Unofficial LGBTQI+ friendly guilds registry - advertise here!

I sent you a friend request on Discord! I am interested in joining the guild!

I heard horde of gaymers might be a guild there?

Seriously even as someone who is white/straight passing that stuff is exhausting to deal with in my personal time much less how dangerous it can be for people who are LGBTQ+… Hell I’ve had friends stabbed right in front of their house for being trans. So yes a place where they feel safe being who they are is a HUGE deal…


We are setting up a safe haven on Atiesh as well. All are welcomed to join.


Don’t respond to trolls. Report and move on.

  • The Dark Knights
  • Server: Pagle (PvE)
  • Horde
  • Focus is casual / social with healthy mix of PvE and PvP
  • LGBTQI+ friendly - not focused, but welcoming to all walks of life
  • Link to recruitment thread for more details:

< Pugs R Us >
Atiesh (PVE, PST time zone)
PVE, Casual/Semi-hardcore Raiding and Social
LGBTQI+ friendly, no political/religious discussions, and a zero tolerance policy on harrassment

I’m planning on rolling a holy paladin. Looking for a LGBT friendly guild on a PVP server. Preferably a guild with lax raid attendance rules. I’m on the West coast, but I have a flexible work schedule.

Bnet- Twidget#1826

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Guild name - Unknown
Server name and type - Pagle US / PvE
Faction - Horde
Focus - Social and maybe some raiding
LGBTQI+ focus - GM is gay and guildies are LGBTQI+ allies.
No link to anything.
Zer0F0xGiv3n#1887 add me for information

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Hello there! Excited to be joining the list of LGBTQI+ friendly and safe guilds. Triumvirate has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, both in guild public spaces as well as anything reported to us from whispers and PMs. We want an inclusive environment where everybody can feel safe and welcome regardless of their identity.

Triumvirate - Pagle Alliance - EST PVE
Raiding (multiple teams), Dungeons, PVP, Social events for the whole server
Current raid times Tue/Thurs 8:30-11:30 PST, Sun/Mon optional alt and farm raid schedule TBA
Second raid team forming now, all roles and classes welcome!

GM Battletag/Discord: Gamble#11866, Gamble#6711
Official forums recruitment post: [A] [EST] [PAGLE] <Triumvirate> | Community & Raiding

Seems to be some of our less tolerant brethren want everyone they don’t like to roll on Thalnos…
But thank you for this thread. Even some of us straight people do not like listening to people trash our friends and families, Knowing you can avoid this is great! :slight_smile:


Guild name: Fifteen Years Later
Server: Stalagg- PvP (EST)
Faction: Horde
Focus: Pvp and PvE, creating a fun community for college/grad students
We welcome anyone! Friendly and helpful group!

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Can you guys just let them post their guilds and go argue somewhere else?


I’d like to point out the irony of telling the very people who came up with the “closet” metaphor to go hide who they are in public spaces.

And with that said, please stop responding to trolls. Report and move on. I only responded to the first one since they were still hiding under plausible deniability and I gave them the benefit of the doubt.


Are there any Vegan guilds out there?

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Bump to put at top of list again…lol

Super off topic: Life is getting easier in a world with Impossible Whoppers and Subway Impossible meatball subs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Guild Name: <Shadow of the Moon>
Faction: Alliance
Realm & Realm Type: NA - Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP-PvE)
Playstyle: Social & Casual; PvE
Guild Leader: Uriella (Human Priestess)

How We Are Different: We function as an extended family, assisting each other with quests, items, RP storylines, and more. Honesty, respect, integrity, charity, and compassion are hallmarks of our group. The atmosphere of friendship and family is, for us, the foundation of everything. Our focus on charity to those within our family and those outside our family is a core value. We are accepting of everyone regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, etc. etc.

Guild Charter & Focus

The guild’s foundation was based on the ancient Order of Beneficence (Order of Good Deeds). All members of the guild devote themselves to three defining traits:

  1. Benevolence (Kindness and respect for everyone)

  2. Charity (Giving when it is not convenient or beneficial)

  3. Family (Commitment to personal bonds with other guild members)

Official Guild Ad on Classic Forum:


Added this to the OP:


Guild name: Space Force
Server: Herod
Faction: Alliance
Focus: PvE, with a healthy mix of PvP
LGBTQI+ focus: We are not an LGBTQI+ guild, but we are LGBTQI+ friendly and several members (myself included) identify as such.

Space Force is a group of like-minded players who have played together on and off for the past 8 years through many iterations of World of Warcraft end game content. The focus of the guild is progression PvE content but also take part in the other parts of Classic by being a part of the greater Herod, US - East community.

We believe in a “less is more” mentality when it comes to our time commitment to raiding. We value the time we can put into World of Warcraft, so we expect our core team to come prepared to raid. We will also be planning activities outside of raids, such as dungeon runs, battleground groups, and world PvP.

Our recruitment post (with discord link) is here:

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