Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Frankly Sethrak should have been what came alongside Vulpera, not diaper-gnomes.


So much this.

Like, I don’t want to sound ungrateful or whiny, I do love the awesome customizations and cool stuff we’ve received so far and I am super grateful for that.

Still, I really can’t stand them taking AGES to release popular races that have been requested for so many years.

It took them what, 14 years to cave in and give us Dark Iron Dwarves or High (Void) Elves? Do we really have to wait another decade until they finally give us Sethrak?

And don’t get me started on ogres.

It’s disheartening. I’m tired.

And since they’ve already announced the following three expansions, these don’t look thematically appropriate for Sethrak as a playable race.



So they delete my thread again despite it being just legitemate concerns for the story. Biased Blizzard strikes again.

All of this.

I can’t even understand why customizations for existing races is taking so long and being so lacking much less why they can’t just deliver commonly requested or lore appropriate races…

And why are they so incoherent? Why are Man’ari a customization but earthen are a race? like… wth are the rules?


We want playable Sethrak, please, make them Alliance or Horde or neutral, it won’t matter, just make em playable.



Weekly reminder that we need playable Sethrak, please.

Thank you


Please let this happen. I need a shaman Sethrak.


I just need a sethrak at all.


Here’s hoping for Sethrak in 10.2.6 :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Yes! We need more anthro reptile races!

We have evoker but lot of folks been asking for Sethrak for a while.


So here I am expressing my disappointment in 10.2.6…

Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy for our PVP friends they finally got some deserved content after so many years. Still, I was expecting some sort of PVE content for us. But nada.

Blizzard, this really is an easy win for you. Just enable playable Sethrak, neutral, Alliance, Horde, we don’t mind, no long questlines are needed either.

I beg you.


Weirdly enough in wow I’m strickly pve… no pvp what so ever for the most part. I love plunder storm for w/e reason.

Sure it’s other players but it doesn’t feel like fighting other players… it’s strange.

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Think you posted in the wrong thread mate :pirate_flag:


Honestly, I feel ‘Neutral’ should be the direction moving forward with most – if not all, new races. Especially those of massive societies & established cultures.

  • Have the city / kingdom be a standalone neutral city.
  • Have the civilisation recognise the might, power & influence throughout the world that both the Alliance & the Horde have, thus allow parties and free-willed adventurers of their kind to approach both to form treaties & pacts.
  • Those that join each faction are independent, yet form their own order of sorts within the faction itself – Amongst those who joined.

Personally, for once — I’d love the Horde to have ‘The blue guy’ and the Alliance to have ‘The red guy’ - instead of the whole:

  • “Oh what a coincidence!? The red one went to the Horde and the blue one went to the Alliance!”
  • “Also, we just happened to have the Horde claim the red zone and the Alliance claim the blue zone.”

Because it’s kind of boring, predictable and a tad unrealistic in the regards of individual decisions & exploratory settings …

As for the subject of ‘Sethrak’ themselves:

It’d be cool having more races with a devoted Loa (eg. Sethralis), along with their sorts of traditions and reverence too. :grin:

  • Personally I loved the way Rezan as a loa was portrayed in Talanji’s escape by ship back to her kingdom.
  • I would love to see more of that kind of portrayal by Loa in the future.
  • Having more races revere Loa instead of the typical ‘Light’ / ‘Void’ / ‘Naaru’ / ‘Arcane’ / ‘Nothing but our own zug-zugging strength’ — would be refreshing too.
  • If Sethrak had a priest class, it’d be cool if instead of a Naaru animation in holy spec — a Sethralis animation would appear instead :partying_face:

Getting some more race-specific animations towards their classes & specs would be pretty awesome.

It’d be nice if as Sethrak you saw Bwonsamdi too as a spirit healer in the spirit realm:

  • “I know, I know – The pact I made with ya ‘precious’ snake loa still stands … Crafty one she is. Normally I get the better end of da bargain!”


With gear, I’d imagine Blizz might have the same issue they do with ‘Dracthyr’ and modelling the gear around them. To this I presented a solution in another thread, but the same could work hear too for some of it:

  • Upon earning a full tier set, you unlock a customisation ‘gear’ option in the barber-shop.
  • With Sethrak specifically, given you have different Sethrak mobs throughout WoW already with different armour sets — You have the opportunity of different facets & looks of gear upon them to utilise: Some to come with the race, and others to perhaps earn via content later on.

Ultimately, I feel like there’s a lot of potential for the Sethrak race. :grin:

lol they brought it up first so I figured I would reply XD haha sorry :stuck_out_tongue:


Nah, Most races should have to pick a side based on their culture and ideologies.

Some though work well for neutral. I think the Sethrak could easily work as a neutral party. (If not just in general than by having two factions of them).

Things like ogres and forest trolls, Wildhammer and Furbolg all fit into specifically the Horde, Horde, Alliance and Alliance respectively.

But like some of the more generally open races like the Sethrak fit really easily into a neutral point.

Gear was already proven by WoWhead long ago during BfA to be no different than with the Tauren or Worgen.



Oh I didn’t read the above post haha ok makes sense :snake:


lol it’s all good I figured. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes… playble sethrak would be awesome, especially now that we have all the pirate mogs… I want to make a Sir Pentious character.


I mean if it’s a large race with large diversities of its kingdoms, it’d make sense for there to be two.

  • As for the human race – we know our singular race has many variations & cultures.
  • Even in singular cultures, there normally 2 or more sides of politics that get voted into power.
  • There’s also shadow-ministers & sub-parties that hold influence & sway to some degrees even if they’re not in power upon various societies too.

Having a prime-network society that works similarly like Dalaran, only that it has its prime acting force for the good of their people then two representative forces to each faction – Could be quite interesting, if the world building & story is played right.

Oh? Well then, there ya go! :partying_face:
:grin: The more you know ~

Same ordeal for their under-caverns of their home-network built (Hopefully better built than that of Zaralek Caverns, lol)


reminder, out of everything they could have added, they chose a third dwarf for, the war within and not sethrak. :sob: :snake: