Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

No… They will never count as a beastial race, they’re an abomination! No seriously though, they’re creepy and ugly as all heck Aside from the women, they don’t look half bad. :eyes:

Jokes aside, I don’t believe they even come close to the beastial mark, aside from the hooves to me they don’t really look beastial in any way, even considering the horns and tail. They’re more human than anything, and PERSONALLY… They’re the only race on the alliance that I truly despise myself. Gnomes are just the butt of all the jokes, for they are footballs If the alliance get’s another beastial race, it can’t be ANYTHING like the draenei, appearance wise I mean, religion yeah go for it I guess… But they’re too peaceful (mostly) in my eyes.

I completely agree with this, the Horde has some civilized races in their faction, meanwhile the only race that can really hit that savage mark at all in the alliance, are the worgen… I think that there should be some form of balance, give the alliance another beastial more savage race in the fold, and it’ll work. Doesn’t have to be saberon either, could be the bird men (I aint typing the name of em cause I know I’ll butcher it) who still have their wings. They could work rather well, and since they do have a somewhat savage personality (A.K.A violent as all heck) think it could add some color.

Most certainly, however he is just one of the possible leaders in the saberon… Since we don’t really need to RELY on that though. Some other contenders for leadership, Goldmane, the Panther saberon the alliance sees in Gorgrond IF they choose the arena (We see right there in the story that they’ve no qualms working with the alliance, or a faction in general), the big tiger man from the uhhhhh… Saberstalkers? Think that’s what they were called (sorry haven’t been on wow in a bit, been busy) ANYWAY the big tiger man could be a possible leader. If not one of them, we could take another route, however personally I’d like Leo or the panter one in gorgrond, since we made friends with them, AND they both present a culture to their races that could decide what faction they go to. However, if we don’t get either of em as a leader, could simply create a new character overall… But I get the feeling I’ve already said this. <_<

Whenever I get back to WoW (if that happens) I’ll have to redo the Gorgrond quests, to refresh my memory on it. Lemme know what you guys think!

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I was wondering what fur patterns people might want for their Saberon if they did become playable.

I remember my Vah Shir and Kerran character in Everquest 1 and 2 having a typical orange tiger fur pattern. Likely, I’d go with that if it were an option.

If I made another Saberon character, I’d likely lean towards a white tiger fur pattern. I actually like the pattern of white tigers, thinking they were really cool when I first saw them when I was young.

Seems like there are all kinds of possibilities for fur pattern customization options, and I’m sure they could cover quite a lot of RL felines. Especially when you factor things like manes, too! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:



My favorite animal.


Saberon are irrelevant in WoW lore, just a race from Draenor which is not part of today’s lore.

Unlikely to ever happen.

A lot of races were irrelevant at one point and time and eventually still became playable. They got some love and development to go with that as well. Just because a race isn’t really much of a presence in the current expansion doesn’t mean they couldn’t be in a future expansion.

I view Saberon as a bit of a blank canvas. It’s not much aside from some neat scribbles right now, but with the right amount of creativity, it’s something that could work out very well. Like with a lot of races, I view them as having great potential and would be interested in seeing their culture get expanded and even be part of some storylines.

I also feel that Saberon would bring a lot of flavor to the character creation screen. Give them a chance and some creativity, and I think they’d do well as a playable race. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Arakkoas would be a welcome addition for me as much as the saberons.

:lion: :bird:


With a new month starting, I went through my routine of submitting in-game suggestions for races I want to become playable and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. Saberon are one of those races.

It is mentioned on the main post of this megathread how to submit in-game feedback and I have made a step-by-step guide on how to do so for races people want playable. I figured I’d paste it here, since I’ve been gradually adding it to megathreads in general:

Once a month on only one character, I send an in-game suggestion for the races I want playable. I do one suggestion for each race and refer to their megathreads on the official US WoW forums for more information. It’s something I don’t regularly do, as I don’t want to spam the system, but it is something I try to at least do occasionally.

If you’re interested in submitting in-game feedback for any races you are interested in becoming playable, here is how to get to it in game:

Step 1: Press ESC to bring up the general menu.

Step 2: Click “Support.” It’s at the very top of the menu.

A new window in-game should load. It can take a few seconds for it to load completely. Underneath the “Search World of Warcraft Support” search bar, you should see a line of square images that refer to specific categories of support.

Step 3: Click the “Submit feedback or bug report” square. It should be on the far left when you first load the support window.

It’ll take a second to load that part.

Step 4: Click the lightbulb icon on the right that says “Submit a suggestion”

Step 5: Click in the text box on this window to begin typing a suggestion.

You’re now ready to submit an in-game suggestion!

It’s limited to 500 characters you can type, so you have to be a bit creative in the limited space. As I said before, I usually do one suggestion for each race I want playable, giving a very brief mention of the race, the faction I want it for, and why I feel they’d be great to add. I then make sure to type the name of the associated megathread, assuming they have a megathread, and mention they’re on the official US WoW forums, stating to go there for more info, such as ideas, fan support/designs, ongoing discussions, etc.

