashj.

Re watch that Blizzcon (2017) and you will see its only Afrasiabi who answer that question. And devs in Q&A most of the time say things that only evolve them, remember that same guy said that we will fire the canon in the Azshara zone, this never happenned. And he is not the only one to be like this, any devs in Q&A that says someting, only say what they think themselves makes sense at that time; Ever heard of chronnicles being Titan pov? Yeah this was also thrown in a Q&A at Blizzcon 2019.

Sorry but, the only 2 groups of nagas we saw that were not with Azshara are : Ones with Legion and some heretical that in truth work for same people.

Because yes, lets talk about Skar’this and let me explain you why that guy in truth makes no dam sense :sweat_smile:

Firstly, the context of Skar’this is TBC so you MUST take this into context, back then Neptulon was implied as a servent of the Old Gods, just like all the 4 elemental lords, remember in Vanilla when you go to Maraudon and you have Theradras linked to the Old Gods?

Now secondly, who is allied with Skar’this? The Twlight Hammer, who is the “boss” of that cult? The Old Gods…yeah yeah. And the thing is, in what way is this making any sense now? Like, Neptulon rejected the nagas, and the tiwlight hammer and the old gods.

Yet, Skar’this work with the Twilight Hammer, who work for the Old Gods, but, Azshara and her nagas also work with the Old Gods…so Skar’this work in truth for the same goals as the other nagas…so is he really an heretic? Yup this makes no sense in contexte, and even if you bring Cataclysm contexte in, it makes even less sense, because it makes Neptulon look like a bad guy while he was not a bad guy in Cata.

So yeah, that guy makes no sense, using as an example is to me wrose thing to do.

Yet these rebels nagas as you said above “can have the same goals” so its just same in the end of the day but you just dont want Azshara.

Thats how i feel it really, you just want naga but without Azshara because you dont like her, but again, playing a break away faction of a great empire you just want to play as when you think Naga is just so lame imo.

To me they have to be Azshara’s loyalist.

This reminds in how Luthor from DC went from the most jerk antagonist to hero, he sacrificed himself to beat Darkside and save the univers, and not even out of heroism, not even out of “i want to be forgiven” just because “I am just too good to let Darkside win”

Thats actually what Azshara could do, that would be her character, dont forget one thing about her ; Either she is Queen, or she is nothing and dead. She would rather die than not be Queen.

Ask the same question about DH or DK, why not kill these abominations on the spot once LK/Legion is defeated? Because they helped!!!

Ever heard of…Sylvanas Windruner?

What is the obsession with these trashcan races everyone wants added?

Thinking either Frost or Arcane.


One man’s trash is another’s treasure.

Though in all seriousness there are simply people who would like to play races that currently are not playable.


We broke 100 posts! Keep going everyone!

We have no proof that they were as selfish as Azshara. In fact we have some evidence to the contrary. There are exceptions, but in general thoroughly selfish rulers willing to discard the majority of their people tend to fail.

The closest thing to Azshara would be Emperor Nero… and things did not end well for him.

Well, I’m sorry, but the type of Najatar empire you want will never be playable. Way too much working against it.

Everyone is a nobody until they aren’t. The Najatar empire being claimed by playable Naga would be the end goal.

Your obsession clearly makes you too biased. The encyclopedia and faces of cataclysm are mostly still canon, even if it’s archived.

Statues do not prove godhood in a culture. Kael had statues.

It’s literally shown to be a thing in BFA, with Naga draining a loa’s children of their energies to feed their addiction on Nazmir. It was never disputed to be true since Vashj stated it in wc3. Not to mention there’s no reason to believe they wouldn’t be addicted.

Nothing about is badly written. You just don’t like it even though it perfectly fits the Naga as they’ve been characterized since the start.

World of Warcraft Chronicle Vol 3, page 86:

“In exchange for servitude, the Old Gods spared the Highborne from their watery doom. But there was a price. The elves were twisted into scaly serpentine creatures called Naga. Their hearts became as black as the deepest ocean trenches, and hate enveloped their thoughts.”

