Like most progression guilds we’re preparing our guild for the new raid The Eternal Palace. There’s been a number of articles over the internet published stating that there’s a quest line / attunement to be completed in order to access and unlock The Eternal Palace.
I’m unable to find anything -official- from Blizzard saying that this must be done in order to access the new content. Can someone please confirm if this is the case or not? We need to know if we have to force everyone to complete this quest line, or if it’s only required by a single person (raid leader) in order to access the raid.
“According to Wowhead’s Nazjtar guide, completing all three parts for the Sunken Ambitions/Unfathomable achievements will grant access to the Eternal Palace. Unfortunately we don’t know what the extent of that is and the devs have not confirmed anything about any attunement.”
Attunement Tokens will be available on the Shop for the low low price of $29.95!
Or you can pick up our Deluxe Attunement Package for only $59.95 which includes the Greedverian Dreamer of Cash mount and complimentary Eternal Palace AOTC Achievement!
Just did the handful that open after finally finishing the “get 3000 experience with followers” and there’s some cutscenes and an achievement about the way to the Eternal Palace being open now. That also gives the quest to defeat Queen Azshara.
I’m interested in knowing as well. I do all the quests and rep/achievements on my paladin, but generally raid on my druid. This would not be a pleasant surprise on the 9th to find out I was doing the quest line on the wrong character.
I came to this section of the forums to look for an answer.
I hear rumors of an attunement. That you need to do all the quests. But I have not seen anything definitive.
My Druid main does all my questing. I really dont want to repeat it all on every level 120 I have just to be able to zone into a raid for a casual Alt night.