Unnerf the pre-patch event please


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See, that is where we differ. I got flamed time and again for suggesting the wm opt in/out, but it doesn’t make me happy that the people who want the event to be crazy won’t get that opportunity. We could have had the best of both worlds if the wm option had been implemented.


I honestly don’t understand what you hope to accomplish with your time at the literal end of the expansion. Its a week or two at best and you act like all your characters are going to die if you cant farm 10 achievement points.

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We could’ve indeed had the best of both worlds. But you see that’s what happens when people decide to say “no opt in shut up whiner” Imagine what could’ve been if most people just agreed that an opt in/out would’ve been nice.


And your characters won’t die if you can’t kill someone who just wants to be left alone to play the game as they see fit.

The solution is to find a compromise that works for everyone, not to tell the “other side” they’re playing wrong. Taking a hard line “just suck it up” attitude winds up with what we got: a nerf to the whole blasted event.


Neither side is a monolith though. Why should everyone who was looking forward to this miss out because -some- were mean to you?

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Because of attitudes like yours.


Could be karma perhaps. If people are going to act like a jerk because some one doesn’t view things the same way you do then your fun gets ruined. I’m sad this is happening, but I have no sympathy for those who were being toxic towards people asking for an opt out. Glad their fun is ruined.(but still don’t think it was the player base that caused this)


The sad part is that I keep seeing more and more people saying they would have been happy with the opt in wm that want the full blown event. If only this would have been the case earlier. Maybe there is still a chance to get Blizzard to go that route.


What attitude exactly are you referring to?

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And now most whom were called whiners by the majority of these people aren’t going to stand up and help the people wanted to experience the event get the event back because of that same hard line. If you do that stuff, don’t expect them to not smile and laugh at you just like you laughed at them. Hopefully this is a lesson for some of those people on the forums. But they will probably forget about it next week.

Yeah, now that the event has been nerfed people are suddenly fine with having an opt in/opt out, but before it was a vast sea of “you’ll be forced to let me grief you and you’ll like it, or just don’t log in for four weeks.”

There’s a whiff of hypocrisy in the forums right now.


Not want to compromise and have the full un-nerfed event as opt-in for people who want to enjoy it.

When did I say that I didn’t want to compromise? My whole original post on this thread was a list of compromises that I thought might work.

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I was fine with the opt in/opt out from the beginning.

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Well, honestly, why should they care that the people who rejected all ideas of compromise in order to have fun at other’s expense, are now the ones losing out on fun? I’m sad to lose the chaos of the event, and I’d still like to find a compromise that works for both sides, but I’m not going to chide the people who were being insulted because they aren’t rallying to the support of the people who were - and still are - insulting them.


I think what happens is that the most vocal of each side of the issue were so set in stone regarding their opinions that everyone else got drowned out. Now we are where we are.


I will say this thread is much more mature than the other one about this topic…for now.

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OK sorry I misunderstood. I was going off the comment below and it didn’t sound like you wanted to compromise.

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