No… They will never count as a beastial race, they’re an abomination! No seriously though, they’re creepy and ugly as all heck Aside from the women, they don’t look half bad.
Jokes aside, I don’t believe they even come close to the beastial mark, aside from the hooves to me they don’t really look beastial in any way, even considering the horns and tail. They’re more human than anything, and PERSONALLY… They’re the only race on the alliance that I truly despise myself. Gnomes are just the butt of all the jokes, for they are footballs If the alliance get’s another beastial race, it can’t be ANYTHING like the draenei, appearance wise I mean, religion yeah go for it I guess… But they’re too peaceful (mostly) in my eyes.
I completely agree with this, the Horde has some civilized races in their faction, meanwhile the only race that can really hit that savage mark at all in the alliance, are the worgen… I think that there should be some form of balance, give the alliance another beastial more savage race in the fold, and it’ll work. Doesn’t have to be saberon either, could be the bird men (I aint typing the name of em cause I know I’ll butcher it) who still have their wings. They could work rather well, and since they do have a somewhat savage personality (A.K.A violent as all heck) think it could add some color.
Most certainly, however he is just one of the possible leaders in the saberon… Since we don’t really need to RELY on that though. Some other contenders for leadership, Goldmane, the Panther saberon the alliance sees in Gorgrond IF they choose the arena (We see right there in the story that they’ve no qualms working with the alliance, or a faction in general), the big tiger man from the uhhhhh… Saberstalkers? Think that’s what they were called (sorry haven’t been on wow in a bit, been busy) ANYWAY the big tiger man could be a possible leader. If not one of them, we could take another route, however personally I’d like Leo or the panter one in gorgrond, since we made friends with them, AND they both present a culture to their races that could decide what faction they go to. However, if we don’t get either of em as a leader, could simply create a new character overall… But I get the feeling I’ve already said this. <_<
Whenever I get back to WoW (if that happens) I’ll have to redo the Gorgrond quests, to refresh my memory on it. Lemme know what you guys think!