Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

To be honest, I have no interest in the bird men. However, I know many people who are obsessed with them and want them more than anything else. So, me being a saberon lover and knowing their history with the fiends of the sky… Think it has some potential in PvP and Rp simply for the memes. But in all seriousness, I’d love to get BOTH races at the same time simply because of their history with one another. Maybe some of their racials pay homage or hint at said history.

Saberon, net ability that stops or slows movement for 4 or 5 seconds.

Arrakoa, wind rend (or whatever that wind attack was that the king used in that quest) stun and deal a little damage. Or summon a tornado that freezes and stuns/adds dot

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there could even be an uneasy truce between Saberon and Arrakoa, because of a shared enemy: the Botani.
I don’t know, since World of Warcraft seems to have this tendency toward more of a “World of Peacecraft” (although honestly, I don’t have anything against that shift in attitude) it could be part of a lengthy quest chain.

I miss long quest chains that truly develop story and character.

And I’d SOOOO love to have some sort of “cultural memories” quest chain where we really learn more about the Saberon, their ancestry, their ancient culture, their roots, and how they’ve evolved over time.

I mean, Blizzard did that type of thing in Vash’jir when we became Naga I think? (it’s been so long, I sort of forget the finer details of that chain)


THAT could be quite interesting yes, would not mind seeing this at all. Could also like you said, help make sense to them not trying to kill eachother. Alliance does quests mostly with the birds, while Horde works more closely with the sabercats, I like that.

MAN, Blizzard just needs to do that more in general! I remember actually enjoying rep grinds in the past SPECIFICALLY because I wanted more story. It was a reward with whatever other rewards I was given! If we were to get a whole questline or map dedicated to the Arrakoa and Saberon, where we would learn about their culture, how they’ve developed, maybe some mysticism to get a flashback or mist images of what all happened… Or a nicely made cinematic <_<


Thinking maybe I should give up my Catra the Crazy Cat Lady alt. I’m tired of waiting and I need slots.

You must resist, spam Blizzard with requests instead KEK

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Much better then dracs.
Lol @ clueless company being so unintelligent in making a dragon race with WINGS but they can’t fly due to ion made douche reasons.

I lean towards Arakkoa as the Alliance counterpoint to Saberon for several reasons, all in my own personal opinion of course.

-Their history with each other could be expanded upon.

-This can play into them working together to escape the Lightbound in the beginning newbie area in AU Draenor, which both could share.

-It could lead into potentially making amends as a result of working together.

-Both can be involved in helping the Botani threat on Azeroth, since we’re going to have that problem pop up sooner or later.

-Arakkoa have been a requested race since the BC days.

As of now, we have Saberon linked to Azeroth, but I’m sure something could be written to also have the AU Arakkoa come to Azeroth as well. I mentioned the idea of their starting area working with Saberon to establish a link to our Azeroth and escape the Lightbound. However that would be utilized, it would explain why we have a whole lot of Arakkoa and Saberon on Azeroth.

I mean, we have a bunch of Mag’har Orcs with Draenor beasts they control, so it wouldn’t be out of the question to imagine seeing a huge amount of Arakkoa and Saberon on Azeroth.

Anyway, it’s obvious that such ideas need to be fleshed out, but thinking a lot on it, I see a lot of potential. A lot does depend on what plans Blizzard would have with the Lightbound of course, but it is an exciting thing to think about. Especially with events in the Barrens and so on dealing with the Botani.

—19 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


they can even attack bare handed with claws

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Did you know wild cats like pumpkins? With Hallow’s End coming up fast, I figured it was a good time to show off various wild cats IRL enjoying pumpkins:

Hopefully Saberon will get to enjoy Hallow’s End someday. I’m sure they’d like pumpkins too! :jack_o_lantern::lion:

—18 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Again, personally would I don’t care for the Arakkoa… HOWEVER, I still want them as a playable race. If we were to get them, I’d want them to come WITH the Saberon. Saberon for the Horde, and Arakkoa for the Alliance as that makes the most sense to me, both races are fascinating in their own right, and their history with one another simply adds to it.