When you submit the feedback, it states you won’t get a response, but that it’ll be looked at in some way. Now, this wouldn’t be a sure-fire way to get a race playable, but it can’t hurt to do so in my opinion. After all, we have to show support somehow!

So for those interested in supporting a race you want playable, this is how to do it in-game. As I said, I usually do this once a month (on just one character) at most so as to not spam the system. However, multiple people doing it could help a lot to showing support for races we’d love to see playable.

Also make sure you’re submitting a suggestion and not a bug. I mean, yes, the character creation screen lacking playable feline races is quite the game-breaking bug (with an easy fix!), but a suggestion will likely be received better as opposed to sending that as a bug report.

Hope that helps! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:



Always Land On Your Feet - Decrease fall damage
Nine Lives - Res sickness reduced to 9 minutes
More Than One Way To Skin A Saberon - +10 to skinning and extra mats
Saberon Scratch Fever - DoT that does bleed damage
Steal Your Breath - Silence the target for 3 seconds

(p.s. Just having fun. Thank you for writing this up. I want a saberon more than any other race.)


LOL! This kind of heresy should be treated with stones.

Pandarens are a joke on April 1st, and are here now.
“Vulperas are not going to be a playable race.” Vulperas are here, now.

Want to quote lore? WHAT lore was there about junkgnomes?
Lore can be created by devs, at any time to justify something.
Purple blood elves, void lovers, emerged like this.

And the Draenei themselves too.
Being of Alt Draenor did not stop the orcs maghar.
And the Saberons are now in Azeroth, hitchhiking with the Maghar orcs.

Something is only irrelevant, for those who don’t care about that something.
I know that there are people who have no interest in warcraft palyerhouses and consider them irrelevant because they serve only RP and waste game resources.

But each person knows how to value what they like.
It may not be important to some but irrelevant?
Can a new breed harm someone’s dps? Do not.


While camping a world boss for a mount, I noticed someone with a Saberon illusion running around. I saw the buff and looked it up, and it turns out there is a toy that gives you a Saberon illusion:

I’d recommend looking at the comments for it, as it appears to be a bit confusing to figure out how to get what you need done to get this toy.

It’s something I’ll look into to maybe take some screenshots, and I also know some people here were wanting to look into it to be able to roleplay a Saberon in-game since the majority of them don’t seem to be pick-pocketable for Glyph of Disguise.

I don’t think this would nuke any possibility of playable Saberon also. It can still work alongside playable Saberon, who could have different models if they did become playable to begin with. I think it would be silly to deny a race becoming playable because “an illusion toy is in the game!” This isn’t like an assist trophy in Smash Bros.

Anyway, hope this helps anyone wanting to get a Saberon illusion in-game of some kind. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Thank you for this! I am here to wholeheartedly lend my support for Saberon as a playable race. If Blizz can re skin Goblins into Vulpera, they can give us Saberon. PLEASE BLIZZARD I would PAY for Saberon before I would pay to play BC (again.)

Ah, I forgot to mention. The best racial mount for Saberon is Tol’vir. PLEASE BLIZZ MAKE THIS HAPPEN

That would be quite interesting to see xD

Similar to the Vulpera allied race questline.
“The Horde canʻt help you.”
“But we can help the horde”

Iʻve often wondered why WoW didnt have cat people. Almost every MMO type of game has them. Heck even Star Wars the Old Republic had cat people… i donʻt remember seeing a cat person in any StarWars film.

Anywho, It would be interesting but only if they can bring something new to the table. Simply having a bunch of re-skinned worgen shouldn’t be the prime reason for bringing the Saberon into a faction.

Also As a druid that used Claws of Shirvallah, the walking/running animation of a Saberon (running wild) had my cat butt up in the air while I wore a kilt thingy. Im sure all the ladies, and gents running behind me got an eyeful.
Although I did get a chuckle when backing up to dwarves or gnomes and doing the cat sticks it butt in your face thing

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I’m always open to suggestions on what to include in this thread :heart:

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This has me split. On one hand I really love the Saberon models, but in the other I have been wanting to return the Saberon model to druids since they removed it in Legion.

I just feel like there can’t be both, so I don’t know where to swing.

I’ve been getting into Dungeons and Dragons 5e and saw that there are two different playable cat races. I wanted to share them for some playable Saberon idea inspiration.

The first is the Tabaxi. I have a couple links of interest for them.

General information:

Features (Racials more or less) and subrace information:

The other cat race is the Leonin. A general guide to them is here:

I still hope to see playable Saberon someday, regardless of faction. I would say that feline races are popular in other forms of media, and I’m sure Saberon could become something interesting if given the time and love to flesh them out more.

I’ll keep an eye out for anytbing else of interest to link for playable Saberon idea inspiration. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Support for Saberon. :cut_of_meat::tiger2: