Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

I’ll be honest I’m tired of this neutral bull.

Its Warcraft and while some races being inherently neutral is good and well, its blocking races that have a real actual impact on the world and story from being made into actual AR’s. The Wildhammer, Ogres, Furbolg, Frostborn, Jinyu, Hozen, Taunka, Forest Trolls, Kelfin and Ankoan are all examples of side specific races that should have been added by now as AR’s but Blizzard is too afraid to, apparently to the point of recreating the exact story of the Dwarves as a whole in an entirely unrequested AR like the Earthen, just to make them neutral.

The factions should always be a thing and each race should almost always have its preferred faction in the story. It should only be a choice that players make that matters for us. Neutral shouldn’t be a thing a race is for the most part it should be a thing we are as a choice. The RACE should choose a faction and should have its story better told from those standpoints.

Saberon in my opinion should be Horde, though I can still see reason for them to be Alliance.

But I don’t think they should be Neutral.


I have to agree with Fen here, the game is called “World of Warcraft” and majority of the races have vital stories within the factions they have made homes in. Many people use that love for the very connection between faction and race for their characters in roleplay, and this very relationship can feed into one’s own love for any number of these fantastical races. With the introduction of these dwarves, there is the possibility that those very bonds may soon be torn away for whatever new race is introduced… Which is something I personally, as both a PvPer and Roleplayer, do not want. However I must acquiesce that as of late, the game has taken the route of “Peace over War” and this will likely lead us down the route of abolishing the entire idea of factions all together within WoW. My only hope is that before this happens, we get to see the Alliance become the bad guys, and some threat comes along that wipes out both of the Horde AND Alliance. This will thus set up the idea of “Hey, this guy is REALLY BAD, we gotta band together or we’re done for.” because we’ve never really lost in a meaningful sense, then they make a new faction that’s just every race and outside of some quests the alliance and horde are no more… Only then would I be fine with neutral races, as the concept does, in my opinion, diminish the idea of factions as a whole in a game that has, or had, heavy focus on factions.

What does this have to do with Saberon? Well, Saberon for me are the race I want to play more than any other. Back in MoP I was obsessed with the idea of playing a savage cat man rogue who lurked in the shadows only to pounce and slaughter it’s prey… Then that very thing was shown to us in WoD. So, it’s a race I desire to play, however despite me at the current moment maining Alliance, there aren’t many ways I can feasibly see saberon being part of the Alliance in a manner that makes sense. I’ll be happy with saberon on either faction, but in my mind it makes the most sense for them to only be playable for the Horde, alongside the Alliance getting the Arrakoa. However, if saberon for some reason are alliance, or nuetral then I will not complain, as they’ll still be playable… doesn’t mean I won’t RP them as Horde though


I was gonna blast you with some triggering troll comment but. … Well done man. Fantastic post and for what I thought was going to be a lame idea … I now fully support


would you guys want to be a lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah, etc

With US Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, I thought I would link some videos of some various types of wild cats getting to enjoy Thanksgiving. I tried to find videos I haven’t linked before, so apologies if any are repeats. Videos are below:

Hopefully Saberon will get to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty someday! :lion:

I’ll be making at least one more US Thanksgiving related post, but as usual, whatever your plans are for this week, please have a fun, happy, and safe US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hoping Saberon get to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty someday! :lion:

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Hope to see Saberon someday. Many good stories they can do with them in the Barrens.


Happy December everyone! :christmas_tree::lion:

Next to Halloween, this is another favorite time of the year for me. I’m planning to make the usual festive posts once Winter Veil starts in-game for here and a few other race request megathreads. I’ll likely make the usual couple of New Year’s posts as well when it gets to the end of the month.