Right now we are facing the threat of elements running rampant right? I’ve barely touched WoW’s story since BFA, so someone please correct me if I’m wrong. ANYWAY, after this expansion, tossing in an expansion that’s all about facing the threat of the Botani would be perfect! Imagine it, coming out of the dream to see nature itself going mad and attacking our heroes. The very thing SOME of our characters have sworn to protect, now trying to kill them could be interesting. However, before our heroes (be it players or lore characters) are slaughtered by this ambush, maybe Blizzard could trick us and have one of our more beloved characters in the WoW lore have a heroic “last stand” against the botani, only to be saved by a group of saberon and Arakkoa. Not the best, but it’s one idea? Other ideas, there is a certain character sitting upon Stormwind’s throne right now who has close ties to the light, and some hatred towards the Horde. He could betray the Alliance and turn us over to the AU Army of the Light, as a “peace offering” or trying to “lead us to a just future”. Stormwind becomes a hostile environment, New Darnassus becomes the new major city for BOTH FACTIONS (with some obvious distrust towards certain Horde groups), and we have a civil war within the Alliance… Now, right now the only people who have really dealt with the Army of the Light are the Mag’har, so we could allow some of the newer characters have some of the spotlight, BUT maybe a saberon and arakkoa group has been reported hunting and killing these lightbound warriors, and quite successfully. Thus, we’re sent on a mission to try and recruit them, same thing could occur with the botani invasion.

This is merely one, very simplistic and very watered down idea, that while may sound a bit odd COULD be made interesting with the proper adjustments. To be honest I’m just rambling at this point heh. But give your thoughts, let’s bounce ideas off of eachother!

Now racials, when we get Arakkoa and Saberon, I would hope to learn more about their history, cultures, and overall some mentions of their bloody past. Racial abilities could VERY WELL be connected to it in a way, mentioned it several times in the past, but we could have little quests before we get them that explain the significance of these abilities to their culture. Hell, maybe the saberon and birds decided to let bygones be bygones back on AU Draenor and they started feeding the cats those crystals to make them smarter! KEK


Botani could be the threat for the Horde. So with the Saberon, they could fight this threat toghter and Saberon could join the Horde so they know they will have a future in Azeroth after leaving Draenor (WoD).

For Arakkoa, I could see a group fleeing the Lightbound from Draenor (WoD) and meeting the Alliance so they can help them to fight this threat so they could get a new future in Azeroth in the Alliance.


A war on two fronts? That could be interesting, however would be incredibly hard to not jumble all together and ruin it. Could open up with an expansion of these factions facing these groups, only for those two enemies to become one? Botani now infused with the light, not only hellbent on devouring the world in a jungle, but with the holy blight… Honestly sounds even more terrifying. I like it.


the cheetah saberron will have super speed - they can run as fast as a flying mount

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SO, something I’ve been thinking about, what with the next expansion on the way and the game improving over the past month or so… I’ve been drawing monsters for as long as I remember, and recently a friend of mine has me drawing one of their OC’s. A khajiit blacksmith, who in design is very similar to that of the saberon (Long story short, khajiit was raised by orcs and worships Malacath). So, what would be the more unique customization options for the saberon? More than likely they’ll have manes and warpaint options as, well that just makes sense, but would warpaint and fur pattern be two separate customization options? Could you lets say, give your character black fur, with white tiger stripes, and some red warpaint? Then for mane styles, what can we expect to see? Personally I’d love to see something like a short mane in a bit of a top knot, maybe some bones and feathers woven into the hair, knots (dread knots to be specific), and all that fun stuff. From what I know of the Saberon’s culture, they have quite a bit in common with the Yautja (The Predator), which in my personal opinion are the coolest aliens created in popular media. So, could we expect to see some similarities with the Yautja in design and armor as well?

