I don’t agree with that sentiment. This feral form just looks like an updated troll feral form to me:
I’d even settle for an individual form from each race. Example, make them all have this sort of tint:
This way they are unique but at the same time they wouldn’t intrude on anyone’s racial identity if that’s all people care about.
I would actually be so blown away if I could use the Kul Tiran Forms on my Worgen Druid, I would actually main wow as my main MMO for the next decade. Please do this Blizzard.
I want to race change to KT instantly for their feral form, but shadowmeld is just too good. Plus armor looks better on nelf than obese humans.
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This would be my perfect game lol. Bc I do not want to be a troll, but the troll feral forms are by far my favorite.