Yes, really. The reality is the group can be written to not be minor. Nothing lame about it other than to you, because you are obsessed with Azshara for some reason.

Don’t see why you don’t get it. You phrased it perfectly. You are just willfuly refusing to understand.

I mean, probably not, but we will never know for sure if things could have transpired without Azshara for the Nags to be created. More accurately, without the Old Gods the Naga would not exist. If Azshara had somehow been killed before the Sundering, they could have still been created.

In addition, just because Azshara is the one who made the deal that made N’zoth create the Naga, does not mean the Naga cease to be Naga if they don’t serve her. That’s just your personal preference, nothing more.

That means the law within her court. That has nothing to do with the broader culture. Again, with or without Azshara, Naga culture can be pretty much the same.

Says you.

Being called “the fanatical” or “the zealous” do not prove they were more devoted than Azshara. We have canon explicitly stating Vashj was her foremost most loyal, and proof that Azshara trusted her.

No, you can’t reverse the argument. Because we know very little about these throw away characters you mention. We know Vashj was in the highest possible position of trust, and described as her very life revolved around her devotion.

Yes, because he was creative director. We have seen no evidence to suggest that his statement no longer holds true. You do not get to ignore all evidence working against you just because the evidence is inconvenient.

While I acknowledge what seem like inconsistencies, that show there was some change in narrative direction, it is honestly irrelevant. There are ways to explain Skar’this working with the Twilight’s Hammer despite what seems to be a conflict of alliegiences. Whether it makes sense to you, doesn’t matter. Until they retcon Skar’this’ alliegience to Neptulon, he is a perfectly fine example.

Skar’this does not work for the same people as the other Naga. Your claim is wrong. The fact he worked with the Twilight’s Hammer, does not mean he works for the Old Gods, regardless of whether it seemed implied that Neptulon did at some point. This only means that at that time, Neptulon and the Old Gods were not yet enemies, and that summoning Ahune somehow benefitted both the Twilight’s Hammer, and Neptulon, and thus Skar’this was willing to work alongside them to do something on behalf of his god. The Twilight’s Hammer isn’t just a bunch of Old God worshippers. They are insane apocolypse seekers. They want destruction. Summoning Ahune would have brought destruction.

In cata it isn’t that Nept can’t be a bad guy as much as it was in our interests not to let the Naga capture him. He is likely a chaotic neutral entity that is okay with destruction being caused if it benefits him, which would explain why he’d be okay with a powerful servant of his like Ahune being summoned, even if the results would have proven catastrophic for the rest of us.

Motivations. Not goals. They are motivated by hunger for power, desire for some form of supremacy, pride, hatred, vengeance, loyalty to a supreme leader.

In that sense, yes it is the same. That’s the point. They’re still Naga. Except they haven’t done, or supported the absolutely intolerable stuff Azshara has done because they don’t support her. Which is why the player factions can be convinced to accept them. Will they end up doing the exact same destructive stuff as Azshara’s naga did? Probably not to the same intolerable degree. They will not have a leader willing to destroy the world to make grabs for power quite as recklessly and selfishly as Azshara. Any bids for power they will make will have to wait until after their first bid for power, being taking the empire from Azshara.

Yes, not Azshara, it isn’t just that I don’t like her, it’s that she can not be trusted not to sacrifice the majority, or even all of her people to get more power, and that isn’t a true leader. Also because red and blue will NEVER accept Azshara. She has done too much damage.

If you can’t accept the Naga without Azshara, then it isn’t really the Naga you care about. The Najatar Empire does not need Azshara, and we’ll almost certainly never get to play Naga loyal to her. I’ll play the Naga if we did, but it would make NO sense narratively if Red and Blue accepted her.