Not only that, what about the different saberon fur pallets? Does this hold any affects on their biology? Example, let’s take what Felleynd above said (be it a joke or not, interesting to think about) if a saberon is more like a cheetah in appearance, will they be more slender and faster than their more lion like brethren?

Edit: Okay so, was talking to a friend about this stuff, and he mentioned a character from another game. Shared some art, some info about the character’s people, history, etc, and honestly it reminds me of the Saberon. Check out “Rengar” from “League of Legends”, from what I understand he’s a cat man whose culture is all about finding a bigger meaner target to kill, so “Glory in the Hunt”. Saberon seem to follow this tradition from what we’ve seen of them in certain quests, and one of the skins for Rengar is quite similar to what I’d imagine for Saberon’s heritage armor. Not spot on, but similar. Called the “Head Hunter”. PERSONALLY, I wouldn’t be mad if Blizzard decided to take some inspiration from this character to add more to the Saberon to make them playable. From what I can tell, Rengar is still savage to some extent, but civil enough to work with others… Which IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, is perfect for Saberon, as the whole reason I like the saberon is due to their more hunter orientated culture, and savage nature. Also… Wasn’t the tiger guy we kill in Highmaul ALL ABOUT showing strength in the kill? :eyes:

Also I’d pull up art of the skin but dunno how to post it, ain’t letting me. :confused:


In lore, I can imagine different types of Saberon having different features, since most were living in completely different ecosystems and terrain types. Those based on Cheetahs would be faster than other tribes while those based on Panthers would be more stealth-inclined, I assume.

For playable Saberon, everyone would have the same racials and such. I imagine it would be hard to code it otherwise, and having to be a particular fur type to have certain racial perks sounds annoying on many levels for players. But for lore purposes, I do think it adds a lot of flavor to have the different types of Saberon be more adept at some features to compared to other Saberon.

As for Saberon customization features, aside from fur patterns, I’m only as good as making small suggestions on that. I think others would be more creative on the types of customization features playable Saberon would have. My expertise in customization options only really is good for Lizardmen races like Saurok. I’m not that great in creativity when it comes to specifics otherwise, sadly.

Is it a URL to the image? I know there is a way to post URL’s on here without being a higher Trust Level, but I can’t remember it. It might be putting ` in front of it or something.

You could also hyperlink the URL in text you type. It’s the icon between the I and the " in the toolbar on top of your forum typing area. Just type text, highlite it with the mouse, then click it to make it a clickable URL.

One of us with Trust Level 3 would be happy to share it if you can link it as well. :smiley:

Also, I’m thinking some on the whole Botani Saberon war thing and will make another post on it. Had some thoughts on it I could use some opinions on. :lion:

—11 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


That and takes away the freedom in creating the character in the first place, because then it may force a player to go a certain design for the character that they won’t want. Was speaking from purely a lore stand point.

Putting a space between it to try and put it up here, art done by Mkuchima on Deviant Art

https: //images-wixmp- ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2 -c506-48a2-af8a-dd6446f4e07c/d8v2f41- c598b457-98fd-43d9-ac82-41a05ec285b4.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1024,q_75,strp/head_hunter_rengar____by_mkuchima_d8v2f41-fullview.jpg? token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAyNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E2MmE5NzE3LWM1MDYtNDhhMi1hZjhhLWRkNjQ0NmY0ZTA3Y1wvZDh2MmY0MS1jNTk4YjQ1Ny05OGZkLTQzZDktYWM4Mi00MWEwNWVjMjg1YjQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.gGN-PxxwJQdEXDS-0iM8GhW_LU3SiYcb_72XGA0yHIE

Do tell.




I’ve been asking for an alliance feline race since vulpera appeared in the horde and alliance got the mech. Horde could get Ogre.

On the other hand, feline is a solo race. They should be able to choose their own faction.

Otherwise, make Saberon Horde, and make a different feline race for alliance.


oooh saberon rogues

would they be a primal race???