Unlocking collections in Retail by playing Classic

Wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on being able to unlock mounts, pets, etc. in Retail by playing Classic. I remember the argument during WotLK being that Blizzard had to remove mounts from being unlocked due to the content becoming easier. Classic kind of flips the tables on that. Being able to unlock content in Retail by playing Classic would increase the incentive of playing Classic content imho. I believe it would increase subscriptions, and ultimately push players towards Retail as they unlock the old content.


The two should remain separate ecosystems.



Keep 'em separate.


I would 10000% play classic more if I was able to get collectables in retail from playing classic. I do believe, though, it should NOT be the other way around. Like if I got something in retail, it shouldn’t help my classic character in anyway. The things from classic that would carry over to retail would be cosmetic only or potentially mounts. That’s it and some mounts be excluded (like the black battle tank mount).


This has been brought up before. I remember some dev saying you should play Classic to enjoy Classic…not to unlock things for Retail.


Right but in season of mastery stuff, why wouldn’t it be an incentive to not only have the character transferable to the classic era server (after it’s all completed) and have rewards / xmogs in retail showing that you did x y z in classic season of mastery?

Idk just brain storming.

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People should play Classic because they want to be there and play Classic. Why would anyone in retail care if you played in Yesterdayland? Mounts and achievements for example that were removed from retail shouldn’t be backdoored in by grabbing them in Classic. Those items belong in Classic not retail if they were removed from that iteration of the game.


No. Play retail if you want retail items.

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It wouldn’t increase subs at all, because anyone that wants to play retail an/or Classic already is.

Personally I’m for this idea. The more traffic we get into era, the better.
If retail ever improves into a playable state, having the xmog and achieves I’ve earned here would be nice. Don’t foresee that happening anytime soon, but one can dream.


That’s one way to increase the user traffic into classic content - provide tasks for players to do in classic wow; rewards are then provided to the user in the retail wow environment (which would only be available for use in the latter).

Will it work? Hard to say. I’m down though.


And it would completely devalue everything players have obtained in retail over the years.

They should not do this at all. It shouldn’t even be a consideration.

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Devalue? How? They did the same things to get the items/achieves as the old time players did. Just in a different year.


They did not.
Retail players cannot earn certain mounts/titles/gear appearances at this time in Retail because they have been removed from the game. The “old time” players earned it when it was in the progression/Retail version of the game. Earning these items in Classic is fine but since they are no longer a part of the Retail version of the game they should not be obtainable/account-wide for use in Retail.

Keeping them in Classic only should be a draw for playing AND staying in Classic.

I would prefer to see players that want to play Classic for what it is. Not as a means to get perks for a different game (which as they are separate Retail pretty much is a different game) as a tourist. If you don’t care to play Classic (that is a general you not specific) except to get rewards in Retail, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe ask for more goodies for tasks you do in that version of the game.

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If the think the game in classic is that much different than retail back in the day, I suggest you file a bug report and get classic fixed to be the same.
What you’re arguing for exclusivity - not equality. Your argument doesn’t really make sense with “per account” achievements. I don’t know about you, but my classic and retail games are on the same account. I argue that people who do the same things should get the same credit.
You seem to be trying to protect a “special status” based solely on playing the game earlier. I don’t see why you think this, but absent of convincing arguments, we will have to agree to disagree.

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Do you have to log into each separately on the launcher?
There are separate dropdowns for each.
They are separate and should remain so.

I didn’t really say anything about equality. Perhaps my wording was poor but yes you may have one bnet account but you can use that account to log into WoW or Hearthstone or another game. Blizzard has had one time cross-promotions before ie the Hearthsteed mount in WoW for playing games in Hearthstone. There is no way to earn that or the Warlord’s Deathwheel or Tyrael’s Charger etc any longer. They were one time and gone just like the other items removed. But garnering items that have been removed from Retail WoW by playing (and promptly ghosting once obtained - this is in general not specifically you) Classic doesn’t do Classic any good. People should be playing Classic for Classic not to get items to use in Retail.

Same launcher - same game icon - different dropbox - big whoopie. I don’t see how this is an argument though. As someone with Tyrael’s Charger in retail, how would it diminish mine if someone else could get theirs (not that it’s much of an achievement since it’s a pay for a 6 month sub thing)? I’m for putting that stuff back in the game. Why not? If someone gets their moose mount from killing heoric archmonde in retail WoD or some future classic WoD, what difference does it make? Hell - a classic WoD version of that mount would probably be much better earned as the the 3 and 1/2 people playing a classic WoD would require them to actually earn it, instead of being like the 1/2 of the people who got it by a carry during WoD retail (I know how many we sold to people).

As for what does classic good… that would be more players. Our vanilla era server group has one raiding guild horde side (about a month ago we had to 36 man Sapphiron) and around 15 pages of items total on the AH.
I don’t much care why people would choose to play, as long as they play. You still have not stated why it “does no good”. I think it would do a hell of a lot of good - to both the economy and group finding. And by the time the people level up, gear up to get into naxx, and then stay the many many weeks/months to get their corrupted ashbringers or full T3 or whatever, they’ll be a part of the community we want and frankly need. With the amount of effort they sink in, they might choose to stay - you never know - but even if they don’t they’ll have been a productive addition to the community during their stay.

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If people want things to use in retail they can ask for them to be put into retail to be earned there.

Classic things stay in Classic and if people want to use the item/s they can stay, earn and use them in Classic. Play Classic to enjoy those Classic things.

There really isn’t an argument against this, but a lot of Classic players are incredibly spiteful. They HATE Retail players, and want them to have nothing.


Classic players want to see people in the Classic Era that want to stay there and keep playing. I don’t hate retail players - I played both. You are welcome to all the retail things in the retail version of the game. No one is saying that retail players should be ignored and “have nothing”.

The two are basically separate games though and should remain separate.