You mean that failure who isn’t part of the Horde or Alliance anymore and will likely never be accepted back in? The one who, unlike Azshara, at least arguably had a good excuse for why she did what she did even if it was a total cop-out narratively? The one who canonically was rejected by many of her people even though she didn’t treat them as if they were quite as disposible as Azshara has treated her own? The one in literal Warcraft Hell?

Yea I’ve heard of her. Thanks for giving an example proving my point.

Nope. He didn’t turn into a hero. He turned into an anti-villain

He also didn’t commit all out genocide on the entire world, help almost destroy the world three damn times, one of those times shattering the surface of the planet killing who knows how many more people as a result…

That won’t work. Red and Blue aren’t overlooking all that just because she sacrifices herself to help save the world one out of pride. They aren’t accepting her followers because of that.

What is with you and false comparisons? DH’s weren’t actually inherently villainous to begin with, and DK’s had to turn against Arthas, who had forced them into servitude through mindpuckery in front of Tirion’s eyes and get his support to be accepted. You are comparing that to you wanting red and blue accepting Naga who would not be turning against Azshara, the very person red and blue have a problem with. They are not the same!

It’s almost like Naga aren’t a trashcan race. Metzen himself has stated he wants Naga added.

Going to add to this discussion from an interview that occured last year from one of the OG developers of WoW (Map Design + Dungeon.)

When asked about why there wasn’t female Ogres in classic, it was revealed by the Dev they were initially planned and that Male Ogres were fully rigged to be playable. But due to lack of assets and time restraints for developing the Ogre capital city, they did a 180 and made Trolls the replacement race to Ogres.

This lead to the developer being asked if there were other races planned that had similar issues. Naga was directly brought up as intended to be payable race ((most likely on the Horde due to Night Elves being on the Alliance)) and was rigged for that option. However what killed it was not a lore gameplay reason but rather that the back cape asset kept having clipping issues and due time restraints was scraped so that the other races could receive more attention upon release.

So what is likely holding Naga back from being playable ((among so many fan wanted races)) now isn’t so much the techincal but that the story team is far more involved in game development. Likely unless the expasion is specifically tied to the races core lore, they will be considered common enemy 1# and 2# when presented in Azeroths current conflicts.

I dont like to place bets on playable race schedules but if we are going to get few here are my educated guesses with the current game timeline. ((This includes customization options.))

War Within:
Earthen ((starting))
Half Elves ((customization options unlocked))
Frost Dwarfs ((customization options unlocked mid expasion))

3 allied races ((Alliance, Horde, Neutral))

Alliance - Akkora (Void focus conflict, to much lore rich details, and potential time shenanigans like Mag’ar)

Horde - Amani/Darkari Trolls (Central conflict for Darkspear, Zandalari, Blood Elves, and Nightborne need to work together to resolve confict on for united front)

Neutral - Harronir (this would have been Naga but this seems to be only place this race feels likely to be playable and crucial to story between the Elves and Trolls lore beats)

Last Titan:
3 new races (Alliance, Horde, Neutral) that have beefs with the titans

Alliance - Vykrul (unifying the Human races in face of mass extention. Plus they’ve been hinted at for a while to be ready to knock off the Titan Keepers who have locked them down.)

Horde - Mogu (all the clans now have a very good reason to trust the “younger races” if they dont want to be hunted for sport by the Titans. Plus the oath to Ra-den to protect Azeroth in his dying breath is a really good indicator they have a reason to defend their home from the titans.)

Neutral - Sethrak (will work closely with the other titan created races as they hold the keys to understanding some of the facility designs and have now a solid unifying front to believe in working with the other races of Azeroth.)

All the listed reasons are speculative but judging on the WoW story beats Nagas will need a serrious lore drop to make them not only willing to work with other races but considerate to their future in Azeroth as a whole.

I would prefer Mogu as neutral race. Best option when we have Shrine of Seven Stars for the Alliance and Shrine of Two Moons for the Horde in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I also put in my thread to see what we could get with a neutral race for Mogu.

Sethrak will be better for the Horde side.

