As an update… I have not finished the quest line on my main character. I missed a few follower dailies, so I’m one quest short for the 3000 rep quest, which I’m pretty sure leads into the rest of the chain.
I cannot get into the water to swim down to the raid entrance; I’m stuck running on top, with a barrier blocking the surface.
So it does look like you need to finish the quest chain to get there yourself. Not sure about getting summoned in, though.
Edit - and the secret entrances don’t appear to work, either.
Not only do you have to do it on ONE character to unlock it, it seems you have to do it on any other character you want to access the raid. I can’t even get in on my horde characters even though I finished it on my alliance main. This is crazy…
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Pretty sure blizzard will make the quest completion on any of your characters give account wide credit
Or this change will go down about as great as the idea of requiring real names on forums back in the day
They’ll do what they usually do. It’ll get hotfixed to being unlocked on every toon in a week or two. It’s been the case with other stuff in content before. I think they do it as a means of throttling. Because in this way it creates the fewest amount of raid instances to which they can sort out bugs and balancing in the coming weeks.
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it’s true and is not fair.
I’m so glad that I completed the 3K follower rep and quest chain on my warlock last night, hopefully I can zone in and summon my entire raid!
As for everyone else …
Vanilla was the best, vanilla had attunements
Bring make attunements, it will make WoW great again
Thanks classic community for wanting classic features returned to retail…
Can confirm - if you have not completed the quest line on a character, it can be summoned to the raid and enter as normal. This character has completed the quest and can get there through the whirlpool, my monk cannot reach the raid entrance through the whirlpool but can be summoned and enter fine.
Everything is fine, how are you?
I can’t sign up for this raid through group finder. Two of my characters are above 380 armor level and show the raid as unavailable, one having the Ashara quest, and my shaman can get to the raid entrance through the pool. My other 120s show they don’t meet the minimum 380 armor level. I should be able to access it right?
Are you from the future? Sounds like something Blizzard would do.
Hmm, my toon still can’t get down in the water pool to get to the entrance.