Hoping everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday season! :snowman_with_snow:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


I was considering drawing a Saberon with a Santa hat to post on here, but don’t believe I can post links yet? I dunno, anyway with Christmas on the way there are outfits that come with the holiday. Usually the santa costume, be it green or red, maybe a ugly sweater or two, and as far as I remember that’s it… Now brings up a question, two actually. Santa has a very bushy beard, if the saberon had facial hair, how do you think it’d look? Would they have stylized hairy whiskers and goatees? Or just a goatees and sideburns, or maybe they can tie up their manes a certain way? Now the other question, I mentioned outfits, and for a reason. Certain… Beast races are a bit notorious for having mog that looks just horrid on them. I think we all know who these races are, now would this be a problem for the saberon? Or would Blizzard take the time to make the helm’s look good on them, or at least the majority of said helms? I dunno, just something that came to mind.


This white tiger is getting their tree ready for Winter Veil coming up! They’ll be wishing for playable Saberon to go underneath it. You too can wish for it and help make this tiger and many Saberon happy!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I know I’ll continue to wish to see a few new playable races under my Winter Veil tree! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger: :polar_bear:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


So something I was thinking about with the Barrens were the NPC denizens there, and I realized that the Quillboar there are going to have a heck of a time with the Botani taking up residence.

Think about it. Quillboar utilize a lot of huge thorns where they reside. So with that plus the Botani who can take control of them and being potentially powered up by the nightmarish power in the Wailing Caverns is…a very scary thought. I feel like the Quillboar would be prime fodder for the Botani in several ways. I imagine the Centaur and Harpies wouldn’t fare much better either.

It’s hard for me to imagine any of them putting aside their differences to work with the Horde in fighting against the Botani. At best there could be some refugees that the Horde takes pity on. It was something worth noting, since they all would be affected by the Botani.

Where Saberon come in the picture is with sharing items, artifacts, reagents, and tactics of how to deal with the Botani. I’m sure several of the tribes had less than favorable dealings with them before and after we left AU Draenor. This would give Saberon some importance in the storyline and give a reason why the Horde and possibly the Alliance would want to work with them against the Botani threat. And of course the Saberon would be open to doing it because living is kinda healthy and having a secured home in this new world (of Warcraft!) to them would be pretty important. It would also be useful if the Botani gain the nightmare power within the Wailing Caverns.

Just more fun thoughts of the potential of seeing that storyline in the Barrens and giving good reasons to lead into playable Saberon! :lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Alternative problem.

The Quillboar and Harpies start working with the Botani.


It’s hard for me to imagine the Botani really working with anyone. Moreso if they’re corrupted with whatever nightmare power thing is within Wailing Caverns.

If anything, I imagine there would be several plant zombie beings, which would likely include Quillboar among several other races. That is about the only way I see Botani “working” with other beings. They’re not exactly reasonable beings you can sit around a table and hash out a business relation with. They’re more of the hostile takeover sort. Emphasis on the hostile part.

And honestly, them enslaving everyone as plant zombies and as a handy snack really adds to the whole storyline in the area. They need to be a threat that is going to take quite a lot of work to fight against. Not to mention the idea I presented before where a revamped Wailing Caverns could have a few infested beings like former Saberon heroes, members of the Horde and Alliance, and any other denizens of the Barrens as bosses or even just dungeon jobber mobs.

The dire situation would work well in giving importance to Saberon, especially if they know ways to fight off the Botani, in the area to work with the Horde and Alliance to fight against the Botani. After all, if efforts fail and the Botani grow in power, Orgrimmar could get hit with waves of spores and overtaken by psychotic vegetation and a souped up Genesaur, which would really be a disaster. Moreso with the nightmare power infusing the plants and spores with something much worse and insidious than SecuROM could ever hope to accomplish.

Thus why I kinda view the Botani as beings that seek to devour, dominate, and take over as opposed to being part of a villainous democracy. And honestly, it makes them a much more effective and scary villain to have them that way instead.

Might be a good time to stock up on some heavy duty weed killer for when we eventually have to deal with evil ambitious vegetables. Just saying.

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


I could see that kind of situation leading to some of those other races being playable, too, not so much the main population, but a remnant, or desperate offshoot wanting to team up with a bigger group to survive. Could open up races for both the horde and alliance.