Also we have better chance to get Tuskarr and Taunka over Mogu and Sethrak in TLT

Harronir should come in TWW as neutral race. Too strange to get them in Midnight.

I don’t know what Arakkoa will come in Midnight. Nothing is related to them in Midnight.

“Arathi customizations” because we can already make half elves.

It should come in TLT not in TWW because Frost Dwarves don’t have connection to TWW expansion.

It’s interesting to think of how different things could have been if they had that time and assets. Like it brings a couple of questions to mind: Would Dustwallow Marsh be a low level Horde zone? Would Theramore be in it’s own zone? Would Rexxar have remained the Stonemaul leader? Would the Darkspear have been the new Horde race for Cataclysm? Where would the Goblins fall into things? An allied race for BfA? Would they still be Horde or would Blizzard’s original plan for them being a neutral race, available to both factions, come to fruition?

I can actually see Blizzard making the Arathi a playable race on their own right over a skin.

I think Frost Dwarfs becoming a customization in The Last Titan would be more likely. After all that seems to be the return to Northrend expansion.

I’ve never seen the Arakkoa suggested as an Alliance playable race for Midnight before. Usually I see the likes of Broken, Ethereals, or Naga as a requested playable race available race to the Alliance for Midnight.

Midnight and the return to Quel’Thalas/Zul’Aman would be the perfect time for playable Forest Trolls. Let’s get the Revantusk helping the Amani come to the Horde.

Should Harronir become playable, I think them being so in The War Within is more likely. That’s when we’ll meet them and that’s when they’ll have focus. Plus we met the Vulpera in BfA and then they become playable in BfA, so there is precedent.

They do have their fans and Last Titan is a return to Northrend, where we met them. Plus if Ogres aren’t playable by then, Blizzard could pair them together. Sort of like a “Ancestor uniting with descendent” thing as Humans came from the Vrykul and Orcs came from Ogres.

Mogu would be a cool race to play, though I can see them being more of a neutral race than a strictly Horde one. While the Zandalari and the Mogu had a pact/understanding in the past. Times have changed and I don’t think the Mogu fighting for Zul gave the best impression for Talanji and the other Zandalari.

In the event of playable Sethrak, I see them being a Horde playable race. It just makes more sense to show off a united Zandalar under the banner of the Horde.

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Yeah canonically The Horde saved the Sethrak’s Loa.
Them being neutral wouldn’t make too much sense, not unless the Faithless joined the Alliance which given what they did, I can’t see happening.


I really thought that after the new customization came and Blizzard bragged with Mechagnomes that they have a more modular system now that we might finally get naga. I wasn’t expecting the first race that has an unusual body that can’t wear certain pieces of armor to be something totally new instead of the race that’s been held back by that.

Naga have almost been playable since Warcraft III. They need to happen as much as ogres, and they need to happen without any compromises that make them something else. A naga with legs is like a centaur with two legs. It’s a different creature entirely.

We even have Illidari naga, so we know naga don’t have to be loyal to Queen Azshara. I mean, technically that means they’re already on a playable faction.

When the Void comes in Midnight, give us the Void races that populated Cataclysm. Give us playable Ogres and Naga!


They were pretty cruel and you had a loooot of revolts during most of the Romans Emperors and Chinese Emperors even the best ones you had revolts, and for the china’s first emperor Qin, he was said to be cruel and paranoid so much that he had rule to not allow anybody near him.

When you look at all the assassination atempts and revolts, and despite that they still managed to stay in charge and pwoer, it shows they did not fails, i think you need more knowloedge of old empires history and monarchy.

Not at all, if you say that means you dont know Nero, who by the way was loooot less of a tyrant than what the sources of the times said he was.

Problem with Nero is that he did not want to rule, he wanted to be an artisit and make art, he never watched Rome burn he actually deployed efforts to extinguish the fire and was rather efficient.

If i had to give an actual ruler in the Roman emperor who was close to Azshara, it would be Constantine I.

