My irl friend and I did what Blizzard asked and took the transfer off Benediction to Sulfuras. It was a leap of faith, moving from an alliance mega server to an underdog server, but we wanted to be part of the solution and took the fix offered to us.
Our mutual irl friend decided to try the game out only for us to discover Sulfuras has been locked to new players?!
Seems a bit unfair for this to be the case. We took the transfer to help alleviate the problem, we are now locked to Sulfuras for trying to do the right thing, and now our irl buddy can’t even play with us.
It’s one thing for mega servers to be locked, but to have the transfer server also locked, it’s like a punishment to players who tried to do what Blizzard asked. We can’t play with our friend, we can’t move, we’re stuck.
Blizzard please consider unlocking Sulfuras for new players, at least Alliance side? It would mean a lot to us. Thanks!
thats pretty sad. the server is even horde dominated and they wont let alliance in.
Be great if I could get my alts over on Sulfuras where I already have a multitude of level 70+ characters and won’t be impacting the online population at all since I’m already online on Sulfuras every day.
Hey everyone just bumping this thread, thanks for reading!
There are no queues on Sulfuras on prime hours. Why is this server still locked???
There are queues every night starting roughly 8pm.
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It is not horde dominated. It’s pretty much 50/50
There’s quite a few servers with minor queues during primetime that aren’t locked to new players. I hope Blizzard can see the situation and open up Sulfuras so we can play with our friends. Locking us after we took a transfer to alleviate queues feels unfair.
Even so, it’s not a huge queue if only start at 8 pm.
is that just how it feels to you?
level 75-80 shows alliance 36% horde 64%
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I thought this until expansion launched. It’s DEFINITELY horde dominated. You can clearly see the difference out in the open world/Dalaran.
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Sulf is currently the best kept secret in wow. Questing you can feel a slight horde advantage but they don’t really try and bully alliance. There’s too many of us and alliance are helping out alliance when the call is made. Definitely feels like a different breed of alliance players on sulf. That being said, unlock the server to alliance players blizz. We helped the strain on bene now let some of our friends who were late join us.
I know what you mean about a different kind of Alliance player on Sulfuras. It’s kind of more laid back pvp focused? Idk how to describe it.
Blizzard please look into unlocking Sulfuras for new alliance players!
Pretty sure the blizz team handling servers has no idea what they are doing. You’re probably out of luck
Sulfuras grew on me honestly, my toons were stuck on sulfuras when it was dead as a door knob and I sent my mage with all my gold to bene and leveled a shaman and hunter to max.
Nowadays I barely play on Bene because of the huge queues and ended up maxing and having fun tanking on my prot war for a guild I found.
Probably would funnel my toons to sulfuras if it unlocked as benediction is far too sweaty for me + queues
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We could use the alliance!
Just had a friend come back to the game. He bought the boost and was excited to play with all his friends, only to find out Sulfuras was locked. I didn’t even know they locked servers until today! I very infrequently encounter ques and the server doesn’t seem “overpopulated”. Is Blizz expecting another surge of players sometime soon or are they perhaps waiting for population numbers to be more consistent? Also, what changed in Eranikus to make it unlock recently?
Yes PLEASE let me bring my 70 alts from bene to sulfuras
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Hey guys just bumping this thread for interest!
This is how you should maintain faction balance. Lock factions whenever the imbalance reaches 5-10%.