Okay I just read this, after I reply I’ll read the replies and posts of the other people.
ANYWAY, in Draenor AU it’s been over 30 years, and they’ve been fighting the light bound… SOO it’s not too difficult to imagine that a number of saberon would have allied with some Orcs as a means to survive. So it could be possible that the saberon heart rituals and them eating orcs for the MOST part, have stopped possibly.
However we don’t know if they have, so that’s completely speculative sadly, as for leaders… looks at Leo and the big tiger follower I have a couple candidates in mind. If we go the Leo route (the Shaman Saberon follower who became more calm and intelligent by consuming Apexis) we don’t HAVE to say it was him specifically, what if it was his kid? Think of it this way, after the victory on Draenor, Leo continues consuming apexis, becomes more and more intelligent, finds a mate, has a few cubs… And those cubs carry on that very intelligence, if not EVEN MORE intelligent than. NOW, imagine if Leo got MORE saberon to consume apexis crystals, who then had cubs of their own, you see where I’m going with this yeah? This would wipe away the concern about them being too savage or feral for them to be an allied race, then maybe have the Tauren or Night Elves get in contact with them, and teach them a little bit more about civilization during our time in the Shadowlands, and boom there ya go, saberon who are intelligent enough to be an allied race! ALTHOUUUGH, I would hope that they developed some sense of honor, since again if they spent time with Orcs it would only make sense ye? And with that, we move onto religion. Now, I roleplay a Saberon, and what he is, is just a carry over of my ESO character, Val’duka Shadowclaw, a khajiit chieftain of the Shadowclaw Tribe. Me and a number of friends created our own lore, and I’ll admit I took some inspiration from the WoW orcs <_< Now, the tribe worships someone called O’hama, in the Taagra (Khajiit language) tongue that means nature, and they seek a life of honor and glory, however they are still rather savage, believing that eating someone’s corpse is a way to show respect and honor their life (However had to retcon that since some people were uncomfortable with that in the guild). Now on top of this, they weren’t afraid to torture or “play” with their food, nor stabbing someone in the back, since they had a strange sense of honor, (namely to keep a savage feel to it) NOW incorporate THAT with the Saberon, and add some changes. Make them worship Shiverallah (sorry if I mispelled that) in place of O’hama, and mix the savagery we know and love about the saberon, with a sense of honor and we got an interesting culture behind them! They could honestly be like, two sides of the same coin with worgen in a sense, Worgen worship Hir- I mean Goldrinn whistles innocently Heh
MEANWHILE, the Saberon worship Shivirallah! Sorry if I’m getting a wee bit carried away, just thinking of different cultures for different races gets me a bit excited, and I just start going all crazy with different ideas. It’s one of my favorite topics when discussing possible or new playable races.
Heritage Armor, YES, give us something boney, and tribal as all heck, but if we’re saying they’ve been on Azeroth for the past 2+ years after Shadowlands… Would it not be possible that they’ve started implementing some metal into their armor as well? Maybe they got it from stealing supplies from local, I forget the word, uhhh trader convoys? CARAVANS!! Ye, with that in mind, I could imagine like little metal scraps in certain parts of their armor and weapons, just… Blizzard don’t go too heavy on the metal, because we still gotta have that tribal feel to it dangit! ANYWAY, I’m thinking like what we see on the usual saberon models, get some bones, maybe a hood with a couple feathers hanging off the side of it, big bones on the shoulder pads, maybe even an animal skull, then toss in some metal scraps that’d hold some pieces together. Could make it look like a mixture between rogue/Druid, Hunter, priest, and warrior y’know? That way it could fit any class! 
Faction Wise, I don’t care if they’re Horde, OR Alliance, because either way I’ll be race changing one of my Val’duka’s. Either the Mag’har, or the Worgen, both of em are Saberon IC (In Character) and were made specifically for that purpose. Truth be told, I can see Saberon fitting either faction, all just depends on what path Blizzard takes them, like you said Lore, the nightelves could show a big interest in the Saberon, especially if they worship a wild god or Loa, and take them in like the worgen and as they say, show em the ropes. Same goes with the tauren, ESPECIALLY if somehow, some way, Blizzard goes a similar route with the culture like the one I mentioned earlier, they see the Tauren, let em in (if a little stand offish because of the past, worried they may have came on unfriendly terms but decide to give em a chance that could go for either Ally or Horde) and after learning more about the Horde they say "Well these people are honorable, and have proven to be strong… Let’s see if they have more to offer. And they join em, but there are SO many different possibilities for the saberon with factions, they could work for both Horde and Alliance, the choice is just limited by Blizzards Imagination!
Models, well we already know a bit from the male models, and I do agree that the female worgen model would work perfectly for the female saberon… Although I do think a few edits might work better for the saberon. Example, Dance… I can’t imagine a saberon dancing like a worgen without seeing it as a joke, or possible cringe, so maybe give them a bit more rigid, and even tribalistic looking dance? Something that could incorporate their claws y’know, and could do that for a few more emotes. Voice lines, I imagine they’d have a few jokes that’d be poking fun at the Worgen, and even Vulpera, maybe all the other beast races. Roar though… That I’d be VERY interested in hearing, give us something REALLY savage and beastial, let us hear that they are still monsters!
Banner, well I think they’d probably use an animal hide and some paint, and if it now consists of multiple Saberon Clans like the Mag’har does, then again it only makes things a bit more interesting I think. Meanwhile Racial wise, truth be told I’m kinda leaning more towards Shredding Net, and Claws in the Night, especially the net since I think that’d be very useful in PvP, or in dungeons when a NPC is running away to pull more stuff to you and wipe your party. The Roar could also work quite well, and for priests could be like another scream for them! Apex Predator, YES, YES YES YES, GIMME! It makes PERFECT sense for them! As for mounts, I’d love to have a panther (or really any kind of feline) decorated in tribal armor, maybe even offer various colorations of it :>
Sorry for how long this is, just really like Saberon, been wanting a feline race since MoP, and when I saw the druid talent in WoD AND Saberon NPC’s I was so excited that we may eventually get them as an actual race! ANYWAY, I’ma read the other comments now <_<