Because Constantine brought a new age for his people, which is what Azshara did, because you seem to forget that part.

Constantine was also very paranoid and did kill a lot of his allies, out of paranoia or failure, even his own son.

And did he fail? Not at all, actually his influence in the occident can still be felt today.

There is a point you keep not caring about with Azshara. What nagas says when they die? Do they say anything about “I was promissed something!” or “Oh its not what i was told!!”

No, they say “I am sorry” or “i failed” because, you are saying since earlier like “ho but azhara just sarcifices them and let them be killed if they say fail” i mean, yes and no, because THEY are glad to die for her. Thats exactly how it is, when they die, they are more mad about failing her than being dead. Because they are ALL (majority) like that. So yeah.

Who? What? Working agaisnt it?

Yeah so you want to play traitors to their own race…

The Encyclopedia classify Malorn as a demo god…how is that canon? Like lul, he is a wild god you know?

No its no logner canon deal with it.

There is not just statues, to take another example, in Roman Empire you had whats called the imperial culte, and in monarchy in general you had the kings which were considered either Gods (like in the inperial cult) or by divine right.

As we know it, the Kaldorei Empire was greatly inspired by the Roman Empire, and Azshara always was shown as a greco-roman goddess in her imagery.

Now, in her naga form, it did not change, she is literally like a sea goddess, and even her name Azshara comes from Asherah, a sea and mother goddess of Ancient Semitic religion.

So if you are telling me her symbolism is not to be a Goddess then i dont know what else to say.

Source? Like give me the actual text that say they do that because of a mana addiction.

Its never a problematic since war3 thats the thing, we saw it wiht the Blood elves in tbc, not with the nagas.

You want i debunk your claim? Ok i do it : Titan pov!

Yup, too bad chronnicles is now considered pov of the titans and thus not to be taken as fact.

And you want another example of “their heart got twisted” : Man’ari eredars. They were said to be twisted by Sargeras and evil because demons, until they were not.

And its why, any writings that says “a whole race is evil” or “a whole race is good” or whatever generalization is bad writing, because its not how the world work.

Its exactly like if ; People wanted to high elves to be playable and blizz came up with a group of void touched elves that had nothing to do with…ho yeah they actually did it, and nobody liked it, because people wanted to play high elves not this.

Why obsessed with Azshara? Because i am a true Naga! And she is my Queen!

Well, i dont see why the Nazjatar Empire is too evil and your rebel nagas not evil enough, like whats the difference?

Hum…no they would not, and you know why? Because only Azshara was powerful enough to actually survive this Cataclysm, remember how her scpeter actually kept her people alive? Its HER scepter, and HER power that kept them alive until N’zoth asked her to make the bargain.

To me, rejecting Azshara,is rejecting your creator, your mother, and even more so, without her, Hightborns would not even be a thing!!! Because from what we know, it is also under her rule that the Kaldorei Empire flurished, so yes, she is all about the Highborns and the Nagas.

Rejecting her is liek spitting in the face of your creator and the one who made you who you are.

The fact you even bring up the idea that “ho but things could have happenned differently to still have nagas” no it would not, they would die and thats it.

And now that are on it : Azshara is the one who not only saved the hightborns from death by doing that bargain BUT also made the bargain in such a way that they kept their free will and not be mindless servents of N’zoth. Remember the “A Queen, not a slave” ? Good luck to have someone as strong willed as her to manage to piss off an old god like she did and still win the bargain.

And if you tell me she is not strong willed then i dont know what to say…

AND i remind you something from BFA : She freed her people from N’zoth, by gibving Xal’atath to the heroes now N’zoth is dead.

Well, thats just betraying the one who saved you from drowning and made you who you are and managed to make you even have free will, so its like spitting in face of your “mother” in a sense.

Also she is THE frist naga.

Why do you think the naga culture is matriarchal? Nothing to do with the fact they have a Queen? Ask yourself who is that Queen.

