Unlocking collections in Retail by playing Classic

The Retail players who posted the Wall of No for years? Such lovely people.

Honestly if it doesn’t affect classic in any way who cares. It’s not like a retail player will be able to get any classic gear in raids without properly raiding anyway (or swiping their credit card and gdkping). So it might bring a few extra players to the classic scene.

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It does if they only want to get loot and scoot.
I’d like to see people in Classic that love that iteration of the game and want to remain - not to unlock things for retail.

So we get an influx of players that go on to ghost. That’s not community-building.

There, there, friend.

Would a hug help?

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As someone in of the few era guilds clearing naxx regularly, would you like to tell me exactly HOW these “ghosts” will get that T3 with Ashbringer/Atiesh set? I’m really curious - because I’d love to know how to speed up getting my own Atiesh. I’m really curious to imagine how these “tourists” will get their shineys without raiding normally like the rest of us who are after the same things they are.


Ido already responded to this, but yeah, you’re not going to be given a full set of tier/bis items on your first week of raiding. If people want to get things like a thunderfury for their retail xmog or a certain tier set they are going to need to put effort into a guild.

I don’t think someone is going to full consume and raid every week and put in effort to get some priority on items then randomly quit the second they get an item. And even if they do, they would of helped the guild enough with the time they put in already.

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Hope you will enjoy those items in Classic is all I’m saying.
Blizzard has already made their stance known and I appreciate them being upfront on this one.

Although the CM stated at the moment nothing at this time has changed. People are certainly able to continue to ask but based on Blizzard’s statement not expect it to happen.

You have not given a single valid reason for your stance. You’ve appealed to authority, you’ve used the words “should” and “ought” without saying a reason. And you’ve stated that it will cause classic tourists, which indicates you must not play era if you are able to believe this.

If you want to make a case for why it’s a bad idea, I’m all ears and happy to discuss, but posting walls of no is wasting your time and mine.


Argue with Blizz not me.
I never said you could not ask so there’s no reason to be snippy with me.

I don’t have to make a case. Blizz said at Blizzcon and that was confirmed by a CM: play Classic and get Classic things to use in Classic not Retail.


Asma stated the ultimate in valid reasons.

“Because Blizz said so.”

You seem a little wound up.

Would a hug help, friend?

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