Unlocking Unobtainable Appearances in Class for Retail?

Such a good argument u got there!

Whatever keeps you comfy at night. I foresee someone is gonna be a sad rogue when Classic launches.

It’s a fair argument, has blizzard does change it’s opinion based on demand. If you can’t sate the customer, then the customer will spend their money elsewhere


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It’s a fair point. But the amount of grinding/leveling/etc you need to hit max and gear to obtain those sought after items equates to contributing to the community on their journey



If they are only here for the transmogs then let them come get it. They will put up the work required to achieve it. I rather have an actual community than one that will die from starved content

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It’s not going to happen /thread


Classic is Retail, you will need to pay to play it.

Classic is an entirely different game than Modern WoW. It makes as much sense to get an achievement or appearance in Modern WoW by playing Starcraft Remaster as it does to include any kind of crossover in Classic to modern.

In other words, it’s a terrible idea because modern collectivists will feel as if Blizzard is forcing them to play Classic when they’re not interested.

This would be as ridiculous as expecting people to purchase a trading card game just to RNG luck out to get a BiS item for Classic WoW.

Absolutely no sensible person wants to play that way.

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It’s not about if they contributed to a community or not.

It’s that asking people to put in hundreds of hours into a game they may not even want to play just to get a reward in an entirely different game is probably not the best of ideas.

I’d be pretty annoyed if Blizzard tied rewards in Classic to needing to play hundreds of hours of BfA or Starcraft.

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I foresee many people becoming sad pallys, quitting and Classic dying. That’s the reason for the thread. Pay closer attention.

Blizzard is known for their shady marketing tactics, no one is denying that. WoW Classic maybe different from retail, but it is still WoW. No one with a working brain thinks it will force people to play old content, has this entire idea only came to fruition because of years of demand even in the face of “You think you do” from Blizzard

What our thoughts are on the matter are irrelevant. It’s not going to happen. Blizzard officials have stated that it won’t happen and the Classic community doesn’t want it.

That’s all that matters. What might draw a retail player to Classic is secondary to maintaining the vanilla experience. Obtaining shiny transmogs is contradictory to the vanilla experience.

You say Blizzard can change their stance on stuff, but this isn’t something that is mutable. What Classic is and is not is about as well defined as anything can be. It’s not an ever changing entity like retail is and so there simply isn’t room for changes.

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Tiea is here to make classic a succes such a nobel figure!

But seriously:


At this point it’s nothing more than trolling…


You underestimate the power of the consumer. WoW Classic came to fruition because the people will so desperate for old content that they were getting it illegaly from Private Servers.

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Says the person not contributing to this forum

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And the Classic community is the consumer. It’s who this game is made for. So what the community wants, which is an as pure as possible Classic, is what we’ll get.

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Holy cow it’s becoming self-aware of it’s actions!

Why isn’t it? What if them deciding to make a toon and level through made it so a pug had the last slot needed for a dungeon or quest as opposed to saying we can get a full group screw this and going back to retail?

Optional cosmetic rewards though… You don’t have to get them. There’s thousands of other clothing/weapon options

If the majority says “no” then I will concede. However there is no way of knowing what the majority believes

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