Again that same source claim Malorn as a demi god…

Yes , i can beacuse, you are saying it as if Vashj could not be replaced, but she was and she even nearly got replaced by Tyrande in war of the ancient novels…so yeah.

No the evidences are bs and you try to use them as your only resort because its the ONLY ONE you have.

Where are the twilight hammer in the meeting with Skar’this ? In Zoram, where did you have twilight hammer and naga in same place in vanilla : Zoram…so yes, its just here for this reason. Saying he dont work with the Old God is just tyring to play devil abvocate.

And, i dont even want to argue about this, Skar’this is just not lore friendly at all and you try to explain him as if he was consistent with the lore, while his existence is ONLY for one thing ; Molten Core ref, you dont get me? Ok; let me show you :

Its a naga, who sumon a big elemental lord, who else do that? a Fire naga who summon an elemental lord? Executus in MC, thats all there is to it.

Now before you try to argue again, explain me, how does he sumon ahune in Outland, to fight Ragnaros on Azeroth? Like how consistent is this? Ahune was supposed to travel all the way from zangar into the dark portal? Lol.

Really, using that character as your war horse to explain non azshara naga is really bad…

You know how i feel like? Let me ask you one question, what is the most famous Naga? Azshara, and you want to get that naga out of the picture of playable naga, you want the nagas to have another leader as the most famous naga, its just the most bad idea i saw, its like if you told me you did not want Alleria as the Void elves leaders but Umbric that no one cares about…

You know, they tried to do this with Sylvanas recently, and look where we are now, people are not happy, forsaken fans hate that sylvanas is no longer their leader.

To me you sound like a fake naga fan,

Ok so, if you support that logic, then you have no hightborn in your ranks, only born nagas, because all the hightborns supported Azshara, at least all the ones that got turned into nagas, thats why they got turned you know, because they supported her. Yup; we are getting in a more complicated situation arent we?

And thats where you are wrong about her, because she wont do that.

You dont even know her goal thats crazy, like, she is NOT Illidan, Illidan do anything for power, thats how he was in war3 he even says himself “I sacrificed everything” its the Demon Hunter thing to sacrifice everyting for power.

Azshara goals is not to have more power and thats here you wrong her Goal is to be Queen, to rule she says it like counttless time, she did not even say once “i want more pwoer” she says i want to be Queen, now what a ruler need? Something, to rule over, a people, and its why, she will never kill her people entirely, and thats where you miss understand that character badly.

Again, ever heard of Sylvanas Windrunner?

Now, i think you dont understand how both characters are similars in some ways :

Sylvanas is the one who freed the lordaeron undead from the grasp of the LK, for that, she was their hero, their Queen, and IF you play a forsaken from Vanilla up to BFA and even in DF you are a loyalist to her, you are just as fanatical to her as the nagas are fanatical to Azshara.

What happenned now for the forsaken players when sylvanas got removed? They yelled, HARD and they hate it, they hate that sylvanas got removed, they played the bad guys and they got the thing that made them bad guys removed. And now who they have as leader? Random guy on horse, random dark ranger, random alchimist who is as evil as sylvanas, random lilian voss and CALIA MENETHIL that would be your naga leader!! Knowing How blizzard wiring is, your naga leader if it would ne be Azshara, would be the level of chariams as Calia menethil and that council of forsaken…yay sorry but no thanks.

And now in DF as loyalist you can get a special sylvanas scene when she says she will eventually come back.

Now, Azshara is same but even more important to the nagas because; while the forsaken had an idenity prior to being forsaken, that was being part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and it is what they claim now with the return of the Menethil ruler, the nagas what they were before being nagas? They were hightborn, and who created the hightborn? Azshara, who allowed them to be what they were even back then? Azshara, who allowed them to tape into that well? The Queen Azshara. Who made that dam empire of Kaldorei actually rise? Again the Empress Azshara!

What are these 3 times? Ok for the 1st one its the sundering but what are the other 2?