I could imagine a bit of an emergency situation where those races have to work with the Horde to have a chance at surviving the Botani threat. It’d be a bit like how the Wastewander Bandits put their differences aside with the Uldum Accord even if it could have been temporary.

It’s an interesting idea, though I don’t know how receptive the denizens would be with working with the Horde, given they all have really bad history with each other. Maybe some have evolved culturally since Cataclysm, so who knows? I’m sure something could be written, but I don’t know how realistic it could be if we got a Botani invasion scenario.

Of course, that whole thing fits into the Saberon storyline also. After all, they likely had bad blood with the Mag’har Orcs and their history with the Lightbound would affect relations with the Lightforged Draenei and likely the Draenei in general. This would have to be addressed if Saberon went to one or both factions, as well as the dire situation causing them to set aside differences to at least take care of the Botani threat.

So maybe we could see something like that with other races in the Barrens having to work with the Horde. Would make for an interesting theme altogether. :lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


New Alchemy recipes???


Blizzard… Take notes on what this man just said, tis great.

For the saberon heroes, we COULD see a story where we are introduced to the saberon clan leader who is the STRONGEST warrior. MAYBE, the botani attack the village/tribelands where we somehow, fight them back, and at the end we get a cinematic of him fighting them to give his people a fighting chance. At the end, he runs to deal with one of their generals but… It would seem he is killed…

Or so we thought, instead a character who we learn to respect or even love, has now become our enemy. Forced to fight us to the death, maybe even telling the dungeon/raid party how to kill him, fighting against it. Then his kid, or the next strongest member of the clan takes his mantle. I am very, very tired from work so not gonna go all indepth with this idea tonight. If I remember will come back and put more info on it.

Edit, I also imagine the Saberon’s main diet being the Quill Boar. :slight_smile:


Alright, adding onto what I said the other day. First, saberon heroes, something I noticed with Allied Races is that for the most part we really don’t get to see much of their leaders. Mean we literally have a daughter of AU Durotan and we’ve yet to see her interact with Thrall, Blizzard added new characters into the lore who’ve we haven’t gotten to see any action on. So in this instance, why not change it?

If we go the Horde route, (could honestly work for alliance as well since factions don’t really matter atm) we’ll need someone to work with who holds knowledge of the Saberon before interacting with them. This being a way to prevent immediately being attacked and killed… Therefore, let’s use Overlord Geya’rah, who grew up on Alternate Draenor in the war with the Lightbound. Now, why would the Saberon not attack us with her in our company? We’ll get to that in a second.

The Botani are becoming a massive threat in Kalimdor and, they COULD somehow manage to get spores over to Eastern Kingdom (don’t need to though, a Kalimdor based expansion to overhaul the map there would be great, and allow Blizzard to update the old world bit by bit), but let’s focus on Kalimdor yeah? The Botani, begin making moves to overtake Orgimmar and other major Horde locations or bases, as that’s where the Wailing Caverns are right? Near Orgimmar. During this, a number of soldiers who survived Botani attacks could report seeing cat men hunting and killing the plant men quite effectively, thus we the player are informed of this at a meeting with the leaders and their champions to discuss what to do. Maybe they learn that these are indeed the saberon of Alternate Draenor, and our dear friend Overlord Geya’rah having dealings with them in the past. Could even go as far as having her mention that the Saberon leader owes a blood debt to her father, thus now to her… For this reason, we are required to go into the new lush jungle in search of the Saberon.

Once we come across the saberon, we walk directly into an ambush designed for the Botani, and seeing this they entrap and interrogate us… Their leader not there however. All the saberon there, DON’T recognize Overlord Geya’rah believing us to be infected by the Botani. Then as our situation begins to look dire, the Botani who the group of Saberon were laying in ambush for, arrive… Seeing new prey to add to their food stores/zombie army. This then forces a more direct assault of the Saberon, and now realizing that without the advantage of an ambush they can’t win, the leader of their hunting party decides “F*** it, RELEASE THEM!! FIGHT IF YOU WANNA LIVE!” This then causes us to fight off the Botani, and while the Hunting Party and Horde/Alliance Party lose some members, the Saberon realize we are not a threat, and now take Overlord Geya’rah’s word.

