Unlock Druid forms of a different Race

What do you think of unlocking druid forms of other races, IE Kul Tiran on a NE, Zandalari Troll forms on an Alliance, ETC, The Unlock could be to get to max level on the race and do a quest. Would allow alts to be alts and mains to have more options.


As a Druid main and roleplayer since Vanilla… I see no issues with this.

If we can invite demons into the fold and let them be Paladins, there’s zero reason a Druid can’t learn a new form from another Wild God— especially given we have Legion artifact forms.


This was my thinking too. All Legion Artifact forms are for all races. So i can’t see a reason it wouldn’t make since. If a Zandalari troll can go from Turtle to hulking bear, then why can’t a bear go to spikey turtle.

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i would use zandalari moonkin form

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I actually haven’t seen that yet, i just saw a spikey turtle form near time rifts and was like, Well damn now i need a Zandalari Troll Druid.

Personally, since the boundaries of factions are much less solidified these days, I think it’d be cool. Like imagine some Tauren pilgrims traveling to Kul Tiras to see the oceans and exchange ideas with the Thornspeakers. I feel like those stories enrich a game’s world just as much as if not more than conflict.

I would rather they didn’t. There’s plenty of shared skins without stealing from other races.


Another reason why it can’t really be argued against.

I mean i see your point and I raise you a, what’s wrong with more customization?

Sure, add more skins but let the different druid races keep their unique skins if they want to show their racial identity.

(that’s the word I was looking for, thanks Karat)


We already have little enough racial identity as it is; I don’t think getting rid of whats left is ideal. I don’t main a druid though so I guess I don’t really have a dog in the race either way.


Nothing. One of the Legion artifact skins is already a troll themed cat.

Yup been thinking about this for a while, Even if they locked behind a quest line where we have to go get attuned with them

Again, i fail to see how this removes racial identity? say a Horde main, wants to be on their alliance for awhile, should they not be able to use their Horde Druid forms? you know to show they are/like the horde forms more? Either way gating skins based off race seems to be a step backwards in 2024 :slight_smile:

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How can you “fail to see” that? If everyone can be a lion with horns and Thunder Bluff tattoos, then how can you tell it’s not a tauren at a distance?


It doesn’t. There’s literally a troll themed cat from the Legion artifacts and half the people I know aren’t even using the base racial forms.

A wild god is a wild god is a wild god. A druid can absolutely be granted a different form, seeing how many there are already.

Overhead name color? You know that shows if they are the opposite faction?

I mean the new Druid form from the dream WB, i don’t see how people can tell what race they are from a distance if every race can be in that Runebear form?

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I’d love to unlock Druid forms from other races, but since we can’t even unlock the languages of other races, I find it hard to believe Blizz will let that happen :frowning:

If someone is using the artifact skin then they don’t want racial identity. If someone is using a race specific skin, then obviously they do.

I don’t see the point of stealing from other races when Blizzard dumped a bunch of new skins for Druids last patch and I’m sure they’ll do more in the future. And I’m 99.9% positive they’re going to ignore your request anyways because doing that would be like letting everyone wear everyone’s heritage armor.


Well i at least agree with you here ^ _ ^ also fixed your math XD

You are right on point!