Cought cought, as if Red and blue did not do any genocide cought cought Garrosh Horde, cought cougth Sylvanas Horde cought gought Blackhand Horde cought cought

Dude, you tell me this on a dam Horde character, the faction that did like 10 genocide in its history…like really?

“Why would you want to play Traitors of Their own Race.”
‘Looks at the Void Elves.’

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In my opinion the Harronir will be playable during TWW in patch 11.1 or 11.2, we did get this in bfa with Zandalari, KT humans or Vulperas and Mecha gnomes being given in a patch.

Please no more time travel bs

I look forward for that one, i called it since a announcement of The Last Titan!

Would love to have them playable!

Its interesting you mention this, saying that we need to have actual lore context that would bring the naga to be playable, and then you give races that are out of contexte with their expac like Frost Dwarves for TWW and Arrakoas for Midnight…

Its not just about the Zandalari old Alliance, its mainly that Mogu are very close to orcs in term of culture and life style, just like the orcs they live in clans, just like the orcs they need to show strenght to show dominance over the others.

The mogu are the “orcs” of Azeroth in a sense, even Hearthstone made that paralelle with the Mogu Gul’dan skin.

Overall they are more suited with the Horde, and that would finally give the Horde a titan related race from Azeroth.

But i can see a case for neutral mogu too.

I dont really see what Sethraks will do in a Northrend related expac, and to be honest, they should be Horde more than anything.

But, i find interesting that people are still being like “this allied race will be Horde, this one be Alliance” when we just will get neutral dwarves…

I am wondering if the Allied Races for one faction only is still a thing in Blizz mindset nowadays. :thinking:

And as i mentioned, nobody wanted to play that, people wanted High Elves. And they still cry for them.

But now Horde have earthen, a titan related race :dracthyr_tea:

Rajani for the Alliance and Gurthan for the Horde. Mogu as neutral race please :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Perhaps Korune clan for the Horde. If Shan Kien is still alive, he owes it to Baine. I’m hoping Chronicle Volume 4 will reveal what happened to him.

Like how Volume 3 hinted that the Zandalari were attack by an enemy, with BFA revealing the blood trolls. So Volume 4 could hint at things to come.

Perhaps it could even go into detail about Naga who are not happy Azshara and seed a rebel group.


The special reward for completing the Traveler’s Log for July 2024 is the Trishi pet, an adorable baby naga.

I just had to share it here.


I came across this reddit post with a link to a Twitch clip mentioning that Metzen really wanted Naga to be playable in Vanilla WoW. Clicking the thumbnail within opens the clip in its own window:

Metzen is in a lead story position currently, and while we don’t know how much power he has, it could be a good sign since he has stated he wanted Naga and Ogres playable before. Not a guarantee of course, but it can help the chances of those races being playable someday. :mermaid: :japanese_ogre:

-59 days (55 days with early access) until TWW releases!-



Thats a good suggestion!

I dont remember v3 stating that about the Zandalari.

When i saw that pet being datamined, i was afraid that it would be related to some quests telling us that N’zoth is back and that some nagas are corrupted from birth to be even more mutated and close to him.

I am glad its just a trading post thing.

I mainly hope that chronnicles v4 explains clearly what happenned at the end of her fight, if she just went unconcious or died and got res by N’zoth (i always thought it was the 1st options but some peoples argued she was dead and res…)

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It’s on Page 209, when the Rise of the Zandalari patch is covered. The exact lines are:

Cultures across Azeroth reeled from the Cataclysm, but some suffered more than others. Earthquakes and tidal upheaval rocked the Zandalari trolls, causing widespread devastation on their island, Zandalar.

Following these natural disasters, a strange force began assaulting the trolls – an enemy from the past.

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Oh interesting! I forgot that part!

It reminds me that, back in Cataclysm expac there was an interview a bit after the 4.1 patch when a dev said that the Zandalari may be influenced by a force.

Lot of people thought it might be old gods, ended up being one but not exactly.

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