Thus prompts us being taken to their village/pridelands, where we meet the saberon’s leader. From what we can tell of the saberon, their leader’s are chosen based off of their strength, so the leader or Chieftain could be this old warrior who is beginning to grey, yet still retains his strength. The old wise warrior kinda thing. Could ALSO do something where the male/female who didn’t trust us at first, who was leading the hunting party and led us to their village, is the next in line for leadership as they’re the next strongest warrior, and steadily reaching similar strength as the current Chieftain. By the end of the story this character can steadily become stronger and prove themselves as the strongest. So, as I was saying earlier, the current chieftain can recognize Overlord Geya’rah as the daughter of Durotan, the orc who saved his life, the life of his mate/child, or even clan, whatever the writing team wants to do, so long as it makes sense to be a severe enough Blood Debt to make them agree to joining and aiding us against the botani. The saberon would of course view the orcs as worthy allies, but the other races I believe they’d hold doubts about their strength, especially the smaller races like dwarves, gnomes, goblins, and vulpera. Could even have a scene where the chieftain or next in line, heck even a random warrior, makes jabs at one of these races, saying something along the lines of “Such a small creature could never survive our trials.” or something. Thus leading into a quest chain where, while we are aiding them, we have to prove our strength to the clan of saberon.

Now skipping to the end, the Botani know where the Saberon are based, by this time we get to see different characters, new and old, develop. Hopefully getting us attached the Chieftain… Before he dies. Above I mentioned the idea of the Botani learning of where the Saberon are based, due to this knowledge and the hassle we’ve been proving to be, they attack attempting to squash the threat beneath their stumps… OR, we do so well that we find ourselves at one of their MAJOR bases, where we push forward for a final assault, only to fail. How would we fail? No idea, up to the writers, but something could happen that forces the Saberon’s current Chieftain to draw his weapons and fight for his people One. Last. Time. So, we get to see this epic cinematic where this saberon (and maybe another prominent character) fight at the gates of the Botani, holding them back and buying us time to retreat and regroup. Here we can get a bit of a solemn scene where we mourn the death of the chief, but the next warrior, enraged at the death of his/her dear friend and teacher (maybe even parental figure) cries out for vengeance. They make a Blood Oath to avenge and slaughter the botani in the Chieftain’s name, not taking up the mantle of Chieftain themselves until after this oath is complete. This would set up a story for the raid/dungeon where we then get to see the Chieftain, who is the strongest warrior the saberon have, now nothing more than a plant zombie in the service of the Botani. His sacrifice now made a mockery by the Botani, could have the big bad laugh about it, finding amusement in the idea of forcing their friend into killing them. Anyway, once this dungeon/raid is done and a new patch/expansion comes out, the Saberon then become a playable race, the quest involving the warrior taking up the mantle of chieftain, maybe finishing off one of the main botani behind the death of the previous chieftain, and proving themselves to their people. Would end with a massive feast with Quillboar as the main dish. So, thoughts?


Winter Veil is now live in WoW Retail. Huzzah!

Hoping that Saberon get to celebrate the holiday someday!

I’ll be taking some festive screenshots like I usually do each year, some of which will be for a few other race request megathreads. I’ll also make my usual end of the year and beginning of next year posts like I usually do as well. It’s a busy but fun time!

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil! :christmas_tree::lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


As is part of the usual tradition of Winter Veil in this megathread and a few others I frequent, I’ve gone and taken several screenshots of the Winter Veil sleigh ride, which is one of my favorite parts of the Winter Veil features.

There is only one model of Saberon I can use via the toy, since Glyph of Disguise doesn’t seem to work on any Saberon mobs I am aware of. But at least we have one working model to work with! So I’ll have them act as Santa Saberon once again, off to spread cheer throughout the Horde and hopefully grant the wishes of Saberon to come true!

Enjoy the screenshots with some fitting music below:

More festive screenshots to come! :christmas_tree::lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2: