Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

im kinda grumpy at yall but im still kinda glad you’re still going


What I do? xD

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you did nothing. Im not overly grumpy at you.

I announced the fact I was leaving the forums on the old thread and the only acknowledgement I got was you gave it a like.

I came to the thread to say it because I thought after a year of giving support I should announce the fact I was taking a break. And your like was the only care I got.

So as someone who only supported because I thought it was a great community it was like “well slur you too then” lol


Shame on them.

No one commented on the thread you posted? I coulda sworn you made a separate post too.

I shoulda commented too. I dunno where my brain was.

Glad you’re back though!

im pretty sure fezzy did but otherwise nope

Won’t lie, it did hurt a little

And im back for 2 reasons.
1 because i want to maintain the trust level 3 I didnt know this character had. Thats why im back to belf.
2 the vodka made me more chatty lol
Probably why I’m saying I’m grumpy, was just going to put this on ignore


so the event is soon huh


I had some booze earlier. It helped. My baby hognose died… So I was pretty heartbroken. Breeder is refunding me but I was still pretty upset.

I’m okayish now.

Yep, looking forward to the event. Even if like 3 people show up.



oh **** I’m sorry to hear that
How long until the event. I’ll try to be there.
But give it in like countdown time.
Im eu. Any time you give will be nonsense to m

Wait, is this the birthday one?
If so double sorry

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Tomorrow is the birthday one! On horde side.

The Alliance one on Proudmoore is in an 1 hr and 10 minutes.

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I’ve got my laptop on charge for it!
My charger is slightly… broken
So if it blows up and i die
I want to go down as a martyr


30 mins right?
No wait an hour?

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30 minutes. :smiley:

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where is it?
I know proudmoore but will a new char do?

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Yep, a new toon will do! Proudmoore. Meet at the Stormwind Embassy. I’m on a Worgen rogue named Styrba.

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I have a rogue in goldshire because I wanted to check out the blm event so I should be golden then
20 mins and ill log on


hoping the lack of people around now doesn’t indicate turn out


We’ll see! I know Fezzy will be around at some point. And someone else whispered me as well. So we’ll have a few.


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How did gathering support for the event off the forums go?


will be logging on in a min
Hoping my battery doesn’t die
Ordered a new charger
My laptop has been draining faster than charging… f it im going down to the pc


I know there is some interest on here. Maybe more for the horde event.

Someone just booped me. Not sure if they’re for the event. xD

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