Unofficial LGBTQI+ friendly guilds registry - advertise here!

Can you guys just let them post their guilds and go argue somewhere else?


I’d like to point out the irony of telling the very people who came up with the “closet” metaphor to go hide who they are in public spaces.

And with that said, please stop responding to trolls. Report and move on. I only responded to the first one since they were still hiding under plausible deniability and I gave them the benefit of the doubt.


Are there any Vegan guilds out there?

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Bump to put at top of list again…lol

Super off topic: Life is getting easier in a world with Impossible Whoppers and Subway Impossible meatball subs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Guild Name: <Shadow of the Moon>
Faction: Alliance
Realm & Realm Type: NA - Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP-PvE)
Playstyle: Social & Casual; PvE
Guild Leader: Uriella (Human Priestess)

How We Are Different: We function as an extended family, assisting each other with quests, items, RP storylines, and more. Honesty, respect, integrity, charity, and compassion are hallmarks of our group. The atmosphere of friendship and family is, for us, the foundation of everything. Our focus on charity to those within our family and those outside our family is a core value. We are accepting of everyone regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, etc. etc.

Guild Charter & Focus

The guild’s foundation was based on the ancient Order of Beneficence (Order of Good Deeds). All members of the guild devote themselves to three defining traits:

  1. Benevolence (Kindness and respect for everyone)

  2. Charity (Giving when it is not convenient or beneficial)

  3. Family (Commitment to personal bonds with other guild members)

Official Guild Ad on Classic Forum:


Added this to the OP:


Guild name: Space Force
Server: Herod
Faction: Alliance
Focus: PvE, with a healthy mix of PvP
LGBTQI+ focus: We are not an LGBTQI+ guild, but we are LGBTQI+ friendly and several members (myself included) identify as such.

Space Force is a group of like-minded players who have played together on and off for the past 8 years through many iterations of World of Warcraft end game content. The focus of the guild is progression PvE content but also take part in the other parts of Classic by being a part of the greater Herod, US - East community.

We believe in a “less is more” mentality when it comes to our time commitment to raiding. We value the time we can put into World of Warcraft, so we expect our core team to come prepared to raid. We will also be planning activities outside of raids, such as dungeon runs, battleground groups, and world PvP.

Our recruitment post (with discord link) is here:

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It’s become a high pop.

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Name: The Lights Hope
Server: Bloodsail Buccaneers
Faction: Alliance
Focus: PvE/RP
While not a LGBTQI+ focused guild specifically, as the guild leaders and several prominent members belong to the LGBTQI+ community, we are absolutely dedicated to making our guild a safe and friendly, community driven place for all of our members.

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Actually, it’s rated TEEN or higher, children not recommended


i love gay people. if two guys take eachother out of the hunt its less competition for girls


i support this 10000%


I am looking for a horde lgbtq guild on Mankrik. Are there any lgbt guilds forming? My btag is battlemom#1568


i sent you a btag request knotty

Trans girl looking for a guild on one of the OCE servers, I’m not fussed either pvp or pve I’ve reserved my name on both

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Hi we have a guild planned and we welcome all LGBTQI+ and more to join!

Guild name: Goiter Gotis
Server: Pagle PVE
Faction: Alliance
Focus: Mostly fishing and dungeons
LGBTQI+ focus: We have a safe space for everyone. We are also welcoming to any disabilities and promote body positivity! Our GM has Crohn’s and was unable to play retail WoW because of its focus on esports/timed dungeon events. So we are all excited about classic’s slower format which will allow for more breaks if needed.

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< Black Lotus Teahouse >
Pagle-EST (still in vote if we’re staying)

Focusing on all aspects of the game, but we are a semi-hardcore raiding guild for the most part. We raid M/T/T 8-11pm CST and a 2nd core team S/S 7-11pm CST.

We are VERY LGBTQI+ friendly. Our Gm is female, out of our 12 officers/council members 8 are women (2 bisexual) and of the 4 men 2 are gay and one is bisexual. The ONE straight guy is the GM’s brother lmao. I think we qualify as LGBTQI+ friendly XD (Please note that we did not intentionally plan this out, we’re just all friends and this is how it happened to shake out.)

We have many LGBTQI+ members in the guild of unranked positions and we openly and freely talk of such things. We even have our own set of channels for these topics in discord as well.



Dragonslayer Covenant | Alliance | Stalagg - PVP | DKP Loot System!

Dragonslayer Covenant
Faction: Alliance
Server: Stalagg
Server Type: PVP
Guild Type: Progression Raiding

Do you want the classic vanilla experience? Want to avoid streamers?
How about hanging out with a friendly group of people, killing Horde, and taking on classic content as a team!
If that interest you, keep reading. We might have just the place for you!

oh, almost forgot… We got GUILD EVENTS!
Imagine taking a break from doing all that grinding to do a community event, like getting drunk and doing duels, a Scavenger Hunt, or an organized raid on an unsuspecting Horde town. We have an occasional event for you!

We intend to eventually clear all raids, but will not be rushing for them. Our priority is creating an enjoyable and fun experience for all the raiders, free of unnecessary drama. However we do expect all of our members to come PREPARED FOR RAIDS , have a GOOD ATTITUDE and be willing to HELP OTHERS.

We feel that hard work should be rewarded. That’s why we use a DKP Loot System. You’ll recieve DKP from participating in raids, and from farming mats/consumables. And when an item drops, you can bid on it using your DKP. So your contributions earn you better gear! Loot priority is only given to the very few Guild Executives; who are working to keep everyone happy. They organize guild events, communicate with other guilds, and handle any internal problems between members; along with showing up to raids like everyone else. The 3 or 4 guild executives won’t stop any dedicated raider from getting geared!

(For more details on the loot system, check out our discord!)

If you are interested in joining the team, check our discord or contact me directly. See you in classic!

RAID TIMES: Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday, 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST
Battletag: Ardent#11734
Discord Contacts: Spike#5914, Ardent#0896
Discord Server: RCnR6Ta

Will the guild be Horde? Any openings for Resto Druid? :heart_eyes::chipmunk:

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